So, i'm at my third playtrough (already 180 hours of gaming) on PS3, just before the dungeon for the sacred urn, (im level 12). I'm having a hard time playing on Nightmare diffculty, in fact even Hard is... Hard. But i'm enjoying to die!

(Oh yeah... no, NO... nono the little robot!)
My new challenge is to roleplay the game only with tactics (gambits FTW! and just 6 slots by character, one sustained and 5 actives, or 7 if the sustained request a desactivation) for my other characters, with only one specialization per character (the second just for the attribute gains), with the points divised in three attributes by level (so for example one point in strenght, one point in magic, one point in dexterity). And for the mages, just one area of talents (i have to choose between entropy and spirit or creation lines, difficult choice), and no item at all (no health poultice, except sometimes for my main character).
But it is for the role play, having more slot of tactics for my IAs than for my main feels gamey...
So, pray for me and my characters (massive armor are a big no for the moment ^^), furthermore i have made a warrior elf... archer.... templar... OMG!
I'm using Alistair, Morrigan and Zevran right now with the tactics set like that:
Self, Any > Activate Shield Defense
Self, surrounded by 2 enemies > Taunt
Self, attacked by melee > Shield Pummel
Enemy, Elite or Superior > Cleanse Area
Enemy, nearest visible > Shield Bash
Self, Any > Activate Rock Armor
Enemy, versus at least 2 > Cone of cold
Enemy, versus at least 2 > Flame Blast
Enemy, versus at least 2 > Shock
Enemy, nearest visible > Winter's grasp
Enemy, nearest visible > Lightning
Self, Any > Stealth
Self, attacked by melee > Dirty fighting
Enemy, elite or superior > Mark of death
Enemy, elite or superior > Cripple
Enemy, using melee > Riposte
Enemy, nearest visible > Deadly Strike
How can i improve them? And if a webpage that lists all the best tactics possible for different talents exists, can you direct me to it?
Feel free to correct me for my english errors, im not used to speak english!
Oh and i know im complicating my task with all these rules of roleplay.