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Dragon Blaze (iOS/Android) |OT| Looks Like Vanillaware, Tastes Like F2P


How does combining actually work? You can see what the combination is going to result in? And is it a guarantee that its going to be a sss character or is it random?

You combine two cards of a same tier to get a random card of tier above. Combine two S cards to get a random SS; for instance. If you combine two SS cards then it's a guaranteed SSS card. Which particular SSS card is, once again, random.

To combine two cards they need to be in max state and you get them to that state by feeding same or lower level cards.
Goddamnit RNG :(

Had a SSS reward for the 10th day returning player, which would also trigger the SS summon reward from the global event (cause of the number of allies gained or whatever)

Hoping for Shabele(SSS) or Viri(SS) : got Ranger Kay(SSS) and Hunter Misty(SS) :(


You combine two cards of a same tier to get a random card of tier above. Combine two S cards to get a random SS; for instance. If you combine two SS cards then it's a guaranteed SSS card. Which particular SSS card is, once again, random.

To combine two cards they need to be in max state and you get them to that state by feeding same or lower level cards.

Try to check the offiicial forum in the futur, it had some guides that covers that basics : http://m.gamevilusa.com/forums/showthread.php?239271-Guide-Combining-Allies

I see. Thanks for the help!


Maybe its just me but Submerged ruins 9 ally rate seems to be really high. With 30 shoes, I got 1 A, 2 Bs, 4 Cs. Yesterday got 3 As from there as well.


Don't forget to redeem your 60 shoes because it seems they will only last for today :


These and an S ally were dispatched as compensation rewards because of the down login server of friday.

Source : Taiwan Facebook


Maybe its just me but Submerged ruins 9 ally rate seems to be really high. With 30 shoes, I got 1 A, 2 Bs, 4 Cs. Yesterday got 3 As from there as well.

Got 2 Cs with 30 shoes there. That's it.

Guardian's Grave 9, personally speaking, has yielded better results for me.


Priest is coming right along. Level 62 now. I can already see lab results. I auto battle to level 30 from 1 every time now. I need to decide if I'm going to invest the rubies into unlocking additional item slots for her though. That will open up more lab opportunities but cost in the short term.

What are you guys doing for arena gems? Just getting a handful of SS or making the big SSS purchase? I'm leaning toward the former. I can get my Draco brightspark decked out with a combo of int and sta gems that way.


Priest is coming right along. Level 62 now. I can already see lab results. I auto battle to level 30 from 1 every time now. I need to decide if I'm going to invest the rubies into unlocking additional item slots for her though. That will open up more lab opportunities but cost in the short term.

What are you guys doing for arena gems? Just getting a handful of SS or making the big SSS purchase? I'm leaning toward the former. I can get my Draco brightspark decked out with a combo of int and sta gems that way.

Only going for the SSS. It will take a while but I can make the lesser stuff myself. I'm only going to focus on my primary GB Ally with the gems for now anyway.


Only going for the SSS. It will take a while but I can make the lesser stuff myself. I'm only going to focus on my primary GB Ally with the gems for now anyway.

Have they added the ability to combine yet? Its going to take awhile. I've only ever seen green ones from dungeons


Have they added the ability to combine yet? Its going to take awhile. I've only ever seen green ones from dungeons

? You mean combining gems? You've been able to do that since they were added. Once you have 10 of the same, select the gems and there should be a combine button.


Goddamnit RNG :(

Had a SSS reward for the 10th day returning player, which would also trigger the SS summon reward from the global event (cause of the number of allies gained or whatever)

Hoping for Shabele(SSS) or Viri(SS) : got Ranger Kay(SSS) and Hunter Misty(SS) :(
I laid waste to all my S units just to get a Punisher Rar.

On the bright side, I finally beat Legend mode and have 400-something rubies for my trouble. Not sure if I blow them all on Premium Summons or spend it on cosmetic upgrades. Guess I could do both.


bleh looks like I won't make top 5% for arena this week. Have very few opportunities to even play on tuesdays cause of school and arena reset is same day. The teams I'm seeing usually have a shabelle or blackaria or both -_-


Top 200 in arena and yet still nowhere close to top 1%. I won't be surprised if in a few weeks there are people in top 50 who are not yet in top 1%.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Top 200 in arena and yet still nowhere close to top 1%. I won't be surprised if in a few weeks there are people in top 50 who are not yet in top 1%.

I been getting 1% for the past 2 months easily but this week's looks very grim . #143 at 1.181% with 4600 points. I doubt angels would bring people back into the game. Needs more features


Arena's getting really tough. Sometimes it seems like there's nothing but Draco teams with ultimates. I don't dare do the bonus fight.


They need to advertise more. Bring fresh blood. Go for that brave frontier market. Have gem sales/increased SSS drop event days that shoots the game up in popularity occasionally enough that more people notice it. The game is good enough to stand on its own merit. Just not enough visibility right now.


They need to advertise more. Bring fresh blood. Go for that brave frontier market. Have gem sales/increased SSS drop event days that shoots the game up in popularity occasionally enough that more people notice it. The game is good enough to stand on its own merit. Just not enough visibility right now.

Yep. Advertise more. I only heard of this game because of this thread. I still haven't seen a single banner ad or anything for it elsewhere. Definitely agree with some gem sales too. I might actually buy some then


I don't think I will buy anymore rubies for this game. I can see myself completely losing interest one day. Don't want to put too much into it.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Yep. Advertise more. I only heard of this game because of this thread. I still haven't seen a single banner ad or anything for it elsewhere. Definitely agree with some gem sales too. I might actually buy some then

Yeah I heard about it from this thread as well. I've tried almost all of these types of games, and they all have various issues that cause me to quit at some point. But this one has a lot of things going for it. Sucks that it is not more popular. If the population stabilizes at 5000 or so thousand active players, they will probably be enough for a year or two.


Taiwan facebook announced today : enhancement skill for ally will be implemented with the update of 22th september.

Only ally who is MAX+ will have skill point, 1 point per MAX+. So for example : ultimate ally will have 5 points to spends.

Cost for Ultimate Draco (from Livi guide)
- Skill 1 to 2: 490.000 Gold + 2 essences
- Skill 2 to 3: 990.000 Gold + 4 essences

Oh man, I need to farm gold and essences for my ultimate BS.

Source of the news : https://www.facebook.com/DragonBlazeTW


I got 10 mil gold haha.
That will be quite consuming in terms of essences again. Not sure what skill on Draco BS I'd want to raise.


Taiwan facebook announced today : enhancement skill for ally will be implemented with the update of 22th september.

Only ally who is MAX+ will have skill point, 1 point per MAX+. So for example : ultimate ally will have 5 points to spends.

Cost for Ultimate Draco (from Livi guide)
- Skill 1 to 2: 490.000 Gold + 2 essences
- Skill 2 to 3: 990.000 Gold + 4 essences

Oh man, I need to farm gold and essences for my ultimate BS.

Source of the news : https://www.facebook.com/DragonBlazeTW

Oh man, I totally forgot we can level up skills now. I need to do this soon. I'm going to give a few more SSS combines to see if I can finally get a priest, and if it's no go, I'm going to try to ultimate a few Dracos. Man that gold sink though.

Does the Saturday enhance discount apply to skills as well? Anyone check?


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Taiwan facebook announced today : enhancement skill for ally will be implemented with the update of 22th september.

Only ally who is MAX+ will have skill point, 1 point per MAX+. So for example : ultimate ally will have 5 points to spends.

Cost for Ultimate Draco (from Livi guide)
- Skill 1 to 2: 490.000 Gold + 2 essences
- Skill 2 to 3: 990.000 Gold + 4 essences

Oh man, I need to farm gold and essences for my ultimate BS.

Source of the news : https://www.facebook.com/DragonBlazeTW

Each new update makes the game more and more P2W. I might just bow out.


Each new update makes the game more and more P2W. I might just bow out.

Yeah. I mean I really like the game and all and I like that there are things to accomplish but hell, they just keep widening that gap. You can't alienate the free players and expect to have a thriving community. Entice players to pay money to add enjoyment to the game they play. Don't demand it because it's the only way to succeed.

I know mobile space is different (does it have to be though?) But I look at good f2p computer games like league of Legends and dota2. They have a great fun base game where spending money isn't at all necessary to enjoy the game to its fullest but they offer a lot of ways to make the game more fun personally through cosmetics and the like with real money. Mobile games seem to revolve around "pay money or suffer a horrible grind with time restrictions through a stamina system" rather than just offering some good gameplay. The mobile game industry as a whole needs to grow a little.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Yeah. I mean I really like the game and all and I like that there are things to accomplish but hell, they just keep widening that gap. You can't alienate the free players and expect to have a thriving community. Entice players to pay money to add enjoyment to the game they play. Don't demand it because it's the only way to succeed.

I know mobile space is different (does it have to be though?) But I look at good f2p computer games like league of Legends and dota2. They have a great fun base game where spending money isn't at all necessary to enjoy the game to its fullest but they offer a lot of ways to make the game more fun personally through cosmetics and the like with real money. Mobile games seem to revolve around "pay money or suffer a horrible grind with time restrictions through a stamina system" rather than just offering some good gameplay. The mobile game industry as a whole needs to grow a little.

Yeah, pretty much. It's going to take me so long to get the extra essences and extra SSS fodder to level up my allies' skills, and that's with me ignoring the new, stronger angels. The thing is, if spending $50 actually gave me something worthwhile, I probably wouldn't complain so much. But spending money gets so you little in this game, so you have to spend a LOT to make significant progress.

You hit the nail on the head. Mobile's pay mechanics boil down to "pay or suffer", when it really should be "pay and enjoy the game a bit more", like in LoL, etc. Disappointing but I guess it is what it is. I'll still play DB for now because I still do really like the game, but I'm pretty open to replacing it with something else if something worthwhile is released. Nothing is as good atm.


Ditch Mer and put in Pearla for now, ranran should be good enough with her group heal.

I'm on right now.
I find Mer's shield skill to be very useful, and his single-target heal is great in a bind. Sometimes, Ranran's AOE heals for peanuts (probably debuff reasons).

I agree with the sentiments that each update makes things more P2W and alienates new players. The grind is heavy and paying players don't seem to get much value for their money; what you get for $50/$100, for example, seems insulting poor. I'm also surprised at the ~5000 player population figure, it seems very low.

For the top players in this thread, is it accurate to say that you've hit a point of diminishing returns? I have to imagine that at some point, one loses incentive to keep putting the time in to maintain 1%er status. Always seems to be the case.



New 10 day login reward (on top of the 10 day SS reward).

I would say i agree with the sentiment that the rewards are poor for the $ you can spend. However, if you think its P2W now, all buffing the rewards will do is makes things much worse.

I won't speak for myself but you can play this game completely f2p. My guild has people with 2-3 Dracos who are 100% f2p. It just takes much "discipline" in your resource management (ie: don't go spamming all your A ranks to enhance a SS like 99% of people do). Of course, if you are expecting to be consistently top 50/1% week in week out against whalers, well...tough luck.



New 10 day login reward (on top of the 10 day SS reward).

I would say i agree with the sentiment that the rewards are poor for the $ you can spend. However, if you think its P2W now, all buffing the rewards will do is makes things much worse.

I won't speak for myself but you can play this game completely f2p. My guild has people with 2-3 Dracos who are 100% f2p. It just takes much "discipline" in your resource management (ie: don't go spamming all your A ranks to enhance a SS like 99% of people do). Of course, if you are expecting to be consistently top 50/1% week in week out against whalers, well...tough luck.

Whoa. That makes two free SSS they are giving us this month. Crazy.

Its certainly possible to be a strong player f2p. I'm a top 5% player in most aspects completely f2p but the gap is getting larger and larger and the playerbase is shrinking. Those two facts say something is a bit amiss.

But hey, I really like the game. Always have. I keep playing. Just wish it was structured a bit different


I find Mer's shield skill to be very useful, and his single-target heal is great in a bind. Sometimes, Ranran's AOE heals for peanuts (probably debuff reasons).

It isn't really necessary to have 2 healers unless you are unable to progress further in the story dungeons. I say to ditch Mer because a couple of people in this thread had gotten through Chapter 1 Myth with just ranran as healer likely even the chapter 2 content, though if that team comp is fine for you just keep at it. I do think that would've been one way to get more dps out of the allies you have. For labyrinth though, 1 healer is all you need since you want more cc/stuns to be able to get further since waves 30+ can 1 shot your allies easily beside the tank.

Also, I can finally stop complaining about no healer. Combined for princess mercedes yesterday now just need to enhance her and get more SSS fodder. Currently have 34 blackaria essences so I can at least enhance her when I finally deify to her woo.


It isn't really necessary to have 2 healers unless you are unable to progress further in the story dungeons. I say to ditch Mer because a couple of people in this thread had gotten through Chapter 1 Myth with just ranran as healer likely even the chapter 2 content, though if that team comp is fine for you just keep at it. I do think that would've been one way to get more dps out of the allies you have. For labyrinth though, 1 healer is all you need since you want more cc/stuns to be able to get further since waves 30+ can 1 shot your allies easily beside the tank.

Also, I can finally stop complaining about no healer. Combined for princess mercedes yesterday now just need to enhance her and get more SSS fodder. Currently have 34 blackaria essences so I can at least enhance her when I finally deify to her woo.
That was the exact reason I needed both, though - I was having a heck of a time getting through Legendary mode. Even now on Myth I don't think I can ditch Mer, because Ranran's getting 1-shotted occasionally. Maybe I'll luck out with a SSS healer from the giveaways.

Whoa. That makes two free SSS they are giving us this month. Crazy.

Its certainly possible to be a strong player f2p. I'm a top 5% player in most aspects completely f2p but the gap is getting larger and larger and the playerbase is shrinking. Those two facts say something is a bit amiss.

But hey, I really like the game. Always have. I keep playing. Just wish it was structured a bit different
It's definitely possible, it's just a question of whether your typical mobile gamer has the attention span to get there. When all's said and done I *might* have one Draco in my group, and by that time they probably won't be very relevant. As an F2P mooch I'm totally fine with that, but it seems clear that many will tire and quit. The freebies are great for us, but I see them as a band-aid solution.

Does anyone know if Draco's can be acquired from pulls/SSS freebies?


I log in now for the daily free A summon but I've decided to shelf the game for now. The game is great for f2p to kill time and they do have a lot of stuff to put your attention on. I can still do mainly 1 to 5 percent in all the events but looking at the long haul of keeping up has made me decide to drop the game.

For me personally it is the stamina system. My previous and current games like PAD and BF have huge stam pools as you level so I can not check it for 10+ hours while its refilling. I know I don't have to use all my shoes and tickets every 5 hours but I generally like to min / max my games generally. So this is a personal gripe, not a bad thing in general but just for my playstyle. Also with BF picking up the content immensely, catching up with the Japanese version and metal gear solid 5 out, no more spare time for DB. Its been a fun run though, no regrets!

Also someone should prob take the GM from me so you guys can approve new recruits.



New 10 day login reward (on top of the 10 day SS reward).

I would say i agree with the sentiment that the rewards are poor for the $ you can spend. However, if you think its P2W now, all buffing the rewards will do is makes things much worse.

I won't speak for myself but you can play this game completely f2p. My guild has people with 2-3 Dracos who are 100% f2p. It just takes much "discipline" in your resource management (ie: don't go spamming all your A ranks to enhance a SS like 99% of people do). Of course, if you are expecting to be consistently top 50/1% week in week out against whalers, well...tough luck.

Wait, I don't have this GM event on Europe server, what server are you ? XD
Mine still show only for SS not SSS.


Neo Member
That was the exact reason I needed both, though - I was having a heck of a time getting through Legendary mode. Even now on Myth I don't think I can ditch Mer, because Ranran's getting 1-shotted occasionally. Maybe I'll luck out with a SSS healer from the giveaways.

It's definitely possible, it's just a question of whether your typical mobile gamer has the attention span to get there. When all's said and done I *might* have one Draco in my group, and by that time they probably won't be very relevant. As an F2P mooch I'm totally fine with that, but it seems clear that many will tire and quit. The freebies are great for us, but I see them as a band-aid solution.

Does anyone know if Draco's can be acquired from pulls/SSS freebies?

dracos only come from diefying


New 10 day login reward (on top of the 10 day SS reward).

I would say i agree with the sentiment that the rewards are poor for the $ you can spend. However, if you think its P2W now, all buffing the rewards will do is makes things much worse.

I won't speak for myself but you can play this game completely f2p. My guild has people with 2-3 Dracos who are 100% f2p. It just takes much "discipline" in your resource management (ie: don't go spamming all your A ranks to enhance a SS like 99% of people do). Of course, if you are expecting to be consistently top 50/1% week in week out against whalers, well...tough luck.

not sure what you mean by spamming A's to enhance SS but i generally run out of B/C fodder before i run out of rubies for A's on sundays lol


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I log in now for the daily free A summon but I've decided to shelf the game for now. The game is great for f2p to kill time and they do have a lot of stuff to put your attention on. I can still do mainly 1 to 5 percent in all the events but looking at the long haul of keeping up has made me decide to drop the game.

For me personally it is the stamina system. My previous and current games like PAD and BF have huge stam pools as you level so I can not check it for 10+ hours while its refilling. I know I don't have to use all my shoes and tickets every 5 hours but I generally like to min / max my games generally. So this is a personal gripe, not a bad thing in general but just for my playstyle. Also with BF picking up the content immensely, catching up with the Japanese version and metal gear solid 5 out, no more spare time for DB. Its been a fun run though, no regrets!

Also someone should prob take the GM from me so you guys can approve new recruits.

Ha, I actually have this same problem, and had it with Final Fantasy Record Keeper. I like using up all my stamina and then having 10+ hours where I don't have to play. Having to constantly log in to use up my shoes/tix can get annoying. Auto-ing things helps but not always.


That was the exact reason I needed both, though - I was having a heck of a time getting through Legendary mode. Even now on Myth I don't think I can ditch Mer, because Ranran's getting 1-shotted occasionally. Maybe I'll luck out with a SSS healer from the giveaways.

It's definitely possible, it's just a question of whether your typical mobile gamer has the attention span to get there. When all's said and done I *might* have one Draco in my group, and by that time they probably won't be very relevant. As an F2P mooch I'm totally fine with that, but it seems clear that many will tire and quit. The freebies are great for us, but I see them as a band-aid solution.

Does anyone know if Draco's can be acquired from pulls/SSS freebies?
Oh okay that makes sense then, though if you need help with myth using high level friends should be able to help you pull through as well. Draco can't be obtained from pulls.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Ha, I actually have this same problem, and had it with Final Fantasy Record Keeper. I like using up all my stamina and then having 10+ hours where I don't have to play. Having to constantly log in to use up my shoes/tix can get annoying. Auto-ing things helps but not always.

They need to add the quality of life changes from korea. The auto-battle function for non-stop would help with this. It's just too much of a hassle to manually grind spend your shoes .


Ha, I actually have this same problem, and had it with Final Fantasy Record Keeper. I like using up all my stamina and then having 10+ hours where I don't have to play. Having to constantly log in to use up my shoes/tix can get annoying. Auto-ing things helps but not always.

Yea I found balancing entertainment wise between two phone games and hearthstone dailies to be a bit much so i cut the one that would require a lot of upkeep / maintenance as of now.
Do we know when the Angels and Kymael (is that the paladin?) are coming out yet? I've got a Whay, Mercedes and Tiel all maxed, with 4 other SSS fodder ready to rock (and I could grind out a 5th pretty quick, I think). Not sure if it's worth making a Brightspark or Blackaria, or just waiting for the angel paladin.



Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Do we know when the Angels and Kymael (is that the paladin?) are coming out yet? I've got a Whay, Mercedes and Tiel all maxed, with 4 other SSS fodder ready to rock (and I could grind out a 5th pretty quick, I think). Not sure if it's worth making a Brightspark or Blackaria, or just waiting for the angel paladin.


You'll be waiting for a while. Make the Blackaria or BS now, or wait for the archer/summoner angel next week.


So just to make 100% sure... The summoner angel next week doesn't count toward having a mage for that bonus thing you get having a boden, angel and Draco of the same class correct? I don't know if a Draco summoner so it seems weird to me.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
So just to make 100% sure... The summoner angel next week doesn't count toward having a mage for that bonus thing you get having a boden, angel and Draco of the same class correct? I don't know if a Draco summoner so it seems weird to me.

I asked a while back and wasn't sure if it was confirmed yet. I'm pretty sure it HAS to count since there is no "summoner" draco.


I asked a while back and wasn't sure if it was confirmed yet. I'm pretty sure it HAS to count since there is no "summoner" draco.

Yeah. I'm in good shape to make the summoner angel pretty quickly. I can either get my whay from +4 to max or use my belle snow who is already max. But I'll hesitate if it doesn't count. Someone did say there is another round of angels coming with an actual mage :(

I can't afford to be diverse here. I don't get that many SSS to make them all.


So just to make 100% sure... The summoner angel next week doesn't count toward having a mage for that bonus thing you get having a boden, angel and Draco of the same class correct? I don't know if a Draco summoner so it seems weird to me.

You mean for the buster key? You need Piyoel, or whatever his name is, not this summoner mage. For the buster keys, there is 3 specific units you need (usually 1 each for Draco/Angel/Boden, except for Paladin), and it is highly unlikely they will make the Angel requirement for the mage buster key the summoner over the actual mage.

It's not confirmed though, since the mage buster key hasn't even released in the Korea version.
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