donkey show
When he's paired with Rosé, they're ridiculous. A bit jealous of my JP account since I have them on there. I can only imagine his output with him on GBL since Black's stats are higher.Not bad for SA1, no orbs.
When he's paired with Rosé, they're ridiculous. A bit jealous of my JP account since I have them on there. I can only imagine his output with him on GBL since Black's stats are higher.Not bad for SA1, no orbs.
So you unlocked Lower Left and Upper Right?
Think the recommended should be Lower RIght and Upper left first >.<
With those unlocked, I think Lower Right should be next.
That Gogeta gonna hit real hard! Hope you farm the orbs event previous weeks.
Currently I think only Godtenks
9-10 = immense.
11 = +ATK and immense.
12 = Extreme and lower enemy Def. (it actually hit lower damage at 12Ki.
and GodCell(coming soon)
10/12 = Immense damage.
11 = Mass damage to All (AOE)
VB take more damage from new Extreme cards, Black,Rose, Zamasu.
If that team is struggling, then perhaps it is due to not enough SA level on those.
Replace that Agi Goku with AGI SSJ3 Goku. Better stats, lower defense.
Try VB lead with Maxed Friend VB.
maybe those will result in higher HP.
Then perhaps lower left next.Sry i mistyped...i already opend up lower right and upper left.
Man i would love to get Godtenks - one of my faves in the series and i dont know most of the newer units like VB.
Didnt know that AGL SSJ3 Goku lowers def - i would use him but my cost limit is preventing me right now. If i can add 2-3 ranks i can replace SSJ Goku with him.
I will give it a shot with my 2-3 Dokkan VB friends and once more time with SV - if that doesnt work i will just try to farm some more stones and do 2-3 single pulls for Godtenks before the banner is gone.
Then perhaps lower left next.
Gotenks is really nice but pulling specially for him is risky, but who knows you got lucky.
At that level with current 3x Exp story mode, you should be able to play forever till level 180-200ish.
Just play the story till almost level up, then use the 50stamina for the events.
Just don't do a super on that turn and it will carry over to the next round. As for the box, press the lock on cards you have.Is there anyway to somehow hold on to or Delay the Dokkan mode if you dont have your mayor damage dealers in the current lineup ? And i just created a dbz space account but somehow dont find the option to add cards to your box. Probably missing something very obvious.
And i just created a dbz space account but somehow dont find the option to add cards to your box. Probably missing something very obvious.
Just don't do a super on that turn and it will carry over to the next round. As for the box, press the lock on cards you have.
Thank you both.Lock the cards like you would in the game
Also if I remember correctly, when you have multiple characters whose supers are activated while your dokkan bar is filled, the dokkan will default to the left most character who's ready to super.Thank you both.
Esp. the Dokkan Mode info will help me out...i had two situation where i had Dokkan go off with my weak SSJ AGL Goku in stead of Gogeta..very helpful.
Locking ? Okay i was looking for some kind of "add to" menu heh - makes sense.
Wait....JPN new INT lead is a villain? Erm... They can't seriously intend for LR Gohan to be the hero lead surely? His pull rate is bullshit. This will put a sharp end to my hopes of having a neo-god rainbow team.
Well Majin Vegeta is an AGL villain and they put out an AGL villain leader.Wait....JPN new INT lead is a villain? Erm... They can't seriously intend for LR Gohan to be the hero lead surely? His pull rate is bullshit. This will put a sharp end to my hopes of having a neo-god rainbow team.
Is there anyway to somehow hold on to or Delay the Dokkan mode if you dont have your mayor damage dealers in the current lineup ? And i just created a dbz space account but somehow dont find the option to add cards to your box. Probably missing something very obvious.
PS. About Godtenks long do we have to wait until the next big gacha event ? Im using all stones i can get because this seems like quite the mayor banner or is already something lined up we should wait/hoard for ? As long as i can Dokkan my other Godleads (Broly/Buuhan) down the line i can wait on Godtenks to Dokkan SSGSSK ...
Hoping the Heroes banner comes along at some point as well. Wouldn't mind taking a crack at that AGL Janembaby.You can see upcoming banners in more or less the same order here The next major ones are STR Cell; the Trunks/SSB Goku/SSB Vegeta one which i have heard includes 1(?) GSSR pull but is otherwise skippable; the Rage Trunks banner which is quite good since Merged Zamasu and Rage Trunks are both really good alternative Super/Extreme leaders (less ki, more stats) and Bluegito is on it, and like 18 flavors of Trunks. After that there's SSB Vegeta the INT lead (I'd skip, because...) and after that the SSj4 banners which is like Rose/Bluegito: 2 new banners with the new meta-defining leads on them, as well as most other top-tier units.
I'm planning on pulling that 1 GSSR, whatever stones I have at the time on Rage Trunks because I fkn love that character and arc, and then save for SSJ4.
Well Majin Vegeta is an AGL villain and they put out an AGL villain leader.
Pretty sure they're putting out a super Int leader
The event's pretty easy with the usual SSJ4 AGL team, way easier than Super 17s. It's the PHY Buu round that keeps throwing supers every attack. The INT round after is back to normal.That's a good point, I think I'll wait on that. This Buu is honestly a bit crap anyway. No ki links whatsoever. His event is also....interesting. in the final form he smacked me with 4 supers in a single turn. Looking at the subreddit it seems his final form only does super attacks.
There's no agl janembu, just the teq one from fusions.
Thanks man !!
Actually i already had two Gogeta dupes and unlocked left bottom/right above i wonder what patch would be the next to unlock.
So with Godenks you would rather go for 11 KI instead of 12 ? Didnt know about that...are there other units that have better/stronger Super on lower Ki then max ?
Gave this team a try on 50stam based on your recommendation
I died on the final stage because i miscalculated the damage and it wasnt fast enough to kill the app. It kinda worked but i dont know if i would have had enough items to really get him down to 0. Feels like that 5th item spot would really help me at this point.
Also what ups with the lowish damage against him ? Even Gogeta/SV Super barely hit over 200k if at all. Feels like a situation where im missing some key card to manage him.
So yeah i feel it could work...but the grind and time commitment would be immense. I hope that i can at least clear it...if i can do two clears per Day i could get him before the Event is over. Otherwise i will just farm the medals for SSJ3 STR Goku i pulled.
Thanks again...hope it works out - Dokkan VB would mean alot of taking on more difficult Dokkans.
Uh.... are you just showing off your team or did you actually put Super Vegito as your leader for your Super team? He is an agile leader.
Or what he's trying to say here, you used super vegetto as leader, but he only affects agl cards, vegetto blue however affects super cards of any type/colour, yet you didn't use him as leader.
edit: get rid of broly, janemba also links with buuhan for healing. So you'll be able to heal/block in one round, nuke with black/rosé in the other and have golden freeza as blocker every third round.
Yeah, sorry didn't explain why and who should replace him. Sasuke, Vegito Blue is a must as a leader for the Super team.
Awesome! Thanks, my villain team is mostly brand new so I am still trying them out!
You can see upcoming banners in more or less the same order here The next major ones are STR Cell; the Trunks/SSB Goku/SSB Vegeta one which i have heard includes 1(?) GSSR pull but is otherwise skippable; the Rage Trunks banner which is quite good since Merged Zamasu and Rage Trunks are both really good alternative Super/Extreme leaders (less ki, more stats) and Bluegito is on it, and like 18 flavors of Trunks. After that there's SSB Vegeta the INT lead (I'd skip, because...) and after that the SSj4 banners which is like Rose/Bluegito: 2 new banners with the new meta-defining leads on them, as well as most other top-tier units.
I'm planning on pulling that 1 GSSR, whatever stones I have at the time on Rage Trunks because I fkn love that character and arc, and then save for SSJ4.
Thanks, thats good to know.Also if I remember correctly, when you have multiple characters whose supers are activated while your dokkan bar is filled, the dokkan will default to the left most character who's ready to super.
Yeah, sorry didn't explain why and who should replace him. Sasuke, Vegito Blue is a must as a leader for the Super team.
Awesome! Thanks, my villain team is mostly brand new so I am still trying them out!
Oh yeah...i know that but i gave SV a try because he is dkkned mine and i have more friends that run his Dokkan version compared to VB. Even on a AGL team Gogeta is a solid damage dealer and PHY SSJ Trunks is my only sealer.
Working on VB now - the next time i try the stage i will do it with a Super team. Helps that i have 2 Dokkaned VB friends already - this team performs quite a bit better xD
It doesn't matter if they are dokkaned or not, their leader skills only affect agl characters, so they aren't boosting gogeta, VB and gotenks at all, just themselves and ssbkk (and I guess ssj goku but he's not going to be dealing big damage anyway).
Now imagine VB firing off 3 supers, but he's not boosted by an additional 80/90% because the sv's don't affect him?
You are getting 140% on 3(4) characters with dual sv.
Whereas with dual VB you'd be getting 90% on all 7 characters, which is much more effective.
And they are missing out on easy +4/5 ki for near guaranteed supering every round.
You're gimping yourself by running dual SV leaders on that team.
The event's pretty easy with the usual SSJ4 AGL team, way easier than Super 17s. It's the PHY Buu round that keeps throwing supers every attack. The INT round after is back to normal.
Is there some General guidance what SR are safe to trade for points?
I have 43 SR units (few are friend points). Some SR I have multiple (SS Goten Kid 4 pcs). Cause I don't know who to trade, I havent touched at all.
Thus not sure which SR to use & later awaken to SSR.
Thanks to cw_sasuke post I decided to go thru story and collect 50 gems for Super banner. Rather than pulling from villain gacha by 30 gems (I used 25 gems earlier to that banner)
That Super banner 10 pull gave 1 SSR AGL SSGSS Vegeta. Now I have 4 SSR in team plus 2 SSR out of team AGL Buu (Kid) & INT Assasin Hit.
Outside of Gogeta none of the non-AGL unit were in the team as main dmg dealers but for their gimmick. VB for more defense and PHY SSJ Gotenks as a sealer. Getting KI for Supers on that team wasnt that difficult - Gogeta/VB/SV/Gotenks all link well and i had +2KI passive from SSJ AGL Goku.
This was a more defensive approach with 2 SVs and 1 VB for limit some of the damage - my non Dokkan VB probably wouldnt have had the damage needed to offset the lack in defensive. Most people just had more time to put more work into their SV and unlocked some Hidden Abilities and co.
So yeah i could have done a bit more damage with a VB team, but would have likely died faster as well. Not saying you are wrong - i know that the Super team is obv. superior with all units being boosted, but having 2 SV in addition to 1 SB was just part of the setup. Didnt quite work out but...well you live and learn.
Well thats old news anyways...i will give it another shot with a Super team once my units are ready.
Is there some General guidance what SR are safe to trade for points?
I have 43 SR units (few are friend points). Some SR I have multiple (SS Goten Kid 4 pcs). Cause I don't know who to trade, I havent touched at all.
Thus not sure which SR to use & later awaken to SSR.
Thanks to cw_sasuke post I decided to go thru story and collect 50 gems for Super banner. Rather than pulling from villain gacha by 30 gems (I used 25 gems earlier to that banner)
That Super banner 10 pull gave 1 SSR AGL SSGSS Vegeta. Now I have 4 SSR in team plus 2 SSR out of team AGL Buu (Kid) & INT Assasin Hit.
Going for that final multi was a smart move after all.
Does that mean you have a 0 gem pull for Super left now?
You should complete the set of the first 4 pulls for each banner, much more bang for your buck. Multipulls are normally always 50 stones, these discounted pulls pretty much never happen. You get 4 pulls for just over the price of 2 normal multipulls.
Fuck, I want Godtenks and PHYtenks so fucking much
Are they on SSJ4 Vegeta banner pool? It's the only banner I'll pull in the future.
Decided to do a multi on JP since I had enough for one...
Buuuuuuu!All new SSRs too, aside from him as well. ^^ Just need Buuhan to make that immortal INT team now.
Such beautiful teams possible with rosé and blue :'[.
Yeah. I have exactly one gem left. I have that 30 gem Extreme Type banner left (and 50 gems and then that free pull). I can't collect enough gems in so short time.
I started playing roughly 24h ago and so far I have pulled:
- 5 Gem beginner SSR pull
- 25 Gem Super banner
- 30 Gem Super banner
- 50 Gem Super banner
- Freebie Super banner
- 50 Gem Super banner
- 25 Gem extreme banner
- All the freebie tickets
Iam at rank 26, stamina is the issue. Even with 3x rank exp from story its not enough to keep me playing forward without breaks.
Just dokkan doesn't really matter when it comes to damage, unless the dokkan changes some of the flat percentages on passives (like golden freeza going from +50% to +70% atk passive), the SA level is much more important for damage.
Awakend VB firing off 3 supers while being boosted by 90% is going to be doing plenty of damage.
Orbs are ofcourse also pretty important, but I dunno, I wouldn't pass up running dual VB on a super team if I could, they aren't godlike blockers like SV, but just pounding the enemy with supers every round is going to delete a lot of lifebars.
Iam at rank 26, stamina is the issue. Even with 3x rank exp from story its not enough to keep me playing forward without breaks.
Are you sure about not being able to rank up anymore ? Even when doing the Hard difficulty ? You should have no issues playing for a while in the Story mode. Im rank 120 now and can play the Storymode non stop.
If possible try to get the 30 stone EXTREME in vefore it ends...but otherwise its better to save for upcoming events.
rush to Area 11, spam Wayward Champion on ZHard. Easy 1 boss battle which will let you level up to 180s nonstop.
Truly an Easter miracle.