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Dragon Quest appreciation thread


Has problems recognising girls
I'd hope that when one of the 3 goes, that would be the end of Dragon Quest, and since Enix themselves don't own the rights to DQ there would be no quarry to force them to make another iteration for the sake of producing more money out of a hat.

As for Sugiyama's compositions, they are very unique in that they sound classical yet still retain that hint of "Japanese RPG score" tinge to it. I think it would be very hard to imitate something like that even with something as simple as the Dragon Quest Overture.


mattiewheels said:
i started dq swords today, and it just reminds me of how perfect the level 5 incarnation of the universe is....the music is incredible and the art direction and overworld design is simple and brilliant. i doesn't really matter that the game is shallow, just being in the dq world again made me feel great.

i really hope they nail that with IX. part of me is sad that there'll be something lost in the transition, though.

But... Level 5 had nothing to do with Dragon Quest Swords.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yeah, DQS was done by a company made up of the same people who did DQ5 and 6.

The not quite as good as their pedigree suggests Genius Sonority.

Swords is a great game if you can find it cheap. DQ themed punchout with awesome visuals? Yes please.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Aeana said:
But... Level 5 had nothing to do with Dragon Quest Swords.

well, whoever worked on it did a great job of maintaining the things level 5 did. i wasn't expecting much from this one but it's kept me interested and the atmosphere is wonderful.


Running off of Custom Firmware
whiterabbit said:

What exactly was the point of this bump? :lol
I mean, it's always a good time to appreciate Dragon Quest. I'll agree with that.
But the DQV thread is still alive and well. :)


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'll grant you that. Just know that I've been banned for (accidentally) bumping an old thread in a useless fashion.


Running off of Custom Firmware
You might want to get down on your knees, bow, and pray to the Goddess for leniency.
While you're at the church, don't forget to save your progress.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Don't forget to resurrect your fallen comrades. You're clearly not high enough level to have Zing yet.


You guys will have a new Dragon Quest to appreciate soon (even if you played the GBC version already!). :eek:
Just got to
the MechSoldier's Base
in a replay of DQVII. I'm determined to make my way through this again, but with all of the new releases I'm going to have trouble staying focused on a 100+ hour RPG :lol.

Anyone else interested in a LTTP/Replay thread?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Damn, has it really been 13 months since I finished DQVII on my PSP?
Either way, way too soon for a replay, particularly since I just started up DQV, and tentatively plan to hit up DQIII SNES next...
Mejilan said:
Damn, has it really been 13 months since I finished DQVII on my PSP?
Either way, way too soon for a replay, particularly since I just started up DQV, and tentatively plan to hit up DQIII SNES next...

It took me YEARS to build up the courage to play through DQVII again, so I don't blame you much. Game is simply far too long.


Running off of Custom Firmware
DQVII, as much as I loved it, might just go down in history as the only DQ (so far) that I'll never replay! Could be wrong, on that note, however!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Can't wait for DQVI! VII's just too damn slow for its own good. If the combat was faster, the classes and skills better balanced, and class progression like three times faster, the game would be near perfect.

As it is, you can easily spend over 100 hours on the game, and not scratch the surface of the class system, let alone the monster/heart aspect of it.

A huge collection of delicious little stories wrapped around a narrative that tweaks the noses of all epic/hero JRPGs that came before (including epic/hero DQs that came before!), but the gameplay balance is ridiculously out of whack.
Mejilan said:
Can't wait for DQVI! VII's just too damn slow for its own good. If the combat was faster, the classes and skills better balanced, and class progression like three times faster, the game would be near perfect.

As it is, you can easily spend over 100 hours on the game, and not scratch the surface of the class system, let alone the monster/heart aspect of it.

A huge collection of delicious little stories wrapped around a narrative that tweaks the noses of all epic/hero JRPGs that came before (including epic/hero DQs that came before!), but the gameplay balance is ridiculously out of whack.

I agree for the most part, but you know it never has really bored me. For every hour of little to no gameplay in which I search for missing shards, etc., I don't mind it like I do with other series. But DQ is always like this with me, and I guess that's why I like it so much.

It's just that I rarely have the time or gaps in between new releases to set aside a big enough slot to finish it, and I despise starting files and leaving them unfinished.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I tried and failed about 4 or 5 times to beat this game, throughout the years, first on the PSOne, then later on my PS2. It wasn't until I succeeded in getting it to run flawlessly on my PSP that I finally finished it. Very satisfying. But I don't think I'll be up to attempting it again anytime soon...


Replaying DQVII right now. At the Dharma Temple, or rather the particularly brutal and excruciating part before you can actually use the temple. That segment is so cruel. You finally get to the temple and think you are going to be able to change your class and finally have a skill other than heal or blaze and bam, the game kicks you in the nuts and then laughs at you.

Other than this particular part, DQVII is without equal in the stories that it tells and I can't believe that it wasn't more popular when it was first released. The graphics were criticized, but years later, FF7 is so hideous as to border on unplayable while DQ7's style is still awesome.
Sqorgar said:
Replaying DQVII right now. At the Dharma Temple, or rather the particularly brutal and excruciating part before you can actually use the temple. That segment is so cruel. You finally get to the temple and think you are going to be able to change your class and finally have a skill other than heal or blaze and bam, the game kicks you in the nuts and then laughs at you.
Heh, yeah. Dharma Temple is probably the most difficult part of the game if you aren't prepared for it, if for no other reason than your skillset is very limited. I was almost turned away when I first got there.

Sqorgar said:
Other than this particular part, DQVII is without equal in the stories that it tells and I can't believe that it wasn't more popular when it was first released. The graphics were criticized, but years later, FF7 is so hideous as to border on unplayable while DQ7's style is still awesome.
Absolutely agree. There's a lot of early 3D games that I just can't play anymore, but games like Suikoden, DQ, and Grandia just don't age on me.


Running off of Custom Firmware
FFVII is certainly no looker, but I wouldn't call it borderline unplayable because of it. That was another RPG that I never managed to beat back in the day, and finally did thanks to my trusty PSP!
Mejilan said:
FFVII is certainly no looker, but I wouldn't call it borderline unplayable because of it. That was another RPG that I never managed to beat back in the day, and finally did thanks to my trusty PSP!

I will say this, the small screen helps a lot in this department, but a 1080p HDTV does not do much.
Finished Dragon Quest IV (DS) the other day - my very first DQ game - and I must say, I really, really liked it. Given that I got into JRPGs relatively late (~ the PS1 era), I always imagined this series as something horribly primitive gameplay-wise, but it was...definitely not that. Makes me regret not getting into the series earlier, especially back when I was big on RPGs... Anyway, now I'm definitely getting the fifth entry on DS as soon as possible, and I'm now more interested in DQIX and DQX (as well as new remakes) than I ever was, so...I guess this series earned a new, aspiring fan.


I've played the original IV and the recent DS one. While I enjoyed the remake on DS, it didn't capture me as much as I thought it would. That being said, V was wonderful. Play V as soon as you can, you shouldn't be disappointed.

As an aside, I'm finally making some headway in DQ VII. Love the class system... I'm about 20 hours in, I think.
Just started V, and it is so good. I haven't played the game in years, and obviously, when I did, I didn't make it that far into the game, so I'm really looking forward to finishing it. V fixed the problems I had with IV, which was the lack of characterization for the people I was playing. And since I felt like I had no clue who I was playing as or why I should continue, I stopped. This, though? I have no desire to stop.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Just packed away my DS and DQ5 cart for Miami... even though I'm not finished with the Retro Game Challenge yet. Should be absolutely awesome, I can't wait to play (when I'm not out partying at the Winter Music Conference.....)

Next up, I will have to find a nice long block of time to sit down and make it through 7 one of these days.
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