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Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake removing main character genders


Gold Member

Square Enix has confirmed more info for their Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, seemingly removing the concept of gender from the long-awaited remake.
The new Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, however, lists the two genders as the dreaded “Type A” and “Type B” instead of the biological genders male and female.

The new article (via Ryokutya2089) also confirms despite removing biological genders from the male and female protagonists, their voice actors are played by a male and a female, Hiyama Nobuyuki and Minaguchi Yuko, respectively.



The nicest person on this forum
Its pointless and stupid but thats not gonna really get in my way of enjoyment. Elden Ring does this as well and its still just male and female option but they just calling "Type A & Type B" instead.
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this is funny.

as if it will change the fact they are male and female. the rest can cry a river really.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
No really, let’s do a theoretical.

Magic genie wish, snap of finger, now every game with a selection has ‘type A and type B’.

Now what happens?
We further normalize this everywhere until the terms man and woman disappear. Why stop at games? If it's not a problem there, then surely, it's not a problem anywhere. Government forms, classes, IDs, public spaces, you name it. Let's throw it all out and just do away with the terms man and woman.


The irony is who cares what the name is, if it’s a binary it’s still just male or female. It’s why I never really bought the whole 1984 “double plus good” thing. If “double plus good” is the new “good” and “good” is now bad it just shifts the language and does nothing to the biological feeling being the word.

It’s like saying calling French fries “chips” has some deep physiological meaning. It’s just a word. I’m not going to get upset over the change, because in the end it is pointless. These people can’t rewrite reality and when shit really hits the fan, truth will always win.
We further normalize this everywhere until the terms man and woman disappear. Why stop at games? If it's not a problem there, then surely, it's not a problem anywhere. Government forms, classes, IDs, public spaces, you name it. Let's throw it all out and just do away with the terms man and woman.
And then what happens?

Edit: I’m asking to know if you guys see a reasonable and logical end of this road and not just having wild fearful theories full of negative outcomes.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
And then what happens?

Edit: I’m asking to know if you guys see a reasonable and logical end of this road and not just having wild fearful theories full of negative outcomes.
There's no logical end to going down this road because this road is completely and utterly illogical.

Let me flip it around. Evidently, they didn't make this change just to do it. It was to please someone. Now my question is, why would someone be upset over calling people male and female? If this bothers them, why would you enable them?

If it's inconsequential, then there's no reason to change it...unless it is indeed consequential.


The nicest person on this forum
There's no logical end to going down this road because this road is completely and utterly illogical.

Let me flip it around. Evidently, they didn't make this change just to do it. It was to please someone. Now my question is, why would someone be upset over calling people male and female? If this bothers them, why would you enable them?

If it's inconsequential, then there's no reason to change it...unless it is indeed consequential.
I agree its illogical and honestly stupid, they can call it "Type A & Type B" but we are still choosing between male and female body, so whats the point? so calling it "male & female" is now considered offensive now?

But would I skip the game over that?.......No, not really.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
This is kind of a cop out answer (especially with following up a question with a question). I was actually curious to know what you’d say because it could be a real possibility for video games.
It absolutely isn't a cop-out answer. You asked the following:

I’m asking to know if you guys see a reasonable and logical end of this road

How can taking an illogical road lead you to a logical end? You literally asked me how I can see a reasonable and logical end and I answered you that I cannot.

I also love how you ignored the rest of the post. If it's so innocuous, then why did they go out of their way to change it?
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I agree its illogical and honestly stupid, they can call it "Type A & Type B" but we are still choosing between male and female body, so whats the point? so calling it "male & female" is now considered offensive now?

But would I skip the game over that?.......No, not really.

Yeah I’m with you if people allow things like this to piss them off as much as the radical mentalists that have pushed for it in the first place they become no better. Ignore the bullshit enjoy the game.. It is alarming though imagine getting your girlfriend pregnant and being like “God I hope we have a type B”
It absolutely isn't a cop-out answer. You asked the following:

How can taking an illogical road lead you to a logical end? You literally asked me how I can see a reasonable and logical end and I answered you that I cannot.

I also love how you ignored the rest of the post. If it's so innocuous, then why did they go out of their way to change it?
I didn’t answer your question because you didn’t answer mine. Call it whatever you want to call it I guess.

I don’t know how you guys are going to deal with more and more games potentially doing this type A type B stuff.
Who are the people telling Game Devs to do this? I don’t want a group like Blackrock or some vague illusions to some outside force, I want names and pictures of the exact people who think Male and Female is so offensive that they tell these Japanese devs to change it to “Type A” and “Type B.” They aren’t all Sweetbaby employees.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
True in a sense.
However complacency and indifference always makes way for opression.

If all companies are doing it, the media is supporting it, investors are supporting it, your country is supporting it, then who are you to fight against all that?

They know most people won't do anything about it, especially if you're tired at the end of the day and just want to play some games or watch some movies.
There's a reason the world got to this point.
Will hopefully be my last post in this thread, but this is correct.

Do people think this just happens overnight? They surreptitiously inject this everywhere. In isolation, every case appears to be innocuous, so people just let it slide. Then you add them all up and we get major cultural shifts that aren't for the better.
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I see zero reason for anyone to lose their shit over this, but of course they inevitably will
Have you played the game? Spoilers: you are literally Erdrick, the hero of legend in the first two games. Are they going to remove all mentions of gender from every game in the trilogy?

IMHO it's just dumb because they are still obviously a man and woman, just renamed to A and B.
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This reminds me of the game Celeste when the creator said the main character was trans when the game gives no indication of it.


I don't understand how this makes anyone happy or helps anyone? Maybe I'm just old or something. Why bother going to this trouble? Stop being afraid.
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