Noooooooooo stop, save them for LR freeza!Started baba'ing 1st form frieza's. All I got when I tried going for Rose.
Noooooooooo stop, save them for LR freeza!Started baba'ing 1st form frieza's. All I got when I tried going for Rose.
How do you get those stars to SSR characters?
I did awaken my Phy leader to UR. Also grabbed all the gems from GT Baby event. Still need to do another of those timely events. I made one more 10 pull from Super banner and got Phy Bardock.
Also which dungeon dungeon are you all refering as that orb daily dungeon?
The small stars means that the character is not fully awakened, Big star means the unit is fully awakened. I think everyone means the daily orb events as a means to get orbs
Ah noice. Super Vegeta getting that rebirth!Here are the sneak peaks of the rebirths
So since Gogeta kind of always crits in a way because of his passive, would it be smarter to invest in additional attack for him? I mean yeah I'm sure the actual crit would make he attack stronger, but he's also one of the few units that's regular attacks are pretty decent on their own.
Buuhan is so good, so so good.
And here I thought I was going to have to mentally exhaust myself running the 2 medal golden freeza stage, getting the baba dabura as a lead is making all the difference, get stomped freeza.
I can probably roll through gotenks now as well.
My super and extreme teams as a 630 day f2p player
My super team I could make it link (even) better but couldn't leave any of these guys out lol
My extreme team I could make the links a little better but these are the team I think looks the nicest and "harder" hitters ..
Sadly haven't been able to pull phy broly do have the str but lol
Any ways got the medals to awaken both VB and BR but I kinda level my guys as I play with them it's a way I found to keep the game going seeing as I have nothing at all to do in the game other than getting orbs daily .
But it's coming along nice
How's yours ?
Hah lol thank you Mr RonScrew you man...
Haha nice teams!
How's yours ?
Working on LR Androids and waiting for FP Freeza event.
Nice ..Working on LR Androids and waiting for FP Freeza event.
Here are my JPN rainbow teams:
I got a SS God Vegito today so excited about that I also got a SS Bardock.
Nice ..
I got all the LR cards even the androids but tried keeping my extreme and super teams as rainbow (not sure guess just more fun personally)
But guess when it becomes needed I'll make my extreme super teams more mono to be the best I can make
Your jp teams looking mighty damn
Farming awakening medals for the Strike Characters is such a chore with this stupid 100 level limitation. They need to let us search for specific characters to make this viable, the game simply doesn't offer me guests with low requirements to make a team.
I can't even imagine the infuriating experience of fighting LR Goku with the game only offering banned characters as guests.
*gets free stones*
what the fuck fam
*gets free stones*
what the fuck fam
I know! 3 Videls, what are the odds?!
I did a couple singles on Rose and that was definitely a mistake. My luck has run out, it seems. Had a good run for bit, though.
*gets free stones*
what the fuck fam
*gets free stones*
what the fuck fam
I'd be salty but I actually got several multi-SSR pulls. The problem is that pretty much all of them had trash SSRs (I have several copies of that shit TEQ Vegeta and Zamasus) x.x
The only one I was legit shook was a 5x tickets pull that had Gogeta, Super Vegeto and another motherfucker I can't even remember.
I have pulled my 8th Gogeta
I am not bragging I need help here
I wonder if trading characters will ever be a thing
Finish the LR goku on Christmas eve lol1. Love the name lol
2. Nice SSGB Vegito is so amazing
3. SSJ Bardock is also great i love htat I got his INT version during a WT ticket pull.
Holy crap. It's gonna take me a long time to get LR Piccolo, my local is always pretty damn hard. I think Panda was in my local last WT, and he got top though
Nope. The only units where AA is worth it is those with kaioken effects. Gogeta still gets more mileage out of crit.
I can't believe how hard I'm kicking freeza's ass now, at this rate I'll have all 3 dokkaned by sunday.
I'm definitely doing some more pulls on rosé before the banner disappears, the prospect of getting my own buuhan is too juicy.
Keep in mind that relatively soon we should get one of those dragon stones that allows you to select a god lead.(
Nah man I get it, buuhan is just incredible, being able to run dual buuhan is pure insanity.
And good tip about that guaranteed god lead thing, I prolly won't go too hard in on rosé then I guess.
WOAH THERE.... We can actually choose who we want??? This is absolutely insane. Which are the selectable characters? Can I straight up get Rose or Godtenks and fuck wasting stones?