I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife

Just wanted to bring this to your attention: Dragon's Dogma Online has been revived, it's fully playable and currently has multiple servers that offer different approaches to the game:
- DDON Server: basically the closest to the original.
- Dogma Rising: smaller server, with a few more custom tweaks. They've blunt some of the MMO grindiness to give a more pure Dragons Dogma experience. Leveling seems faster, and money/blood orbs seem more readily available.
If you want to try it out, just follow the instructions here (go to Public Servers section). It's very easy, just dowload, set which server you want to play on, make an account (just username and password, doesnt even require an email) and play.
I'm very excited for this. DD2, while fun, was disappointing to me due to the lack of challenge, dungeons and monster variety. Don't know about the challenge but DDO seems to have lots of different locales and a way bigger bestiary than any of it's predecessors. It also has some unique vocations like the Alchemist, who punches stuff with gold, or the High Scepter, which seems to be some kind of blend between melee and magic.
It also was directed by Kinoshita, who also was the director of Dark Arisen, so I'd expect quality stuff here.
Anyway, very excited to be able to play more Dogma. Hope my GAF dogmabros jump in and give it a try.
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