
Dragonlance authors sue Dungeons & Dragons publisher Wizards of The Coast
A new trilogy was in the works and now it’s caught in court

The tldr is that WotC hired Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis to write a new trilogy of Dragonlnace novels. They are the original creators of Dragonlance, a DND setting that was popular in the 80s and 90s.
They were promised an advance which was never paid. For three years they worked on the project, writing a few drafts of the first novel and outlines for the sequels. However, due to the BLM riots, WotC has adopted a more diversity-minded approach to DND, and want to sever ties to DNDs historic editions now, due to racism and sexism.
Hickman and Weis were told the project was dead and they wouldn't be paid for their work.
Besides Dragonlance, the writing duo are the creators of some of DNDs most enduring characters and settings. It would suck of the creators of Strahd are alienated.