Human Trashcan
How exactly do you manipulate the characters positions? This seems to be RNG to me.
The starting positions are randomly generated, but you can completely control who appears in which round after that.
Round 1: 1--- 2--- 3
Round 2: 4--- 5--- 6
Round 3: 7--- 1--- 2
Round 4: 3--- 4--- 5
and so on and so forth.
This is how your starting lineup looks. As soon as you load into the stage, you can look at the character circle in the bottom right to see who is in which position.
The important thing to remember is that characters in the first two slots always appear again together after the next round. And the character in slot 3 appears again the round after that. What this means in practice is that if you want to keep characters together, you keep them in slot 1 and 2 at all costs. If you want to pair a character with someone who is in the other round, you put *one of those two* in the third slot, and keep the other one in slot 1 or 2. That's really all there is to it. Once you get a feel for it it becomes second nature to look for this at the start of each fight.