If you guys want massive Ur-Dragon spoilers, tune into this podcast where the guy is battling him right now:
It's honestly not that big of a deal whatever path you choose since you're always free to go back or choose another whenever.
I'm at the point now that I am disappointed to see the sunrise. Nighttime is best time for increasing your vocational rank.
Three shots of High Comestion and a Chimera is dead. I don't think I want to do NG+.
Stick to post-game and then when you get bored of that just finish up that quest in Everfall and then hit NG+ and call it until some worthwhile DLC comes out.
Stick to post-game and then when you get bored of that just finish up that quest in Everfall and then hit NG+ and call it until some worthwhile DLC comes out.
Or start anew with a different vocation![]()
With the bastard sword up to 3 or the Volcare (spelling? The ice sword..) up to 3 as well.. my assassin is really tipping dps scales for me now. Intimate gambit and Dire Gouge hit so incredibly hard. Getting a wyrm down to the ground and then forcing one of their openings can be like a game of chess but once they go into their staggered animation it's just all over. Looooving this class just as much as I hoped I would. Can't wait to fill out the other vocations and then keep coming back to assassin after tweaking augments and such. So gud.
And i'm not even post game/new game+ yet... it's odd to feel like you should go on a blackout from a thread a second time on the same game! LoL
I think I'm done with the everfall, I'm going to do NG+ and set up a bunch of port crystals to make traveling a lot easier, especially for escorts.
He's talking about stat growth, though, which is permanent.
Someone posted an excellent spreadsheet earlier with stat growths for the different classes, but I forgot to favorite it. You might want to look around for it.
With the bastard sword up to 3 or the Volcare (spelling? The ice sword..) up to 3 as well.. my assassin is really tipping dps scales for me now. Intimate gambit and Dire Gouge hit so incredibly hard. Getting a wyrm down to the ground and then forcing one of their openings can be like a game of chess but once they go into their staggered animation it's just all over. Looooving this class just as much as I hoped I would. Can't wait to fill out the other vocations and then keep coming back to assassin after tweaking augments and such. So gud.
And i'm not even post game/new game+ yet... it's odd to feel like you should go on a blackout from a thread a second time on the same game! LoL
Yessir! Thank you.
Yessir! Thank you.
Gonna escort Quinna to Prayer Falls and then its all main quests all the time.
I want to see this crazy ending.
After finishing the wrym quests, how much more is left? main quest wise.
What's the point of those escort missions? Description says it raises affinity with companion and I was wondering what does this mean exactly?
Level 36 so far.
What's the point of those escort missions? Description says it raises affinity with companion and I was wondering what does this mean exactly?
Level 36 so far.
What's the point of those escort missions? Description says it raises affinity with companion and I was wondering what does this mean exactly?
Level 36 so far.
I thinkWhat's the point of those escort missions? Description says it raises affinity with companion and I was wondering what does this mean exactly?
Level 36 so far.
Affinity basically makes characters like you more, I think this might result in shop discounts from shopkeepers but I'm not sure.
The person with the highest affinity towards you will become involved in a crucial moment in the story so I recommend you choose who you like the most to raise affinity for.
Aside from the escort missions, you can give NPCs presents by pressing a button(X for the 360 I think), which raises your affinity with them.
Thank you. So basically the same character will have more than one escort mission?
Just started playing. Pretty great tutorial so far. Any consensus on best/most fun class? I'm leaning toward caster but I'm a little worried if he over reliant on melee pawns, not sure they are quick enough so it's fun for hours and hours?
Minor Spoilers: questions about NG+
I asked earlier if there was any content in NG+, and someone replied and said there isn't any. But I was hoping for some clarification on this, but without spoilers..
Robert Cram said there is a lot of new, or atleast undiscovered content in NG+, like the game just continues in a way I guess? Or is that not true, and there isn't any content, new, original or undiscovered, in NG+?
Guys, is it bad if ikill julien? he's almost dead and idk if something bad will happen if i do..
No. That's just a different path you can take. I chose tojust stand there and watch her get her ass kicked. She ended up giving me a silver rapier that was worth 110k gold.
No. That's just a different path you can take. I chose tojust stand there and watch her get her ass kicked. She ended up giving me a silver rapier that was worth 110k gold.
Do I get something coolfor(or at least something I can sell)killing him?
If I store items in the storage can I use them to enhance weapons or must I have them on my person?
No idea. I didn't choose that option. Suppose I'll find out in NG+.
This one?
I've probably spent a good 20 levels in Strider, about 10 in Ranger. Maybe 5 in Assassin. Kinda wondering what you did so I know if I'll get some decent damage. =P
Level 35
Believe me, you won't see it coming.
No he won't see it coming, I didn't with all the foreshadowing.Gonna escort Quinna to Prayer Falls and then its all main quests all the time.
I want to see this crazy ending.
I've been completely into swords since the demo. Worked right you can stagger stuff so easily and almost every 2 legged creature that isn't an ogre or a cyclops can be knocked out of guard or to their backs with a good stinger + intimate strike is a great mantra for mopping up or starting a fight. Stay aware of everything around you and get good at running in any direction without thinking about it. The broad slash that lets you decide which direction to back away to is also extremely powerful in controlling fights along with clairvoyance.
As of now i have spent almost 100% of my time as assassin and maybe 10 or 12 levels into strider. I would like leg strength and arm strength and would likely sub out 2 of the night time only augments from assassin. As it stands I have everything geared twoards night time poison. Toxicity and preemption being the two most defining ... poison arrows are super light and lyncean sight gives you eyes on mobs well before they can see you. Whole groups will die before they even know you're there.
Also gouge. Always gouge.