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Dragon Quest appreciation thread


Has problems recognising girls
Nice. If there's anything greater than playing Dragon Quest itself, it's being able to play it on handheld.


Just wondering, I have played a couple of FF games and it shits me to no end that I have to keep all the characters levelled up for when the game splits into groups. Do the DQ games have this also? I am interested in trying a GB one on my DS if I can find it to buy (I assume there are no native DS versions yet?).


GaryD said:
Just wondering, I have played a couple of FF games and it shits me to no end that I have to keep all the characters levelled up for when the game splits into groups. Do the DQ games have this also? I am interested in trying a GB one on my DS if I can find it to buy (I assume there are no native DS versions yet?).

You'll never have this problem in any DQ games, although DQ7 has a few times when party members leave and you get a new one who hasn't learned anything. :( But it's the only one.


Aeana said:
You'll never have this problem in any DQ games, although DQ7 has a few times when party members leave and you get a new one who hasn't learned anything. :( But it's the only one.

Great, so which games are playable on DS? There is only 1 Gameboy game isn't there?


GaryD said:
Great, so which games are playable on DS? There is only 1 Gameboy game isn't there?

Currently, none of them are playable in English on DS. There's 1-3 for GBC, but you can't play GBC games on the DS (you can on GBA, though). DQ4 DS should be out in English later this year, though.


Has problems recognising girls
I just got the Zenithian Sword blessed by the Dragon God in DQIV, but I've got a few other things to do up before I jump down into the depths.

One thing I haven't been able to do up is the Immigrant Town. That fello Hoffman talks to me and nothing happens since he's all by himself in the area where the town is supposed to be built I think - any advice? I'll go through the JP release thread and see if I can gain any info.


speedpop said:
I just got the Zenithian Sword blessed by the Dragon God in DQIV, but I've got a few other things to do up before I jump down into the depths.

One thing I haven't been able to do up is the Immigrant Town. That fello Hoffman talks to me and nothing happens since he's all by himself in the area where the town is supposed to be built I think - any advice? I'll go through the JP release thread and see if I can gain any info.


I posted a FAQ for the immigrant town, there.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Alright. I just completed Disc 1 at 101:55 hours. Rock on!

The newly combined eboot (of discs 1 and 2) and the new POPS/POPSLoader handled the disc-change process without a hitch. Granted, DQVII allows you to save during the disc-swap process, so the disc-change hump is passable even if you don't have the benefit of the new disc-switch option. But it's nice to know that it all works perfectly as-is.

The Demon Lord went down, I exited the dungeon, the game prompted me to save, and then insert disc 2, so I hit Home, chose Switch Discs, selected disc 2, confirmed, and bam, the game just kept on going.
I'm beyond excited to have the possibility to finally play DQIV-VI legitimately...
and portable too!

How much longer do we have to wait for DS DQIV?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Bah, is the Dharma Temple going to remain mostly inaccessible to me throughout disc 2? This is really fucking lame, if I hit a wall in job development because I can't go and switch jobs!

To my knowledge, the Dragon Quest DS games aren't yet confirmed for US release. I've heard mumblings that DQIV would be coming out here (and some details of the JP release certainly support that), but there's no announced date yet.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
it's the first place you rescue.

you should have someone with hustle dance and a sage stone too, so you shouldnt have problems till last boss.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I've never used Hustle Dance, and I've had a Sagestone for ages. I'm not concerned about beating the game, I'm annoyed that I can't continue learning jobs!

I'm about to finish the Fire Spirit (Engow/Present) scenario.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
hustle dance is awesome! and you need someone with Teen Idol anyway I think, to gain access to the summoner class.


Running off of Custom Firmware
What does it do?

Loto has mastered the last basic class (shepherd) now, and he already has almost all of the other 2nd and 3rd tier classes as well.

Here's what he has mastered:

I was going to move in to TeenIdol next, since Gabo already has Pirate and Tamer (though I'll get them with Loto as well).

Show of hands... how many people played the first Dragon Warrior on the NES because it came with their subscription to Nintendo Power in the 80's?



Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
it's like Sage Stone except it heals a lot more, Sage Stone is like 80hp Hustle Dance is like 150hp I think. free of MP cost you can only use it in battles tho.


Running off of Custom Firmware
That's insane! And I thought Vaccuum/Rockthrow/SageStone where already game-breaking enough! :lol


Mejilan said:
That's insane! And I thought Vaccuum/Rockthrow/SageStone where already game-breaking enough! :lol

Superstar also learns moonsault, which attacks all enemies for quite a bit of damage. :O It's based on strength, though, I think, so it's great to learn it and then use it on a strong class for tons of damage.


Well I finally got Dragon Warrior III (GBC) in the mail yesterday.

I'm very familiar with the NES game (own it since release, played through it multiple times) but I am amazed by this version. I have to eat a little crow here because I said before that I prefer the NES games, that I didn't like the GBC versions for various reasons, but after actually playing the awesomeness that is this remake all those nitpicks have melted away. I love the remixed music (as I did in I and II GBC) and I really like the color palette they chose, love the shades of green they picked. The graphics are an obvious, substantial leap over I and II. Screenshots really do not do this game justice, I didn't care much for screens but it looks so good when you're actually playing.

There are so many other improvements, like the redrawn overworld art, the faster walking speed in town (wasn't expecting that!), monster animations in battle, and like the other two GBC games the speedier leveling.

I haven't gotten very far (only up to Romaly) but this game rocks. Really glad I gave these GBC versions another shot. I still think NA got robbed by not getting the SNES remakes, but at least we got these.


Has problems recognising girls
Finally "finished" DQIV on DS earlier today. Had hit a brick wall a few hours before facing off against the last boss, but decided to just bite the bullet and do it. Didn't do much with the Immigrant Town as it seems like if I knew more than basic Japanese it'd be a lot better in terms of conversations etc. The mini medals unlocked via the various towns will have to wait till an English release. I've still got chapter 6 to do but I think I'll leave that till the local release as well.

Overall I really enjoyed the game and loved the character chapter setups. Torneko's chapter was one of the most stupid when I started it but as I progressed it became a lot better to the point where Torneko is my favourite character in the game. And I know I'm a pretty big music buff when it comes to Sugiyama so I was real happy with his output on this. The Sea Breeze tune is all sorts of epic and gives me goosebumps every time.. a shame you never really hear it again after you grab the Air Balloon.

So I got filled with nostalgia earlier tonight and I booted up DQVIII :lol I had the US version but the modded PS2 I had died a few months ago and I didn't really want to wait till I got another modded PS2.. so I bought the PAL version a month or so back and never sat down to go through it because:

a) my NTSC save file (which was about halfway through the game) wouldn't work on the PAL version.
b) I didn't really feel like starting over again till now.

Hopefully now I'll be able to invest a bit more time and finish it.
Chapter 6 is just mainly a bonus dungeon + a couple of short but new scenarios. It sholdn't take too long. I'd suggest you still try it. :p


vagabondarts said:
Show of hands... how many people played the first Dragon Warrior on the NES because it came with their subscription to Nintendo Power in the 80's?


I think I already had the game, but I remember the commercial. It was some skater dude pretending to ride on a dragon, if I remember correctly.

This might be the wrong place to ask, but I have my legit copy of DW VII, an image of the discs on my computer, and 3.71 M33-2 firmware on my slim PSP, and I can't for the life of me get it to convert properly into an eboot. I can play Vagrant Story (which I did not convert myself) fine on the PSP, but everytime I try to convert any other game, it either gives me an error or hangs on a black screen after the little Playstation blurb. Help? Please PM or reply here. Thanks! I really want to play through this till the end this time... I always start playing and end up not finishing.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Maxed out my character to level 30 in DW1 GBC yesterday and took down the Dragonlord (err... DracoLord). Now onto DW2 this afternoon. Gonna finally beat this game after 17 years.


djtiesto said:
Maxed out my character to level 30 in DW1 GBC yesterday and took down the Dragonlord (err... DracoLord). Now onto DW2 this afternoon. Gonna finally beat this game after 17 years.

I hope you like it. :( The club of DQ2-lovers is pretty small.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Yeah. Not understanding the DQII dislike. It was a magnificent improvement over the original in just about anything else, and has always aged WAY better.

Finally got my first REAL fatal crash in DQVII, not including that 3.80 M33 nonsense. A entered a travel gate and the warp never initiated. The music continued, and I had camera control, but I couldn't move or pull up a menu. Had to reset. Thankfully, it wasn't a reproduce-able error, and a quick reload and re-attempt did the trick. I only lost about 4 minutes, not a big deal.

I'm about 120 hours into the game now, and approaching the end of disc 2.
The Wind Castle up above is probably one of the coolest dungeons in the entire game. It's one of the few occasions where the 3D graphics are WELL justified, and hell, it even recalls Super Mario Galaxy (of all things) in some ways.


I can't think of a single DQ game I don't like. There are some parts of the last 3 DQ games that I wasn't too thrilled with (DQ8's length, or maybe I should just say the
orb fetch quest near the end
, and the job system in DQ6/7 in general) but I've never played a DQ that wasn't fun, and engaging on multiple levels.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Lamia is awesome. Awesome is Ramia.

Quick DQVII question. Is my final party going to be Hero/Gabo/Aira/Maribel, or is Melvin going to show is punk face again at some point?


Has there been any talk about DQVII getting a remake, port, or just arriving on the PSN classics section? Because at this rate i'll NEVER get to play it...I've learned my lesson about Dragon Quest main series games, i'm going to make sure to snap up Dragon Quest IV, V, VI, and IX whenever they make it stateside for the DS.


Mejilan said:
Lamia is awesome. Awesome is Ramia.

Quick DQVII question. Is my final party going to be Hero/Gabo/Aira/Maribel, or is Melvin going to show is punk face again at some point?

At a certain point, you can choose your party makeup out of Gabo/Aira/Maribel/Melvin.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Count me in on those who don't quite understand the DQ II hate. It's better than the first in just about every way. I think the final zone is a bit bland and tedious, but that's not really enough to take away from the rest of the game.

I do really like how the first three games escalate the franchise.

First game, pretty big continent, nice one on one battles.

Second game, direct sequel, three man crew, bigger battles. That previously big continent is just a drop in the ocean.

Third game, prequel, four man crew, three of which can be swapped out, even bigger battles. The world from two? Once again a drop in the ocean.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Aeana said:
At a certain point, you can choose your party makeup out of Gabo/Aira/Maribel/Melvin.

Cool, thanks. Is it a one-time choice, or from that point on, you can actively swap characters out?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Crap. So that means 5 characters to power up?


Grandia looks farther and farther away every time I turn my PSP back on.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Bwahahaha. Yeah, I didn't see that one coming.

"That was the Wind Spirit? More like a tornado... oh, I mean 'slut'."



Has problems recognising girls
Ok a few complaints.

Did the NTSC version of DQVIII ever have a "Now Loading" section during certain parts? Cause I am sure it didn't yet it does in the PAL version.

WTF @ BUTTON LAYOUT!!??!?! Cause I'm so used to the way DQIV on the DS plays, it took about an hour to get it proper, and even now I am still doing a few mistakes.


speedpop said:
Ok a few complaints.

Did the NTSC version of DQVIII ever have a "Now Loading" section during certain parts? Cause I am sure it didn't yet it does in the PAL version.

WTF @ BUTTON LAYOUT!!??!?! Cause I'm so used to the way DQIV on the DS plays, it took about an hour to get it proper, and even now I am still doing a few mistakes.

There's never a "now loading" screen in any version of DQ8 I play, ever (Japanese/NA).


Running off of Custom Firmware
speedpop said:
Ok a few complaints.

Did the NTSC version of DQVIII ever have a "Now Loading" section during certain parts? Cause I am sure it didn't yet it does in the PAL version.

I know that the US version had pretty janky loads times, primarily due to the higher quality music, I believe.

I wouldn't know, since I installed my copy of the game directly to my PS2's HDD, and basically got the best of both worlds (Symphonic Suite music, JP-like lack of loads). That said, I don't remember even one load SCREEN, and I put well over 100 hours into that game before beating it.

If the EU version has the enhanced music of the US version, and the load that presumably went with it, then they might have included load screens here and there just for the fuck of it.


Aeana said:
But that was homage to DQ3. :\
I know, but it felt really tacked on compared to how it was actually significant to DQ3's plot, and it kind of artifically lengthened the game to me. They could've just stuck with the DQ3 homage revealed in the ending and I would've been happy.

... actually, in general, I think all the stuff after you go to
Rhapthorne's castle
felt a little unnecessary. They could've just had you finish the game there (fighting the final fight, of course) and I think I'd have liked it more.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Final update:

In the 140+ hours I put into DQVII, I've only experienced two fatal crashes. Both random and apparently not able to be duplicated.

I pretty much feel like I did everything possible within reason. Fully completed the story, finalized the monster book, beat both bonus dungeons, and milked the bonus boss for all of his loot. Hell, even got him to join my immigrant town!

POPS 3.72 is definitely the way to go folks, so that means POPSLoader either using 3.71 M33, 3.80 M33, or 3.90 M33.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Been playing a bit more of DW2GBC... I made it past the part that I got stuck at in the NES version some 15 years ago... the tower where you need to equip the Cape to fly to the other side... I never had any idea of where you got the Cape, and after wandering around for like an hour, I managed to find some nondescript bridge that took me through a coastal route to another whole tower. Part of what's annoying about DW2 is that the game hasn't been doing a great job of telling you where to go, not to mention the world is absolutely massive... I also had trouble finding the prince at the beginning of the game. So yeah, now I'm in the town of Lianport, I had to save as soon as I got there, I am gonna resume during lunchtime.


djtiesto said:
Been playing a bit more of DW2GBC... I made it past the part that I got stuck at in the NES version some 15 years ago... the tower where you need to equip the Cape to fly to the other side... I never had any idea of where you got the Cape, and after wandering around for like an hour, I managed to find some nondescript bridge that took me through a coastal route to another whole tower. Part of what's annoying about DW2 is that the game hasn't been doing a great job of telling you where to go, not to mention the world is absolutely massive... I also had trouble finding the prince at the beginning of the game. So yeah, now I'm in the town of Lianport, I had to save as soon as I got there, I am gonna resume during lunchtime.

With DQ2, you really need to talk to EVERYBODY and try to remember... just about everything they say. :\ I guess I don't think about that problem, since I already know what to do in the game.


Almost done with DWIII GBC. All I have left is

I have to say this remake is utterly awesome. I really thought screenshots of this game looked horrible, but playing it is another thing altogether. This is the next-best remake of a game I have ever played, second only to Metroid: Zero Mission. I love the inclusion of the Tiny Medals, I've found ~80 out of 100, and lots of those were pretty cleverly hidden. I may go back after beating the game and search the heck out of every town to see if I missed any in them.

It's a complete toss-up for me on which one is the better game, DWIII or DWIV. I really wish that remake of IV would come to NA soon.


huge history of dragon quest article posted today at gamasutra: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3520/the_history_of_dragon_quest.php

overview of the series, plus spoilery summaries of stories and gameplay elements for each main game and short blurbs on spinoffs:

There are other aspects that many have complained as feeling dated, although most of these exist for a reason. For example, save points are rare -- in most games, you only come across them by visiting churches or castles, and you can't save on the overworld map. They never recharge your health either -- you'll need to visit an inn for that. Got a dead party member? You'll still need to head back the church and pay a fee -- items that resurrect fallen players usually aren't found in later in the games, if they exist at all. But as aggravating as these are, they exist for a reason -- namely, they add an element of tension that's missing from most modern RPGs. Yuji Horii has been described as a big gambler; Dragon Quest is filled with casino mini-games, and it's no coincidence that winning a battle feels a lot like winning a jackpot, especially with the slot machine-esque victory noise. Without the crutches of save points, wandering into deep caverns feels more and more like a gamble, as you're slowly getting weaker with each step, becoming drained of health and magic and curative items. Do you call it a day and head back to town to gear up? Or do you hedge your bets and try to make it all the way to the end? In the end, exploring is a lot more involving when death is on the line.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Making progress in DW2 GBC, slowly but surely. It's tough since I challenged myself to play the game without using a FAQ... Once I got the ship, I was pretty much at a loss of what to do for a little while... but I managed to piece together enough stuff...

-I have 3 of the Seals, and just discovered where to find the Water Seal.
-I have the Jail Key.
-I just gave the Dew Yarn and Loom to the weaver in Tuhn, he hasn't made me my Water Cape yet
-I just opened up the Dam in the Tuhn village, and have to go to the tower south of there
-Character levels are 21, 19, and 15. I also have the Bolt Staff for Nana and all of the Loto equipment.
-I realllllllly want the Fur armor for my guys but it's oh so much money!

Traveling across the world map takes forever, I wish this game had a spell that allowed you to warp directly to specific towns, instead of the last town you saved at. The monsters are ramping up in difficulty at this point, and I have a feeling I'll need to grind a bit more.
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