What are you trying to dokkan exactly?I'm getting destroyed by all those high level events ... For example I manage to pass Black + Zamasu, but get one-shot by the fused one. I thought I had a good team, but can't manage to pass those, let alone farm them for my DA.
What are you trying to dokkan exactly?
I don't see anything in your box that requires doing the zamasu or trunks dokkan.
You could probably beat the arale dokka with mono str.
I want to thank you guys for complaining about how bad the grind is to level Merged Zamasu's super. It's making me feel better about not pulling him.
That's not specifically for those 2 events, it's a global feeling. All the Dokkan events kick my ass![]()
Did a salty single and pulled this guy:
I'd be happy but I just realized the story where you can farm his SA is leaving tomorrow, cool...
I dont have a single Buuhan friend ? Come on....thats probably the reason i stopped playing the Friendsystem kinda sucks.
Well, that's the problem. Having a buuhan friend but also making sure he's still using him. And to be fair, the current events are less about buuhan/
Powercreep in this game is just too much...why dont they have a driend system ala OPTC where you can choose other Friends leaders if they own the same one as you, even if they arent the active leader.
I just looked up the Dokkana Zamatsu event and Buuhan is the only lead i could beat him with. Unless Vegito Blue team can do it as wellll.....
Is there any team that could clear the 50stam Dokkan event ?
Powercreep in this game is just too much...why dont they have a driend system ala OPTC where you can choose other Friends leaders if they own the same one as you, even if they arent the active leader.
I just looked up the Dokkana Zamatsu event and Buuhan is the only lead i could beat him with. Unless Vegito Blue team can do it as wellll.....
Is there any team that could clear the 50stam Dokkan event ?
Powercreep in this game is just too much...why dont they have a driend system ala OPTC where you can choose other Friends leaders if they own the same one as you, even if they arent the active leader.
I just looked up the Dokkana Zamatsu event and Buuhan is the only lead i could beat him with. Unless Vegito Blue team can do it as wellll.....
Is there any team that could clear the 50stam Dokkan event ?
Wha? It leaves on Thursday dude. Don't scare me like that! I've been pretty busy with random stuff so I haven't had much time to farm medals as well. I have about enough for 4 Punished Trunks right now.
Also Gotenks Dokkan Event is getting another stage in JP: https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanB..._new_stage_added_to_the_gotenks_dokkan_event/ PHY Neo God SSJ3 Gotenks?
Looks like the Banner with Trunks+Zamasu have better rates after all... we are all getting something decent with few pulls!![]()
Haha, looks like the guy that was "proving a point" during the WT got what he wished for, they banned a bunch of people who have modded the game at one point or another.
I do enjoy the "I haven't modded for months" or "I only modded Battlefield because it's shit" posts of people somehow legit wondering why they were banned. The best ones are the ones that "never modded" but then get asked if they bought their account and still are puzzled on why they are getting banned.
Don't think QooApp mods APK's, so I doubt that is the case. It's the same game you get from the Play Store. Same goes with dbz.space's Google Play version APK's.
Is there an up to date list on good LR Goku card strategies? Every one I see is several months old, and there have been a lot of new cards since then. Debating whether I should farm any of the TEQ ones today or not.
Should be possible to beat both event if you buy Roshi from Babashop for Mono STR team with LR Broly (easier to find than Buuhan)
Just use Rildo/SSJ3 Vegeta to block and do the damage with LR Broly/Gogeta.
LR Broly will 2 rounds all stage of these events.
Will set leader to Buuhan for you to try.![]()
Eh, if you want, add me I'll put my Buuhan as leader. TUR and SA10.
eazy peazy with super team probably. VB, Gogeta, SV, SS3 Vegeta, TEQ SSJ Trunks (future), PHYtenks. If you keep Vegeta and Trunks together they'll do good damage because of their Vegeta Family links in this event. Maybe keep PHYtenks in the other rotation with VB because i heard he can super multiple times per round.
And yeah this game really should let you select any friend leader. I have a 3 dupe path Buuhan with like 90% completion that's mostly just sitting there, although I have a team set up, I never use it.
Alright thanks - Vegito Blue would be the best option for me because most of my friend have him. Though i wonder if it will be easy considering SA for Trunks and Vegeta are still on lvl1. Actually i havent even Dokkaned my TEQ Trunks because i forgot to farm his medals. I also remember someone saying that a fodder to max his Super would be released soon....did i already miss it ? Because the current event doesnt seem to drop anything could level his Super.
I wouldn't be surprised if they dropped STR Cell tonight.
Maintenance tonight, I think there will be a surprise of some kind tomorrow. Something unannounced. We'll see.
STR cell would be nice. I've had that SSJ2 Gohan waiting to join the big leagues for a while now.
Just noticed he's not translated yet though. LR Frieza maybe?
RIP medals. RIP training items. RIP stones for stamina refills. RIP life. RIP everything.
Christ that was intense. Kinda can't believe I did that, I didn't think I ever would when I saw people doing it in JPN. I pray to god I never pull TEQ Trunks.
STR cell would be nice. I've had that SSJ2 Gohan waiting to join the big leagues for a while now.
Just noticed he's not translated yet though. LR Frieza maybe?