Saved one of those free pulls for a diff banner. Lr broly banner shows.....screw it ill pull. Get lr broly and broten. Time for the grind for medals.
Saved one of those free pulls for a diff banner. Lr broly banner shows.....screw it ill pull. Get lr broly and broten. Time for the grind for medals.
Current WT team. Using Super Vegito as friend since I'd rather have his passive than SS4 Vegeta's. Also when tf did that SSJ Goku get a dokkan? Now I have to grind out medals this weekend
That's not possible, golden freeza should never get hit that hard unless his passive isn't active. And yes his passive only activates at the start of the round, healing during doesn't reactivate it.This WT the teams are hitting pretty hard, not sure if it is because of the dupe system ... Got hit by SV on my TEQ GF - 70% dmg reduction, took a 80k blow. Cannot imagine a non blocker ahahahahahaha
Yeah considering not using a nuke team anymoreThis WT the teams are hitting pretty hard, not sure if it is because of the dupe system ... Got hit by SV on my TEQ GF - 70% dmg reduction, took a 80k blow. Cannot imagine a non blocker ahahahahahaha
That's not possible, golden freeza should never get hit that hard unless his passive isn't active. And yes his passive only activates at the start of the round, healing during doesn't reactivate it.
Yeah considering not using a nuke team anymore
Two non type advantage regular attacks almost ended me on 3x,much less something higher
There is no way that's correct. There's just no chance sv is punching golden freeza for 266k. He has the type disadvantage which means he'd normally hit for over 400k. Super damage would be well over 2 million then..Completely possibleI had full health
I was like WTH :-O When you think about it TEQ GF takes 30% of the damage so the full damage is around 266k
I was reading on reddit that the dupe system for the unit in the WT make them hit harder .
WT has always had absolutely insane damage spikes, I was punched neutrally by an omega shenron for 100k damage last WT, when the biggest I had taken up until that point from a neutral hit was 50~55k. I've had resisted hits do damage there's no way they should be doing, and ss3 Vegeta taking 30k damage from punches. I'm certain WT just spikes enemy damage just to try and kill the player arbitrarily.There is no way that's correct. There's just no chance sv is punching golden freeza for 266k. He has the type disadvantage which means he'd normally hit for over 400k. Super damage would be well over 2 million then..
Even with a disadvantage, my black took "only" 70k damage from a punch from lr broly.
Golden freeza has the advantage, reduces damage a fuckton and sv doesn't punch as hard as lr broly.
WT has always had absolutely insane damage spikes, I was punched neutrally by an omega shenron for 100k damage last WT, when the biggest I had taken up until that point from a neutral hit was 50~55k. I've had resisted hits do damage there's no way they should be doing, and ss3 Vegeta taking 30k damage from punches. I'm certain WT just spikes enemy damage just to try and kill the player arbitrarily.
you can't save free pulls. You just used 50 stones. But you got LR Broly so I wouldn't be mad
He's not obsolete - he's TEQ and the new one is AGL. There's still a spot for him if you are running into a ton of mono agl teams (assuming he'd do more dmg than LR MV to a mono agl team).I kind of sucks that what I thought would happen when he was announced happened though has happened though, it was just at the time I never thought I would ever get the AGL one. My TEQ MV that I put a lot of investment into (SA 10, 2 dupes), is now completely obsolete, similar to the old STR Broly. I'm glad that he can fully replace him, but I wish I could get some of the investment back. You fought hard, soldier.
Lol sorry meant the free 50 plus from app being #1 grossing. Not mad, just a lot of grinding ahead of me with pulls from this anniversary.
He's not obsolete - he's TEQ and the new one is AGL. There's still a spot for him if you are running into a ton of mono agl teams (assuming he'd do more dmg than LR MV to a mono agl team).
It doesn't matter. The LRs with AOEs crush everything no matter the type.
Jealous? Well you should be.
Pulled Father-son gallick gun Vegeta and Trunks back-to-back. That's some kind of thing. Pretty much saving all SSB Vegetas for if/when I pull the INT one to raise his SA because he's not very useful to me, except for the AGI and STR ones.
Also got the STR z-sword Gohan with the horrible passive. All I really want from my GSSR pulls is INT/TEQ SSJ Bardock. Still don't have any of the sealer SSJ Bardocks.
You guys are making me want to pull for an LR but I just know it'll be a waste of stones. I think I dropped 300 trying for Broly last time.
omg...I finally have things you don't! I have both the TEQ and the INT SSJ Bardock :O!
Don't do it, at the very least wait for a double rates banner or until they show up on their type banners, those should both offer better odds than this shitty banner.
Should I tell him?
No actually the odds on this banner are much better since Broly is actually featured.
I don't know who I should get with the Red gem. The smart thing would be to get a Frieza dupe, but I don't know if i'm even gonna use him. I kinda want to get Broly or Cell for old time's sake (I could never pull them), but i'd probably use them even less.
I don't know who I should get with the Red gem. The smart thing would be to get a Frieza dupe, but I don't know if i'm even gonna use him. I kinda want to get Broly or Cell for old time's sake (I could never pull them), but i'd probably use them even less.
Wait we get a second red stone? (I'm at work - do I have a gift waiting for me?)
Wait we get a second red stone? (I'm at work - do I have a gift waiting for me?)
Un fuckin real. I have a 10 game win streak going and a VB supers me for 348k damage and I lose my damn win streak...... the rageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee