So question? Would it be worth it to get my FP Freeza to SA 10 then feed the dupes or just feed it to him now at SA 1. I would probably do the latter for Broly but Freeza is a hard hitter so I don't know.
Frieza rn has more long-term legs since he's PHY Cooler's best buddy and his passive scales extremely well. I'd max out Frieza's super with kais and dupe him up.
So question? Would it be worth it to get my FP Freeza to SA 10 then feed the dupes or just feed it to him now at SA 1. I would probably do the latter for Broly but Freeza is a hard hitter so I don't know.
38 Tickets on my old account got me 4 SSRs but they were SV, Omega, Janemba and Nuova Shenron. Makes up for that shitty Christmas banner when I got 3 INT Vegito dupes.
Str ssj3 goku (dupe all paths open now)
Str main buu good (dupe)
Str gogeta (dupe first going to open path)
Agl golden frieza (new yes a tank)
Agl SUPER VEGITO (NEW and 1 of the 3 I would want out of the banner)
Will go the 12 tickets left when I wake up hope the break rings luck ...
Just would want omega or phy brolly one of the 2 that's all
So with PHY Broly dupe, should I unlock a route with him? Is he really worth a damn? I still have like 20 Elder Kais, was hoping to get Buuhan or OS or something to ease my boxes burden but I got nothing spectacular.
So with PHY Broly dupe, should I unlock a route with him? Is he really worth a damn? I still have like 20 Elder Kais, was hoping to get Buuhan or OS or something to ease my boxes burden but I got nothing spectacular.
I have high amounts of Sodium Chloride, yes. But I have SV, and the times I've used PHY Broly he didn't do a whole lotta damage, his gimmick is the two supers. Plus I meant worth a damn to use the 100% SA boosts on too .
So for 137 tickets, I got 15 SSRs. Lots of dupes which I'm happy for, because of of the new system but also a couple of new ones that I didn't already have like Janemba
Only problem with pulling both SSJ3 Goku's is having to grind his medals lol. He's easy as hell with a double SV AGL team though.
Edit: so I'ma use the dupe system for my STR broly for when wts come around. Should I focus on getting Crits maxed or focus on getting double attack maxed? Crit would help a lot in the higher multiplers and while an extra attack would also help there's no guarantee that it'd be a super. Also pretty much avoid getting the evade for him, right?
Kid Buu (links and heals)
Murasaki (super sales but I got Oceanus so he's useless)
Beerus (Gets a boost when he supers and has shocking speed)
Whis (Free senzus and links with Beerus)
Agl Goku (Ki support)
But really use any dokkaned units should handle him pretty well. If you want post your box and I can try to give you the best team.
Dupe INT Ultimate Gohan
Dupe PHY Full Power Frieza
New AGL Tora (Great Ape)
New AGL GT Trunks
TEQ Kid Buu that I think is a dupe, I think I awoke it to Kai Buu
Had been hoping for a Gogeta or Godtenks but it wasn't meant to be.
13 SSRs. I have come to the conclusion that I'll never actually pull Super Vegito, and that I should give up hope for Vegito Blue as well. This is very likely just a result of me being greedy.
13 SSRs. I have come to the conclusion that I'll never actually pull Super Vegito, and that I should give up hope for Vegito Blue as well. This is very likely just a result of me being greedy.
PHY Spirit Bomb Goku x 1
INT Golden Frieza x 1
STR Gogeta x 3
AGL Bojack x 1
PHY Piccolo x 1
STR Beerus x 1
STR SSJ Gotenks x 2
INT Janemba x 2
INT Ult. Gohan x 2
PHY Broly x 2
AGL Buu x 2
STR Gotenks x 1
STR SSJ3 Vegeta x 2
TEQ SSJ3 Gotenks x 1
INT Vegeta x 2
PHY FP Frieza x 1
TEQ SSB Goku x 1
AGL Ult Gohan x 1
AGL SSBK Goku x 1
TEQ SSJ Vegeta x 1
AGL SSB Vegeta x 1
AGL Turles (Great Ape) x 1
STR SSJ Goku (Family Kamehameha) x 1
TEQ Beerus x 1
AGL SSJ3 Goku x 1
34 SSRs out of 334 tickets. Nearly 10% SSR rate. RIP getting SV or Buuhan tho. xD
Haha, I did two 5 pulls and got only Rs and SRs. So I switch to single pulls and pull three SSRs in a row. That made me pull singles for the rest.
42 tickets:
STR Broly
Great Ape Tora
PHY Broly
Fat Buu
Is it worth getting STR Broly to SA 10 for the tournament or should I stick to using Majin Vegeta? Probably the latter since my MV has a dupe path unlocked and has better links, or does Broly dish out considerably more damage?
So no gods for me, or dupes, but overall I can't be too upset. 5 new dokkanable cards is great. I think I'm the most excited for Buu -- it's my first SSR Buu, and my evil/PHY teams need a lot of help. Links have something to be desired though.
Vegeta and Gotenks will do great in my Gogeta/Mono STR team. Especially Vegeta with that stun
As for Goku, well, I need so many medals from the Hero Elimination that I haven't gotten. Was really abnking on Omega/Buuhan/Broly for some Extreme leader help. In time, I suppose, for now I'm going to focus on these glorious 1/2 stamina events to get my medals up. Need some SSBKK ones, and I think SV ones as well
PHY Spirit Bomb Goku x 1
INT Golden Frieza x 1
STR Gogeta x 3
AGL Bojack x 1
PHY Piccolo x 1
STR Beerus x 1
STR SSJ Gotenks x 2
INT Janemba x 2
INT Ult. Gohan x 2
PHY Broly x 2
AGL Buu x 2
STR Gotenks x 1
STR SSJ3 Vegeta x 2
TEQ SSJ3 Gotenks x 1
INT Vegeta x 2
PHY FP Frieza x 1
TEQ SSB Goku x 1
AGL Ult Gohan x 1
AGL SSBK Goku x 1
TEQ SSJ Vegeta x 1
AGL SSB Vegeta x 1
AGL Turles (Great Ape) x 1
STR SSJ Goku (Family Kamehameha) x 1
TEQ Beerus x 1
AGL SSJ3 Goku x 1
34 SSRs out of 334 tickets. Nearly 10% SSR rate. RIP getting SV or Buuhan tho. xD
Guys, when I think of it:
If I didn't did that multi pull that gave me Goku Black, I wouldn't have got the ticket that gave me Buuhan. :")
I guess this one ran out my luck for thousand of pulls :")
Damn, 1/2 stamina after the dupe system for Dokkan events is... awesome.
Running double SV against SSBKK last time took a while, it was long and tough battle. But now? With a dokkaned SSBKK of my own, and SV with 50% (just unlocked lower-right with my only dupe), using a friend who had double attack that activated most times... it was a breeze. I need some more medals to dokkan the other SSGSS Goku, which thankfully only needs 35. Might as well save up some for the Androids too since I'm one level behind it, then move onto farming SV medals for the androids too
Almighty Fusion Super Gogeta (STR) (yay! alerady dokkaned and Super LV.10, I was waiting for him a long time )
Fist of Conviction - Super Saiyan Bardock (PHY)
Savage Power Goku (Youth) (Giant Ape) (PHY)
The Miracle of Potara Vegito (TEQ) (dupe, it was already super lv.6 I used the dupe for opening a path)
Could have been worse... happy for gogeta, I needed a good STR!
Eh, he's a demi-god leader. If you want to waste it in baba shop, go on, you're going to regret.
Dokkan awakened and paired with a friend Godtenks SSJ3, you basically have the base for an amazing TEQ team. You even have Bardock as a sealer.