I'm guessing the 200m download ticket banner will go up for JP for a week and then we'll get the SSJ4 Gogeta banner.
Global got played big time. Especially those who went big to get Rose and VB dupes lmao
But VB is still good though. Assuming these are new Hero/Villain leads you still want him on there.
SSJ4 Gogeta is good but he may not even hit as hard as SSJ4 Goku
He will hit at least in the neighbourhood of Goku, he already has the counter (and the first Gogeta to not ignore type disadvantage). There is no way his damage isn't at least around the 1 million mark at SA10, and likely higher. Vegeta has lower damage because he is a tank first and foremost, but I would be suprised if Gogeta isn't on par with Goku.
Expecting 90 or 100% damage increase so he should be hitting around 1.3 million I expect. He self buffs to 120% increase along with that after all. .
There are only 2 other Gogeta's in the game, and both ignored type disadvantage.
As I said?
RIP STR Omega Shenron on a villians team. They have the same name so they can't be used together.
But VB is still good though. Assuming these are new Hero/Villain leads you still want him on there.
SSJ4 Gogeta is good but he may not even hit as hard as SSJ4 Goku.
He's a bit disappointing too. He's missing some links (though you can only fit 7 on to a card so it's understandable) and he doesn't have the Super Effective to all that both previous Gogetas had. I did expect this card to hit harder than Goku and he doesn't.
I think you guys are overselling his counter. Even if it was guaranteed to counter a super it still wouldn't be consistent damage since you don't know when you're getting supered, unless it's the INT Kid Buu fight
Welp, after getting more than I could have ever dreamed, I should have saved my stones instead of trying for VB. Thought there wouldn't be anything I could want for a long while. I was very wrong. Holy crap
1000000000000x yes. It's probably the best banner in the game. Most of the best cards in the game don't have farmable Super Attacks, and getting to SA10 adds a ton of power.
And I just used EKs on my OS. Fuck me, right?
Ouch. I mean if you end up going for Extreme STR he'll still be great there. I have mine at SA 7 and was so close to maxing him out. Gonna hold off now.
Pikkon has RFW and SSJ4 Gogeta doesn't
I don't do facebook. Oh well, I had a fun few days.
I want my 50 stones back for pulling for STR Omegle Shitron
I'm waiting for the tickets and events to be over before feeding dupes to system. Have 3 SSJ Bardock INT from WT lol.
The struggle for Elder kais with Hercule medals is annoying. Need to do it in the next few days.
I pulled 2 SSJ Trunks GT STR today in a row on Veggie banner lol. It will suck if I get Vegeta the last day since there won't be Veggie medals for him till next event.
artwork for the 200m cards and HD art for the Gogeta/Shenron cards here https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/comments/6pjqv8/new_hd_dokkan_card_art/
Absolutely love Gogeta's TUR art. Rare case of dokkanfest TUR art being the superior version imo.
What card is the goku one? Is it new?
Also I want that vegeta lol
WT should be interesting without the ability to close the app when the enemy is supering.
It a dokkan of the old Spirit Bomb Goku they gave away during the first anniversary
They're likely going to be giving away the card again
edit: The game is getting updated to 3.3, in jp this got rid of the app reset thing. Also brought rainbow stars though!
Oh it also brings the phase change update, so cards keep buffs for different stages of fights. This is a huge buff for SSJ4 Goku.
It a dokkan of the old Spirit Bomb Goku they gave away during the first anniversary
They're likely going to be giving away the card again
edit: The game is getting updated to 3.3, in jp this got rid of the app reset thing. Also brought rainbow stars though!
Oh it also brings the phase change update, so cards keep buffs for different stages of fights. This is a huge buff for SSJ4 Goku.
I think these are gonna come out on Global and Japan simultaneously for the 200m celebration. First time that's happened but there it is. Since we're in the 120% meta now, why not? It's gonna make rainbow teams sick as hell. I think they'll have 70%/90% leader skills, could be more tho, but I feel like that'd be really OP.
70% spot is already filled with Trunks/Zamasu.