People that bought accounts on dbzspace were banned because those accounts used duped gift stones to roll for good characters.Wait, people were getting banned on JP for account transfers? What's that about?
People that bought accounts on dbzspace were banned because those accounts used duped gift stones to roll for good characters.
Does the angel Goku drop on epic showdown, or only the R Goku?
STR CellDo we know the next banners for global ? Those DS are starting to itch ...
So yeah...i farmed the 35 Medals i needed to dokkan TEQ Future Trunks....worth it...together with TEQ SSJ3 Vegeta he hits hard on that current even even though both are only Super Level 1.
I get why people spend so much time farming/evolving his Super skill up fodder...he seems Top Tier. Wish i had done the same....would be my best TEQ unit on VB team.
If i can dokkan Fusion he a good lead if paired with Rose or any other Extreme lead ? His leader skill isnt that good...but i dont have a Top Tier EXTREME or TEQ lead but i would wanna use him somehow.
Merged Zamasu leader skill is pretty damn good. Giving 1ki and 70% on villains can work well if you have Rose or Goku black giving ki. If you want you could use Merged Zamasu and bring a Rose friend.Also I have to hate you for pulling Mergerd Zamasu when I couldn't.
Merged Zamasu leader skill is pretty damn good. Giving 1ki and 70% on villains can work well if you have Rose or Goku black giving ki. If you want you could use Merged Zamasu and bring a Rose friend.Also I have to hate you for pulling Mergerd Zamasu when I couldn't.
Well so far all leads i used had +3 KI + HP/ATK/DEF boosts as leads, so without the right Link skills or Item use it will be more difficult to launch Supers with him. But i will try him out with Rose friend...but i dont think the Extreme units have much synergy with each other lol.
str Perfect cell is up next.
STR Cell
Any good characters in it ? Or should I aim for the trunks/zamasu event ?
What team are you using? Just Curious to see how the links will work out. If they can't really link well then you may need some ki supporters, if that doesn't work, then you may have to wait till Rose comes back during the SSJ4 summons.
The 1Ki leader skill was there to help balance things out but that hinders Villains while not having much of a problem for heros since they are mostly SSJ or fusions. I wanted Zamasu over Trunks because I missed on getting Vegito Blue and Zamasu, and need some hero or Villain lead before the meta changed again.
If you have Black and Rose ki won't be an issue between Rose/Zamasu leads. Keep one in either turn for that +3 ki passive and links.
I dont have many Extreme i would just use my SSR units.
So Buuhan, PHY Buu Kid, Broly (havent dokkaned him yet, since im missing Rampage units for that events i think), Meta Rildo , Android 18 ? Yeah....dont have too much choice lol.
I have neither of yeah lol.
Omega Shenron isn't going to make supering with your Broly any easier.
you should be on the lookout for str ssj gotenks or ape fasha if you are having trouble supering with Broly. Gotenks should link for a +3 ki and is a decent unit by itself, so with double leads you'll have 9ki at the start all the time.
Fasha links for +1 ki, but also changes orbs and I personally have no problem getting 18+ ki nearly every rotation when paired with her.
On one hand having LR Broly is just great. But my STR-Team makes it so hard for him to get super off. Got this Trunks a few days ago. And it definitely got a lot easier.
I might buy the blue Dragon Stone when it comes to Global for Omega Shenron.
Do I get Fasha through the Guaranteed SSR WT Banner? Haven't had much luck with that one.
I have over 750 Gregory medals. Baba shop was so nice to me recently lol.
Smh these people with their no dupe, no orb, only sa10 LR Gokus
Better than me, I have NO LR Goku. Just running Vegeta as a lead.
between all these SA grinds this game is just never gonna let me recover my Zeni and training/awakening shit ever huh
Smh these people with their no dupe, no orb, only sa10 LR Gokus
So do I have any hope of a team for the LR Freiza stuff?
I've seriously neglected strike events....
I thought that might be the case. Need to start grinding those strike events then since I'd like LR Goku as well.Unfortunately no. You have about 3/6 units (Whis, Pinich and Baby Vegeta).
You would need to get those super strikes to have a leader (Super Strike Vegeta) and getting Pikkon and Tien would fill up the team.
At this point I would just recommend you wait for stage 4 where you fight Agl Freeza instead and get a teq type.
Boy does LR goku steamroll this event, he got his ultra super and took an entire life bar. Kind of sucks I didn't even bother getting him.
I thought that might be the case. Need to start grinding those strike events then since I'd like LR Goku as well.
For getting strike characters to SA15, how does it work exactly? Dokkan an SA10 and an SA5 then feed the 5 to the 10?
Dokkan at 10, Get another one up to level 5 then dokkan him. I think you could just Z-awaken an undokkaned one for a 50% chance but I'm not so sure.