said:Is there anyway I can reset character's status, perhaps mod or console command? I messed up with my build and would like to rebuild again. said:Is there anyway I can reset character's status, perhaps mod or console command? I messed up with my build and would like to rebuild again.
Chairman Yang said:So what's the word on new player-made quests? How does the toolset (and its potential for new content) compare to, say, NWN1 or 2?
burgerdog said:Here's a silly question: Are you still able to get achievements if you use mods? I'm almost done with the game and want to use the respec mod, but not if it will prevent me from getting the last few story achievements.
RedSwirl said:[*]Do I have more control over my party in combat on PC?: Ripping off Final Fantasy XII for the console versions was a smart move in my opinion, but I'm finding it hard to coordinate my party as a whole. Does the PC version give you complete individual control?
Chairman Yang said:So what's the word on new player-made quests? How does the toolset (and its potential for new content) compare to, say, NWN1 or 2?
Basileus777 said:It's my understanding that the toolset is capable, but not anything close to being as easy to use as NWN1's. You'll see quests and content come out, but I wouldn't expect it to be anything like NWN1 in terms of volume.
Sinatar said:Yes.
It'd look way better. Incalculably better.RedSwirl said:How much control?
Also, how far does each origin story go? In the human noble story I just did the joining to be a Grey Warden.
Also, I'll say again, the PS3 version did not look good at all. Would the PC version look any better on this rig?
2.4GHz Quad Core CPU
GeForce 8800 512MB GPU
Don't know too much about the console versions and how they play, but I would say you have total control. On top of having a mouse (which is the biggest factor, I would thin) you're also able to switch between characters via F1-F4. You can use their respective abilities with the number keys, pause like a madman, or even turn tactics off completely if you want to do everything yourself (which would only serve to make things a bit more tedious, in my opinion...). You can also get a better view of the battle field with the bird's eye view. I would hazard a guess that the camera controls overall are better as well.RedSwirl said:How much control?
Rufus said:Don't know too much about the console versions and how they play, but I would say you have total control. On top of having a mouse (which is the biggest factor, I would thin) you're also able to switch between characters via F1-F4. You can use their respective abilities with the number keys, pause like a madman, or even turn tactics off completely if you want to do everything yourself (which would only serve to make things a bit more tedious, in my opinion...). You can also get a better view of the battle field with the bird's eye view. I would hazard a guess that the camera controls overall are better as well.
Watch some gameplay videos of the PC version if the above isn't giving you a clear idea of things.
MechaX said:I also named my pooch "Carth" for some cheap laughs on my part.
sweetwasabi said:you`re a bad man :lol
received as an early gift. so Ill be playing on 360 too. Hopefully it doesnt play like that game Oblivion, cause I have no idea how those games are played
Welp, that can't be helped. I don't mind it, but I wouldn't call it good, either. What annoys me more is the lack of variety in the character models and hairstyles. But this game has been ages in development and the amount of stuff that made it in is more than respectable, so I'm more than willing to excuse that as well. Eh, I just like the game for what it is. Here's hoping Dragon Age too won't take another 5 years...RedSwirl said:If this is all in fact rectified on the PC then my last remaining issue on Dragon Age is the art style.
RedSwirl said:So I checked out this video of the game supposedly maxed out on the same video card I've got:
It looks like the only things that will really be better are the resolution, frame rate, and combat.
Judging by that video the console version doesn't sacrifice as much as I'd thought. Only differences I saw were that on consoles you only get six slots for hotkeys, you have to cycle through party members instead of selecting each one instantly, and switching equipment is probably more complicated.
You know what? I don't care much for the graphics either. Disapppointing. But it dosen't matter much ones you start playing - because the game is just great.RedSwirl said:I guess I'll just have to accept that I don't like the visuals of Dragon Age at all even though everything else about the game is pretty solid. I'll jump on it if it shows up under $30 during Steam's holiday sale, but EA's only putting out one game at a time. First Mirror's Edge, now Need for Speed Shift.
Pankaks said:Fucking aye. Alister (my main tank) was fighting a shit ton of Darkspawn and when the Ogre charged Alister, he got stuck in the wall. The mobs ignored him, destroyed my party, and my last save was about an hour back /sigh.
I hate this game sometimes.
RedSwirl said:So I checked out this video of the game supposedly maxed out on the same video card I've got:
It looks like the only things that will really be better are the resolution, frame rate, and combat.
Judging by that video the console version doesn't sacrifice as much as I'd thought. Only differences I saw were that on consoles you only get six slots for hotkeys, you have to cycle through party members instead of selecting each one instantly, and switching equipment is probably more complicated.
I guess I'll just have to accept that I don't like the visuals of Dragon Age at all even though everything else about the game is pretty solid. I'll jump on it if it shows up under $30 during Steam's holiday sale, but EA's only putting out one game at a time. First Mirror's Edge, now Need for Speed Shift.
Atrus said:Rule #1 when playing a RPG's.
Keep 2 alternating saves one before impending battles and after their completion. Keep an additional trailing save that is hours old just in case a questline is bugged.
Take for instance the ending to Fallout 3 where it is possible to have an error prevent you from ending the game because you still have too many open quest lines which are increasing the games file size.
If all you're saves are near that end, you're fucked but I saved myself a lot of pain because I keep a trailing save that allowed me to finish up everything before re-attempting the ending.
LCfiner said:Mac version is already out (50 bucks for std edition, 65 for deluxe). sell the PS3 version to recoup some of your losses on the double dip.
I did the same thing but didn't encounter that error. Weird.Pankaks said:Yea you're right.
Speaking of ending errors
(Obvious End spoilers incoming)
I had Alister sacrifice himself to kill the Archdemon (No Morrigon loving) and yet for some reason the ending text still said he was alive and ruled with a "common touch" =/
Don't forget to get Mass Effect 2 for PC/MAC as well.GPsych said:By all that is holy in the world, I took your advice and bought the Mac version of this game and it's amazing when compared to the PS3 version. When playing on the console, this game was my GotY, and it completely sucks compared to the Mac. You guys kept calling the console version "gimped" and I was originally thinking, " much better can it really be?" Wow, were you guys right. I absolutely stand corrected. It's not just the graphics that are substantially better (even at medium settings on my iMac with a paltry 9400m), but the frame rate is significantly increased (hovers slightly over 30 FPS 90% of the time) and the gameplay is vastly superior. Man, I really had no idea it would be this level of improvement...
In the toolset, one of the head morph settings that results in a shaved head is labelled "Shepard".Pankaks said:Alrighty, time for my 4th playthrough. This time, a Dwarf noble.
Edit: Just a quick thought, am I the only one naming all of my characters Shepard?
For cameras, I usually use over the shoulder view for navigation and scouting and top down view for battles.Do The Mario said:Playing the mac version, some brief impressions after a few hours.
OS: Snow Leopard 10.6.2
Processor: 2.26ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 4gb
Graphics: NVIDIA Geforce 9400m
As expected nothing special, playing with the settings on a combination medium and low. The framerate noticeably dips and the textures are nothing to write home about. Still the game remains perfectly playable and looks decent when zoomed out in the top down view (which is the view that I have been playing the game in).
The left hand side of my MBP also gets quite hot.
While the top down view is ideal for combat it makes it harder to traverse the landscape, see ahead and it can be difficult to recognise landmarks. I am sure I will come to a better mix of camera angles after a few more hours.
The game appears to be a very solid fantasy RPG, Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale are some of my favourite games of all time. However, I have not played a game with this kind of depth in years. The combination of work and law school has left very little time to play games so I have grown accustom to titles such as: Mario Kart, House of the Dead, Professor Layton and Mario Galaxy etc that can be picked up and played for 30mins.
I hope that after a few more hours I can immerse myself in Dragon Age but it has been difficult so far.
Mr Jared said:Question time: Is it possible to achieve multiple romances in a single playthrough? I ask because..
I've got very high ratings with Alistair, Leliana and Zevran, but I decided to steal Alistair's virginity for the lulz. The other two don't really seem to care, so is it still possible to get a romance going with them as well?
Curse you achievements.
Darklord said:I need some help.
Gravijah said:I just downloaded the free DLC and noticed I only had the blood plate armor in my inventory. If my inventory is full and that's the only thing that can fit... Will I still get the rest of the stuff later? Have I lost the other items?
Pankaks said:At first the only thing you get is the blood plate chest armor, the rest of the stuff you can buy from Bohan Fredic at your camp.
Nightmare + mod. said:i've stayed out of this thread for a while...has the mod community come up with anything cool besides the respec one lately?
RedSwirl said:Ripping off Final Fantasy XII for the console versions was a smart move in my opinion, but I'm finding it hard to coordinate my party as a whole. Does the PC version give you complete individual control?
HallucinatingElvis said:excuse me!?
yeah i see that thrown around alot on gaf.. lolHallucinatingElvis said:excuse me!?
lsslave said:I have a question, is it always worthwhile to take 2 specializations? And is it impossible to have a good/evil combo because some specializations seem to be good only while others are evil only