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Dragon Age: Origins |OT| Letting The Fade fade out of memory

So I just got this for Christmas and I'm loving it so far. I've played about 10 hours so far, but I just have three quick questions.

1. Any tips on inventory management? I just got to the town after the events of Ostagard but I forgot to buy any backpacks. I did download the Warden's Keep DLC, but I'm not sure how to access it and the game doesn't want to let me exit to the world map until I finish up here. My problem is I tend to pick up and horde everything but my inventory is constantly full. Should I keep all these extra weapons or just sell them off?

2. I'm letting the game auto level for me. I worked fine in ME but I'm not sure I should be doing this.

3. Will Morrigan actually leave if I keep doing stuff she doesn't think is right like being good and such?


Gowans007 said:
Before I put my game in what's the deal with the DLC with the game and what you can buy?

Any version of the game you've bought comes with a quest that will allow you to add a new character to your party and a special armor that can also be used with Mass Effect 2 (you can use it in both games and in any system regardless of which version you bought). Then, depending on which version of the game you bought (vanilla edition, vanilla with pre-order bonus, CE, Digital Deluxe) you'll have some more bonus, usually some nice items but the most important is the Warden's Keep, which is the only one that can be bought right now (6.50$ I think) and that's an extra quest with a storage chest which you can have for free on PC and a pretty good armor. Next month they'll release another, but don't look into that until you can use the World Map or you'll get spoiled.

1. Any tips on inventory management? I just got to the town after the events of Ostagard but I forgot to buy any backpacks. I did download the Warden's Keep DLC, but I'm not sure how to access it and the game doesn't want to let me exit to the world map until I finish up here. My problem is I tend to pick up and horde everything but my inventory is constantly full. Should I keep all these extra weapons or just sell them off?

You'll be able to get to the DLC pretty soon, as soon as you go out of the town, but make sure you're done with it before that and sell stuff you're not using at the moment in the meantime. The gems are useless, for example, and so are the blank papers. After that you should have an easier time with the inventory.

2. I'm letting the game auto level for me. I worked fine in ME but I'm not sure I should be doing this.

It's not a very good idea with some characters but you could always use the respec mod later (only on PC). It's better to set for a certain role for every party member and stick to that.

3. Will Morrigan actually leave if I keep doing stuff she doesn't think is right like being good and such?

Yes, but don't worry too much, it's easy to gain approval with gifts and the right choices when talking to her.


Darklord said:
I really hate friendly fire in this game. It's so stupid. Most of my bigger spells damage an area, the only possible way I can use them is making everyone stand right back and just send my warrior in but then he gets hurt and ends up dying because he's fighting 4-5 monsters + has a gigantic fire tornado on him. And when the monsters surround you, well I'm royally fucked with useful attacking spells aren't I?
use glyph of paralysis/mass paralysis/sleep and then follow up with blizzard and inferno/death cloud


GillianSeed79 said:
1. Any tips on inventory management? I just got to the town after the events of Ostagard but I forgot to buy any backpacks. I did download the Warden's Keep DLC, but I'm not sure how to access it and the game doesn't want to let me exit to the world map until I finish up here. My problem is I tend to pick up and horde everything but my inventory is constantly full. Should I keep all these extra weapons or just sell them off?

3. Will Morrigan actually leave if I keep doing stuff she doesn't think is right like being good and such?
there are plenty of stores that sell backpacks, no big deal. sell weapons and armor you don't use.

morrigan likes jewerly and effeminate paraphernalia


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
I started this yesterday on the xbox and I could barely put it down. I'm seriously loving it. I've loved all the conversations, they're so different from other games I've played in that they illicit real emotional responses rather than "this is the good path".

I even told a kid his mum was dead cos I couldn't be bothered 'helping' him in what seemed like a generic rpg quest. and at other times I've genuinely been moved to be a dick to people, not cos I was role playing but because I thought that person was a dick.

Although it's got to the stage where the dialogue is so interesting that I find myself saving and reloading to explore multiple branches, and picking things just because I want to see the response rather than actually wanting to say it. That will get old, but I have OCD about this stuff.

Few bits and bobs I haven't quite got the hang if yet. When someone has low health I don't know how to heal! When I go to a poultice in the menu there's no option to use on anyone. Similarly trying to use force field in battle, I switch to my Mage and choose the spell but don't know how to aim it at my choice.
Xapati said:
You're early enough in the game that I wouldn't bother respeccing, just pick the other rogue talents you want from now on. You get enough Talents through the course of the game (especially if you buy the books that give you extra Talents). Besides there are a few boss fights where you'll be glad if you have some talents on archery.
Well, I already downloaded the mod and respec'd before reading this. I hate "cheating" but I just didn't want to replay the game or mod the hell out of it to have any fun with my chosen class. Basically I just respec'd but put the same points into the starting skills my character came with (Poison Making and Pick-pocketing) even though I haven't found a use for either yet... though I'm sure poison making will come in handy when I start buying flasks. I'm completely addicted to this game though, I haven't been playing games at all recently (within the last 3 months I probably played 15 hours total of any game) but I stayed up to 7am yesterday clearing the tower - stopping right when Morrigan joined.

Couple of things that annoyed me though, when clearing that first tower I had a mage an archer join me. I put a nice pair of magical mage boots on the mage and my good bow on the archer as well as one of my good helmets.
When they died at the end though I didn't receive any of the items back, unlike other times when party members had left/died (during the joining ceremony for example). My inventory was full but I was hoping it would just overflow it or put it in a chest next to the bed at Flemeth's hut. Now I have no boots to put on Morrigan.
Also, is there any way to set the tactics so my characters automatically auto-attack when there's an enemy in combat with one of my other party members and not just stand there? I see the options to set them to use a specific ability but nothing to attack. I thought on "Default" behavior this was suppose to happen. It's annoying when I split up my party a little bit, have a rogue and archer for example killing one guy and my tank and mage on another - then when the rogue and archer finishes the rogue just stands there dumbfounded until I tell him to go attack the tank's target. Sometimes it's even worse, when an enemy knocks my rogue back and then continues attacking the tank the rogue won't just run back up and continue attacking.


kaizoku said:
I started this yesterday on the xbox and I could barely put it down. I'm seriously loving it. I've loved all the conversations, they're so different from other games I've played in that they illicit real emotional responses rather than "this is the good path".

I even told a kid his mum was dead cos I couldn't be bothered 'helping' him in what seemed like a generic rpg quest. and at other times I've genuinely been moved to be a dick to people, not cos I was role playing but because I thought that person was a dick.

Although it's got to the stage where the dialogue is so interesting that I find myself saving and reloading to explore multiple branches, and picking things just because I want to see the response rather than actually wanting to say it. That will get old, but I have OCD about this stuff.

Few bits and bobs I haven't quite got the hang if yet. When someone has low health I don't know how to heal! When I go to a poultice in the menu there's no option to use on anyone. Similarly trying to use force field in battle, I switch to my Mage and choose the spell but don't know how to aim it at my choice.
For health poultices, when you use it - it only affects the person you're currently controlling. There's no way of administering health poultices or any other consumeable objects to anyone else besides the person you're administering it to.
If you don't want to keep pausing to administer health poultices, use tactics to set up the person to use health poultices when their health goes down <50% or <25%.

Force field is a single target spell so you either have to aim it at your own ally or one of the enemies.


Houston3000 said:
Well, I already downloaded the mod and respec'd before reading this. I hate "cheating" but I just didn't want to replay the game or mod the hell out of it to have any fun with my chosen class. Basically I just respec'd but put the same points into the starting skills my character came with (Poison Making and Pick-pocketing) even though I haven't found a use for either yet... though I'm sure poison making will come in handy when I start buying flasks.
Poison will become much more useful once you get the chance to buy flasks, reagents and recipes since using bombs with your frontline fighters is one of the most effective methods of crowd control while avoiding friendly fire from mage AOE spells.
Poison is also hella useful against bosses since poison damage and effects stack when you use different types of poison.
Because of this, be sure to have one poison skill (and only one poison skill) on your frontline warriors.

Also, is there any way to set the tactics so my characters automatically auto-attack when there's an enemy in combat with one of my other party members and not just stand there? I see the options to set them to use a specific ability but nothing to attack. I thought on "Default" behavior this was suppose to happen. It's annoying when I split up my party a little bit, have a rogue and archer for example killing one guy and my tank and mage on another - then when the rogue and archer finishes the rogue just stands there dumbfounded until I tell him to go attack the tank's target. Sometimes it's even worse, when an enemy knocks my rogue back and then continues attacking the tank the rogue won't just run back up and continue attacking.
Be sure to have your party option not set on "hold" since it will keep the party just standing still instead of auto-attacking enemies if they don't have ranged weapons equipped.


70 hours in,77% of the World explored and just got my Rogue to level 20,despite the odd spikes in difficulty at times,i`m enjoying the hell out of this game...getting near the end now and it keeps delivering.


Even though I have it for PC, I'm actually comfy couching this bitch on my X360. It's not a bad way to dip my toe until I muster the energy and interest to play it on my desktop.

So far, I'm having a damn fine time playing it. This is my 3rd start without finishing and this time I finally settled on a Mage. I've already whored it up @Pearl and got my bones jumped by Morrigan. Good times!

I'm going to play this out and keep Morry for my LI in this playthrough. The next run I'll roll a human Rogue and play the field. I can already count at least 3 more playthroughs to keep me busy until ME2 launches. It's hard to deny at this point that Bioware has made me their bitch.

Oh well, I guess I can live with that. :lol


Loves Robotech S1

Dayum. Bosses are bitchin.'


Finally beat the game the other night at about 35-40 hour played. Still kind of meh about the game.

At times the game did get harder but sometimes frustratingly slow, the one part during the finale where you travel to Tower Drakon and instantly get ambushed was annoying since it was :

die -> reload -> travel to Tower -> die

Very upset at the variety of enemies in the game, not enough to keep things interesting. Didn't really care for any of the characters except Morrigan, Alistair and Shale.

The last boss was really frustrating though it may have been in part that it was so late and I just wanted to be done with the game that I changed the difficulty to casual to beat it.

Lots of bugs, not enough inventory space, not enough loot. Oh, and I could never get my character to sleep with either Leliana or Alistair despite them being 100% in love with me.


My biggest complaint is that if you don't play as a mage you will always need to have Wynne in the party. Why isn't there a potion to revive a party member?
Arde5643 said:
Poison will become much more useful once you get the chance to buy flasks, reagents and recipes since using bombs with your frontline fighters is one of the most effective methods of crowd control while avoiding friendly fire from mage AOE spells.
Poison is also hella useful against bosses since poison damage and effects stack when you use different types of poison.
Because of this, be sure to have one poison skill (and only one poison skill) on your frontline warriors.
Oh, I was under the impression bombs did friendly fire damage to. I finally got some flasks so I gotta try em out. I don't understand poisons 100% yet, do they wear off over time or only as you use them? I had put some on my Rogue's blade before a battle and noticed it was gone when it finally got underway - I thought maybe the Frost Weapon enchantment from my mage replaced it, if that's possible.

Arde5643 said:
Be sure to have your party option not set on "hold" since it will keep the party just standing still instead of auto-attacking enemies if they don't have ranged weapons equipped.
Ugh, wow... of course, so simple. I'm glad I asked, I always have my party set to hold during combat because I use my rogue to stealth in first and don't want my party following behind unstealthed. Makes perfect since, I should of realized, thanks! Feel stupid now :D


clashfan said:
My biggest complaint is that if you don't play as a mage you will always need to have Wynne in the party. Why isn't there a potion to revive a party member?

Could have Morrigan go SH (though that can't happen for a while). Revive ain't really that necessary though.


I read in the manual that we can change class at level 7. Do I need a special item or visit some special place? I just got into the mages' tower and met Wynne, but there's no way back. :(


Subete no aware
Hyunkel6 said:
I read in the manual that we can change class at level 7. Do I need a special item or visit some special place? I just got into the mages' tower and met Wynne, but there's no way back. :(

You don't change class, you just get a class specialization point. You have to learn those from your party members or from merchants.


Houston3000 said:
Oh, I was under the impression bombs did friendly fire damage to. I finally got some flasks so I gotta try em out. I don't understand poisons 100% yet, do they wear off over time or only as you use them? I had put some on my Rogue's blade before a battle and noticed it was gone when it finally got underway - I thought maybe the Frost Weapon enchantment from my mage replaced it, if that's possible.
Bombs can also do friendly fire, but since the AOE effect is much smaller than mage's AOE spells, it's easier to manouver them.

For poison, don't use them before a battle, use them only when the battle starts since the time it takes the rogue to coat the poison is very fast (less than a second) and it will last for about 3 minutes so there's never any need to apply it before battles.


firehawk12 said:
You don't change class, you just get a class specialization point. You have to learn those from your party members or from merchants.

Thanks. Are there any benefits to stay in the 1st class after level 7? It seems to me that it's better to seek out those specializations right after leveling up to 7, since I would rather spend talent points on the 2nd class, and not waste them on the 1st class.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Hyunkel6 said:
Thanks. Are there any benefits to stay in the 1st class after level 7? It seems to me that it's better to seek out those specializations right after leveling up to 7, since I would rather spend talent points on the 2nd class, and not waste them on the 1st class.

Each "class" only has 4 talent points to its one line.

It's not like the base "schools" of magic or "trees" for warriors/rogues, with 3 lines of 4 talents.


Jew Gamer
Seriously... I think the game is far too glitched :/

Is there no way to set a tactic to steal? It doesn't make sense and is a waste considering you get a rogue that starts with points in stealing...


Subete no aware
Metroidvania said:
Each "class" only has 4 talent points to its one line.

It's not like the base "schools" of magic or "trees" for warriors/rogues, with 3 lines of 4 talents.

You get some direct stat bonuses when you pick one and then yeah, you have access to the tree. You could hold off if there's a class you are aiming for. Some people find it useful to pick one early because they don't have to "waste" points on an unwanted ability line (due to not having the necessary level/stats).


UGH. Just when I'm in a pretty good groove, the game has to go in and throw in one of those "What the Fuck?!" kind of battles.

I'm on about to get the Urn of Sacred Ashes right now and
is demolishing me. I'm pretty much just one step away from turning the difficulty down, even though I really, really don't want to do that. But I just don't even understand why this fight is as difficult as it is. I went through the ice temple easily enough with proper tactics, but I can barely touch his two mages, let alone his two other guys (also, I absolutely ABHOR this frozen status). Alistair and Sten go down quite fast against this guy's axe (which is doing way more damage than a certain dragon that I fought about two hours ago). Plus, the mages pretty much ruin the effectiveness of my PC Rogue with their hex and cold spells (that, and she's been missing quite a lot on this dungeon despite her 36+ Dex).

I just... don't get it at all. Should I just do another quest and come back? This single fight is so fucking disproportionate from everything else thus far that it seems like BioWare is telling me to go somewhere else.


MechaX said:
UGH. Just when I'm in a pretty good groove, the game has to go in and throw in one of those "What the Fuck?!" kind of battles.

I'm on about to get the Urn of Sacred Ashes right now and
is demolishing me. I'm pretty much just one step away from turning the difficulty down, even though I really, really don't want to do that. But I just don't even understand why this fight is as difficult as it is. I went through the ice temple easily enough with proper tactics, but I can barely touch his two mages, let alone his two other guys (also, I absolutely ABHOR this frozen status). Alistair and Sten go down quite fast against this guy's axe (which is doing way more damage than a certain dragon that I fought about two hours ago). Plus, the mages pretty much ruin the effectiveness of my PC Rogue with their hex and cold spells (that, and she's been missing quite a lot on this dungeon despite her 36+ Dex).

I just... don't get it at all. Should I just do another quest and come back? This single fight is so fucking disproportionate from everything else thus far that it seems like BioWare is telling me to go somewhere else.

Did you accept his offer? Try accepting his offer...

You don't have to actually do it.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
At yes the fight against Leonidas can be a tricky one, I ended up using Force Feild on Leonidas then quickly got Leliana to use Arrow of Slaying on one mage which nearly killed it followed by a arrow.

I used crushing prison on the other mage and got my main PC to kill him off. Alistair was tanking the melee and Kolgrim, I made sure he used lots of potions and made Morrigan top him off with heals, throwing a Cone of Cold can also help your tank if you can catch Leonidas and his friends with it.

After all of Leonidas friends are dead its a case of tank&spank, but he hits like a flippen truck so having good armor and lots of heath pots help, also try to stun him or knock him down as much as you can.

Leonidas is Kolgrim


Yeah, I eventually just took clashfan's advice because my party set-up was definitely not suitable to effectively fight this guy (after looking at him again, he definitely does kinda look like and sound like Leonidas). After agreeing to help him and.. well, not really helping him at all, the second fight him was oddly... easy. Maybe it was the lack of the really far away mages this time around. But for the most part, he couldn't even land a proper hit on my rogue this time around.

Quite strange, but eh. I'm ready to get out of these god-forsaken mountains and caves.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
The fight can be a tricky one, did you loot the horn from him as it can be used to summon a certain something hehe.

I just did the Urn quest but I'll return later for the horn part, now am questing around the Brecilian Forest.


I got this for PS3 for Christmas and I'm surprised at how much I'm liking it so far. At first I started off as a female warrior but that path was putting me to sleep to be honest, so I created a female mage and I've been having a blast ever since.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
how "lootwhore-y" is this game :D? I love me some loot, thats one of the things I didnt enjoy with Demon souls ( loved the game ) whereas torchlight really scratched that itch of mine,


Corky said:
how "lootwhore-y" is this game :D? I love me some loot, thats one of the things I didnt enjoy with Demon souls ( loved the game ) whereas torchlight really scratched that itch of mine,
Dragon Age won't scratch that itch at all, I'm afraid. (And it's no wonder that Torchlight does, because it's a cornerstone of the sub-genre.)


aka andydumi
Corky said:
how "lootwhore-y" is this game :D? I love me some loot, thats one of the things I didnt enjoy with Demon souls ( loved the game ) whereas torchlight really scratched that itch of mine,

I dont feel its that way at all. You pick up gifts and ingredients for crafting if you even want to do that stuff. But as far as armor goes, some of the best sets and items come as rewards for quests or after beating bosses, so there is no farming or anything in that sense (Torchlight style).

Hell, on my two mages I still use the standard armor that they came with, just added an odd hat or ring here or there as I come upon them. For my main character and my tank they both use quested sets, and not difficult quests either, part of the story, and pretty early on. And I have not changed their stuff in ages.

All in all, that is what I feel this game is missing. The armor you get early on is good enough to carry you most of the game. If you play smart and know how to use your tactics and spells and abilities, armors are nearly irrelevant. Oh and same goes for weapons.

Crafting is so so, I just have one herbalist that does all my potions, but I have gotten to the point where I dont really need to use potions in battles too much because I have battles down to a system with skills and abilities.


Gold Member
Ok, just got this game yesterday for PS3. It came with the little card for free DLC. One side of the card has some armor, and the other has some creature.

For the creature....it tells me to go to the one area in the main menu to enter the code and when i do, it keeps telling me its invalid. I tried the code with, and without dashes.

For the armor, it actually tells me on the paper that i need to enter the code at a certain website, then sign into the game and check its status?? Didnt try that yet, but do i need to also follow that process to get the creature too?
I Need Help. On the Final Onslaught mission Ive killed all the darkspawn at Redcliffe castle and village but nothing happens. I've tried reloading it but nothing happens. Has anyone had this happen and are there any ways to avoid this glitch?


aka andydumi
I had it happen where a Darkspawn was actually stuck behind a fence or house and could not run at me to kill him. I could not see him but I could hear him if I was close by. So I redid the battle.
sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Ok, just got this game yesterday for PS3. It came with the little card for free DLC. One side of the card has some armor, and the other has some creature.

For the creature....it tells me to go to the one area in the main menu to enter the code and when i do, it keeps telling me its invalid. I tried the code with, and without dashes.

For the armor, it actually tells me on the paper that i need to enter the code at a certain website, then sign into the game and check its status?? Didnt try that yet, but do i need to also follow that process to get the creature too?
Yeah pretty sure.

For my PC copy, I redeemed both codes on the Bioware social site, then downloaded the content in the in-game menu.


I need console codes asap. If Bioware isn't going to fix that Orz issue yet, I want to get around it.

Atrus said:
Yes. The two are actually unrelated so it allows you to do both.

Just make sure to talk to Arl Eamon and Anora at Arl Eamons estate in Denerim about getting married and let Alastor kill Loghain (or let Loghain live). Mention the marriage in the tradesmeet when you get the option.

Morrigan herself has no standards, with the exception of Riordian she'll sleep with any male Grey Warden.

Okay, cool. I was hoping to finish out Morrigan's romance
since I know she basically abandons you anyway and marry the queen. I mean, becoming a monarch with a cute wife is a great way to rebound from a bad relationship.


Gold Member
VenusandBacchus said:
I Need Help. On the Final Onslaught mission Ive killed all the darkspawn at Redcliffe castle and village but nothing happens. I've tried reloading it but nothing happens. Has anyone had this happen and are there any ways to avoid this glitch?

In cases like these it's easiest to just kill and then do nothing. Avoid conversing with NPC's and just wait awhile after you kill the Ogre Alpha.

There's a similar issue in the Orphanage (where it occurs twice) where you'll break the trigger that opens the doors if you talk to the blind templar before the cutscene triggers.


Finally finished it tonight. ~50 hours and about 75% of side quests finished as a rogue.

Now that it's done, I think it's been my GOTY for 2009. I really haven't enjoyed an RPG like this since BG2. It's not as good in my opinion, but pretty close.

I did have a could of issues with it.

1. I wish there was more equipment variety or more gems for enchantment.

2. I think the game is too punishing when it comes to specializations. I missed Arcane Warrior and Duelist thinking I could pick that up later. Nope, once you miss your chance, it's over. For the future, maybe they could create 6 specializations and only 1 would require something special in order to unlock.

3. Fix the damn camera. I played on the PC and it's very annoying. I prefer to play BG style with the camera zoomed out, but you can't pan every where. Especially when facing waves of archers, you can't see them when over head, you have to zoom in and really fudge with it. Just free the camera, I don't mind a "fog of war" for unexplored areas, but this was a step back. Also too many times are buildings in the way when zoomed out. Annoying.

4. One other thing, I think it's just my personal preference, but I prefer no spoken dialog in RPGs. Just let me read everything because it's quicker.

Looking forward to a sequel.

Is there a list of all possible endings anywhere? I haven't been able to find one yet.


Jew Gamer
Not finished it yet (in fact only completed one of The Blight quests) but I have to say playing a "Neutral" character has never been so much fun.

I've already successfully had a "relationship" with 1 character and am trying to land the other 2 I can get in one playthrough (friends rushing the game have spoiled a lot of it for me :/) that I can get. I've unlocked every specialization except for Arcane Warrior (without any negative penalties for Blood Mage and Reaver was awesome) and etc.

Mostly, I am trying to do everything 'work' in this playthrough so that all subsequent ones achievements wont matter and etc. and I can just have a lot of fun with it :lol


I'm not sure if I'm playing it the right way, but I suppose on the hard difficulty, you just gotta do what you need to do when it comes to surviving battles.

I find myself setting people on fire and running away, magic missile-ing from afar and run away, send my other party members in and run away... basically a lot of running away! Especially far enough so enemies start heading back to their old positions.

I suppose it's pretty fun having all your companions dead and you being the only one around, picking off a group of enemies one by one, fearful for your life because one wrong move can get your paralyzed and criticaled to death, but I wonder if it's that much easier on say.. normal or easy mode?


Finally finished my rogue playthrough (Nightmare) yesterday. Took me about 50hours.

Noteworthy achievements I got were Traveler and Easily Sidetracked. Epic game but the main quest felt a bit slow/sluggish, maybe because I had to do it over a two month timespan due to not having enogh gametime.

That warrior playthrough will have to be put on hold for a bit now, had my share of DA for a while. :lol

Prax said:
I'm not sure if I'm playing it the right way, but I suppose on the hard difficulty, you just gotta do what you need to do when it comes to surviving battles.

Depends what enemies and partysetup you got, some bigger groups need some hit and run ninja/semi-exploit strategies but most of the time (if you run with two mages) you should be able to take them head on and just CC your way through. (Sleep / Walking Nightmare is basically an "I win" button.)


OMG i kille Wynne and saved over it :( I thought she is another evil mage who will attack me and looked kinda ugly imo lol.

Now i am stucked at Fade boss.. Cant beat that Sloth at its final form..i got no healing potions left. I can do fine till with Spirit form and healing tanks but then its gets ugly when sloth casts Blizzard :(
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