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Dragon Blaze (iOS/Android) |OT| Looks Like Vanillaware, Tastes Like F2P

I had the same inclination too but seeing A. fulson and shabelle wreck through hero arena made me feel good about making them. If only old GB was still around I would be enjoying A. fulson and other deified allies even more. Speaking of GB; hero GB is easily the worst mode in the game atm. Just dull as fudge. And the current meta makes each match last 5 minutes long too. It needs to be revamped, badly.

Well for me GB was always painfully boring so I just auto it in the mornings.

Is daily quest bugged on other servers too ?

On EU it haven't reset for last 3 days.

edit: I've joined 2 billions+ club in hydra :)


Well for me GB was always painfully boring so I just auto it in the mornings.

Is daily quest bugged on other servers too ?

On EU it haven't reset for last 3 days.

edit: I've joined 2 billions+ club in hydra :)

498 million wut wut!

Gawd. I blow hard at WBs. Is it all boss dmg cards and boss dmg on equipment that makes such a big difference? I barely hang onto 5% with them.
A bit - boss dmg card vs base attack is not that big difference

I had

Magnify Priest
Farrah with Epsilon+Max and boss damage card
DBS with boss damage
Margaret with Iota +0 with Int card
Falcon with Omega+0 with attack speed
Ravengale helper with attack speed

and switched formation to swift counter attack to fit Epsilon into it

Thankfully we get moment of silence with updates:


so we have 10 days to Luciene
and then probably another 7 for Tyr/Ragnarok


I have stopped night farming because of connection issues. Some days everything is fine while others I have woken up to 300 shoes remaining because the game disconnected 15 minutes after I started auto farming. I wish they would bring that essence fairy update soonish rather than months down the road. Need to bring up my essence farming pace.


I got a second Tiel from my 20 day SSS. I guess now I can save one for awaken and make the other one into Falcon, if I ever get around to it after I finish prepping Belle and Whay for their awakens.


I'm actually really, really happy with my team right now. At least 5% in everything, easy 1% in Shariet and Fortress. Gaia is a beast, really happy I made her - just cuts through stuff like anything. Along with Ouranos, Omega, A. Shabelle and A. Fulson, I'm looking real solid.

I am running a bit low on SSS fodder, so I'll need to get on that. Tyr awaits!


Neo Member
I still don't understand Shariet. I've kind of given up on that raid.

Is the upcoming raid the next good gear upgrade point or should we skip 90 gear? I still haven't even finished outfitting everyone with frozen gear! >_>


I still don't understand Shariet. I've kind of given up on that raid.

Is the upcoming raid the next good gear upgrade point or should we skip 90 gear? I still haven't even finished outfitting everyone with frozen gear! >_>

Here's the thing about what happens next. Raid 90 gear is roughly the same layout as the 88 gear with SLIGHTLY better stats. Here are the stat bonuses:

HP: 19,951 > 34,911
Accuracy: 70 > 84.8
Crit Dmg: 141.4 > 154.8
Def Pen: 85.4 > 102.4
Atk Speed: 40 > 41
Wpn Atk: 894 > 1,166

For defense, armor is generally 200-300 points higher for each piece of equipment (fairly large for everything outside of the chest). Couldn't tell you about the attack increase on weapons as I didn't save any 90 weapons from before the merger in the Korean version.

After this, though, things become a bit different. Each raid in each difficulty after level 90 will only contain (i think it's) 2 SSS pieces of gear. So I think the first raid was a dagger and helmet, but don't quote me on that. That will go until the hardest difficulty is released along with the U raid which gives really good gear.
We might be getting 7 SSS rewards in July


Also for this weekend we get total of 19 premium summons (3 for logging each day, 10 for logging 3 consecutive days)

After this, though, things become a bit different. Each raid in each difficulty after level 90 will only contain (i think it's) 2 SSS pieces of gear. So I think the first raid was a dagger and helmet, but don't quote me on that. That will go until the hardest difficulty is released along with the U raid which gives really good gear.

we already had that in global before merging of difficulty levels


What's the best use of battle coins? Scrolls,accessories, or gems?

You can never go wrong with gems. Safest bet. I personally get enough scrolls from DD to not bother spending coins on them. And I have purchased accessories only for my MCs. Spent a bunch on getting SSS costumes for two of mains as well because I GB a lot and that's mainly pvp gear.


I saw interesting theory on reddit about arming priests with STR gear to increase their defense I think i'll try it when swapping to lvl 90 stuff since even with 12 SS stamina gems priests are paper thin.


I saw interesting theory on reddit about arming priests with STR gear to increase their defense I think i'll try it when swapping to lvl 90 stuff since even with 12 SS stamina gems priests are paper thin.

I was given a similar recommendation about putting str gear and gems on fred for Shariet because mine was dying too quickly to be of much use. Did that for this last one and it failed miserably. He survived for what seemed like 20 extra seconds. Not enough to matter. Maybe it will work better with magni priest.
Officially confirmed


Only 13 SSS from making Tyr :)


Neat, got a Fulson from one of my free SSS this morning. Time to awaken the dude. I'm really lost on the meta of the game currently, so I'm just going to keep doing my dailies and just making the characters I enjoy. Not sure if I want to go for another buster or just wait for dark souls at this point.


Neat, got a Fulson from one of my free SSS this morning. Time to awaken the dude. I'm really lost on the meta of the game currently, so I'm just going to keep doing my dailies and just making the characters I enjoy. Not sure if I want to go for another buster or just wait for dark souls at this point.

Anything in particular that you are lost about?

Edit: Just saw info on upcoming login rewards update for KR:

Translation according to DB reddit:

1st week 2 SSS

2nd week Hero select

3rd week 2 SSS

4th week Deity choice or 5 SSS

God damn that's generous. With the amount of deified units that they have; justifiable too.


Anything in particular that you are lost about?

Edit: Just saw info on upcoming login rewards update for KR:

Translation according to DB reddit:

God damn that's generous. With the amount of deified units that they have; justifiable too.

I just got behind on grinding raid equipment for my main team, then there were the 3 Dragon Buster updates, along with the ascended allies, and I don't even know what to aim for anymore. It's just a lot to keep up with, especially since the PVP events all got split into two.

It's basically just that feeling of being overwhelmed.


Tyr i literally have to make, ad i already skipped stigma..
One small question: should i consider maxing tyr or it's better building nother ds?

You will not be getting much out of a DPS character that's not maxed. So max her out first before moving onto making another one.


Ha, the 2x SSS pull got me two of the hero units I'd been missing (Gram and Rollo). Now I just need Brightspark, and I'll have the whole collection.

And yeah, A. Lucienne is just as good in WB as I expected.
Ha, the 2x SSS pull got me two of the hero units I'd been missing (Gram and Rollo). Now I just need Brightspark, and I'll have the whole collection.

And yeah, A. Lucienne is just as good in WB as I expected.
There was a sss pull?

Side note..
Choco event: what should i buy?


There was a sss pull?

Side note..
Choco event: what should i buy?

Yeah, the day 28 login bonus.

As far as the choco event, I've just been getting the skill cards. They're exactly the same as the regular equivalent cards, and they combine the same way too. So it works out pretty well.
Hmm I'm thinking

purple ones - tickets for lvl 90 raid after next patch
golden - tickets and/or allies depending on how gearing my allies go
red - allies

I didn't have much time this week so I'm still 12SSS from Tyr.

And I can't wait for this feature from the patch:

8. Rapport System changes (Once you reach 100% rapport on a ally, all similar allies will automatic be at 100% rapport)

One small question: should i consider maxing tyr or it's better building nother ds?

Maxing - all dps busters/souls need to be maxed
And I can't wait for this feature from the patch:

8. Rapport System changes (Once you reach 100% rapport on a ally, all similar allies will automatic be at 100% rapport)
maxing 2 ss and then having to take them to max rapport..
not that it takes *long*, it's just a piss contest because i have to de-protect them, add to party, and then later remove them from party, combine and re-fix my party...
cmon :|


I'm using all the red cones for U skill cards. Unless you farm DD every day (I don't) this is the easiest way to acquire a bunch of them. A allies, which is majority of premium summons, are so much easier to come across just through regular farming.
I'm using all the red cones for U skill cards. Unless you farm DD every day (I don't) this is the easiest way to acquire a bunch of them. A allies, which is majority of premium summons, are so much easier to come across just through regular farming.

i've spent 3 weeks farming just destruction dungeon, so card-wise i'm not in a bad position..
4 x u cards of each main attribute (str, int,dex)
3 x u aspd
3 x u boss dmg..
and around 60 mixed sss cards of asp, boss, attribute and crit (dmg i think?), and 10 varying dmg...
apparently i've not managed to get any u varying dmg, but i guess i have cards aplenty...

gems though, it's another matter..
I have only fulson full ss dex gem and blackaria full ss stamina gem..
I full gem a character at a time, and i've not enough ss gems to full deck any char..
i have like 3 ss stamina, 7 ss str, 6 ss int, 1 ss dex iirc...

tough life :/


That was one S to many :)

S gems for everyone then I'm replacing them with SS as I get them.

I only have 2 or 3 SSS gems from lucky pull.

I hope they do 1+1 soon I'm down to 9 SS fodders and still 9 SSS away from Tyr.

We will be getting 7 SSS in the first half of July before 1st wave of DS. Are you down 9 SSS despite them?


Been logging in just to collect rewards the past month or so and awaken a few units (Mercedes and Shabelle). Looked up Dark Soul requirements and was like

So I look at the new DBs and figure I can go for Gaia, since I've got two mages I can convert to Fry and Bliss.

Of course, both units (Turq and Lilith) have Awakened states...

My brain says "immediate utility first", but my heart says
. Am I just too far behind?


Been logging in just to collect rewards the past month or so and awaken a few units (Mercedes and Shabelle). Looked up Dark Soul requirements and was like

So I look at the new DBs and figure I can go for Gaia, since I've got two mages I can convert to Fry and Bliss.

Of course, both units (Turq and Lilith) have Awakened states...

My brain says "immediate utility first", but my heart says
. Am I just too far behind?

What's your goal when you say you are too far behind? In general I would say the more you wait the less useful Gaia becomes because more powerful characters are that much closer to release. Fred and Foxy aren't too hot as allies these days either.


180 SSS ally pulls since I started the game and still not a single Loki. With Dark Souls quickly approaching, specifically Tyr, I'm beginning to worry.

At least I've been ready for Sasha for quite some time now, but I have way too many resources to get rid of.


What's your goal when you say you are too far behind? In general I would say the more you wait the less useful Gaia becomes because more powerful characters are that much closer to release. Fred and Foxy aren't too hot as allies these days either.

Get back into the ~10% in just about everything except PVP modes. When I quit, I was single-digits in every mode except Shariet. Now I think I'm ~20-40%. My roster is:

- Falcon
- Stormbear
- Gaela
- Llewelyn
- Awakened Mercedes

I've got Awakened Shabelle at Max, and Pluto at +3.

Other to-be awakened units are Tiel, Calgar, Belle Snow, Azur (?), Ackard, Turq, Fulson, Lilith. People here seem pretty high on Fulson, so I could awaken him next.

My gear is still Deus Rag / Dark Rag, so I need to work on that as well.


180 SSS ally pulls since I started the game and still not a single Loki. With Dark Souls quickly approaching, specifically Tyr, I'm beginning to worry.

At least I've been ready for Sasha for quite some time now, but I have way too many resources to get rid of.

I believe Jp blog more or less confirmed that we will be getting a hero SSS selection ticket as part of pre-registration gift for DS update. So loki will be in your hands soon.

Get back into the ~10% in just about everything except PVP modes. When I quit, I was single-digits in every mode except Shariet. Now I think I'm ~20-40%. My roster is:

- Falcon
- Stormbear
- Gaela
- Llewelyn
- Awakened Mercedes

I've got Awakened Shabelle at Max, and Pluto at +3.

Other to-be awakened units are Tiel, Calgar, Belle Snow, Azur (?), Ackard, Turq, Fulson, Lilith. People here seem pretty high on Fulson, so I could awaken him next.

My gear is still Deus Rag / Dark Rag, so I need to work on that as well.

Busters/DS are super resource intensive so this recommendation is assuming minimum effort on your behalf. Set aside Turq and Lilith and get Eirden for your hero selection so that you can claim mage DS when the time comes. For short term goal I'd say start working on a unit that's still in use in Kr meta. Those units are Omega and to a lesser degree, Iota. Getting Omega would mean sacrificing Tiel but it's worth it. Her awakened form is months out anyways and you might stop playing the game again by then. The negative part about getting omega will be that he is a buffer unit and won't help you much with rankings by itself. But he is still worth going for because a: You don't need to max him out to get use out of him and b: making him will give you some sense of your farming pace. From there on go for a dps unit. Make Sasha if she is out; go for Tyr/Stigma/Gaia if you were too quick; or continue working towards Mage DS if you felt making Omega alone was too much.
Looks like quite big difficulty jump in new area. My non buster team members very dying often in second half and in the last stages even Omega +0 got cleared several times.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
180 SSS ally pulls since I started the game and still not a single Loki. With Dark Souls quickly approaching, specifically Tyr, I'm beginning to worry.

At least I've been ready for Sasha for quite some time now, but I have way too many resources to get rid of.

I don't know what my SSS count is at, but I still have 0 Paladins.


My max stig got bodied frequently in this new area. And not even by the boss. Just by wave of regular enemies. Right now I have 4 Busters, just one maxed out, but I can't farm the last stage reliably.


Yeah, I can't farm the last stage either, but the amount of experience and gold given is roughly the same as area 3, so I just decided to farm there instead.


A few undocumented QOL changes I noticed:

  • Using magic scrolls is a one-button process if you have a stack of scrolls now. You don't have to go out of the interface and back in every time you do an enchant.
  • Costumes have their own storage tab now, with effectively infinite space. So all those guild battle costume pieces aren't cluttering up my inventory anymore.
  • We have the auto-adventure function now, much earlier than KR. It lets you go through the dungeon stages automatically, only stopping on story scenes or on death. Pretty useful for leveling alts.
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