Dragon's Dogma 2 players use impressive character creator to make Kratos, Pikachu, Kojima...


Gold Member
Players have been experimenting with Dragon's Dogma 2's character creator and finding ways to make familiar faces such as Kratos and Shadowheart, or pushing it to its limits with some... unusual physique.

Last week, Capcom released the character creator for Dragon's Dogma 2 at an opportune moment (just in time for the weekend), giving people plenty of days to create their Arisen and pawn before the game releases.

Now it's time to see the fruits of everybody's labour, and the results are impressive. Some have chosen to recreate characters from other games to a high degree of accuracy, whilst others have opted to get a little bit silly with it. Players have made some impressive characters on both sides of the spectrum, and here are some which really stand out.

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Gold Member
I remember making Ezio, Asura (Asura's Wrath), and Trip (from Enslaved: Odyssey to the West) in the first game back in the day.

I'll probably find some decent ones online to copy or start as a base.




Saw someone make Guts from Berserk and it looks incredible. It's arguably the best character creator on the market right now.

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The character creador in the 1st Dragon Dogma was already pretty good, i remember seeing alot of well known characters and celebrities recreated in it. The one in DD2 just seems improved.


Releasing this was such a genius promotional move from Capcom, it's probably going to sell them more copies than a traditional Demo would have.
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