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Dragons Dogma on Switch worth it?


I am very interested in buying dragons dogma 2 next year on ps5 however I have never played the first one. Do I need to? Are the stories connected?

I saw that the game is on sale for 5 bucks on the Switch currently so I am just wondering if its worth buying and investing time or will I get burned out before playing the new game? I dislike endless long games


Gold Member
I doubt you HAVE to play it.
The story is one of the weak points of the original IMO. I'm not sure if the sequel is connected but even if it is I think a simple youtube video recap of the original will suffice.

That said I still think it's a great game that's worth playing. It's also not that long or bloated if you just stick to the mains story though there's some decent side quests and a good end game if you are up for it.
The Switch port is pretty decent too....or rather it's a 360 era game and for some reason the other console version never got a 60fps patch so you aren't missing out on much by playing on Switch (PC version is still by far the best)
$5 is a steal for what the game delivers, especially when you get to Bitterblack Isle. Story-wise, you'll be fine playing 2 without having played 1, however, 1 is excellent so it's absolutely worth playing.

I introduced my friend to Dragon's Dogma and he reported back to me saying "it's better than Skyrim". He's a huge Skyrim fan.

Also, if you can accept the cg animation, the anime on Netflix is a solid introduction to the universe as well. Watch in Japanese with subtitles.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
$5, yes buy it.

However, should you play it first? That's up in the air honestly. It looks like the sequel will be pretty similar so you really shouldn't play them both back to back. But if you love the 2nd and want to ever go back, you can.


the rift loading and inn loading times are atrocious, and so are the music bugs that make the battle music never stop. Far less players in the rift also. I don't normally complain about load times, but they the worst on switch version.
The games aren't necessarily connected but they share running themes like the Dragon, the Cycle, Monsters, Pawn System, Gearing, etc.

Playing the previous game is not a requirement since it works like Final Fantasy where there are shared elements and themes between each iteration but they aren't necessarily part of the same universe. Still, you'll get a lot more by already knowing some of the things that were already built with the previous game.

The sequel is confirmed to be a soft reboot of the series so anyone can jump right into it without the need to play the original. Everything from characters, setting, and the world itself is different from the original. However, the first game is a banger and for the price of $5 is basically a no-brainer to grab it and play on the go.

I own the game on every platform and would recommend it to anyone who likes Action-RPGs. The story is quite convoluted in its presentation since the team had to cut development short due to budget and time constraints, it is its weakest element, but the Lore, Worldbuilding, and Combat are top-notch. The endgame content is by far the best part of the game when you finish the main story.
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