Escort quest are terrible in this. Is there a way to tell the idiots that they shouldn't be following me in the middle of a Cyclops battle?
Escort quest are terrible in this. Is there a way to tell the idiots that they shouldn't be following me in the middle of a Cyclops battle?
Escort quest are terrible in this. Is there a way to tell the idiots that they shouldn't be following me in the middle of a Cyclops battle?
Escort quest are terrible in this. Is there a way to tell the idiots that they shouldn't be following me in the middle of a Cyclops battle?
Did anyone else see the Dark Souls Easter egg? It is a bird nest at the end of a broken spiral tower. You can climb up and stand on it, it blinks but nothing happens. It is at the fort north of Gan Soren.
Who sells the fairy stones the cheapest? The Black Croiw sells them for 20k, seems like I saw them for 15k somewhere else.
For Drakes to dragon forge your equipment you need them to be at 3 stars.
Love this game.
I still feel like I'm doing something wrong, even though I have the best weapons and armor you can get so far (I'm like 3 hours in), every time I venture forth on a quest or something I die! I'm level 12, but I hired some pawns that are level 25 and I'm still getting my butt kicked.
So I haven't had any quest board quests show up in a long, long time. Is there a certain point at which they stop popping up on the boards?
NG+: are failed quest from previous cycle still red in the history, or do they disappear from the log? don't know if i should write them down or not.
I'm a few hours in. Are there ANY quests I can do that won't crucify me to the wall? I mean... Come ON. Surely there must be SOMETHING I can do that won't get me annihilated?
I was super-impressed with the game for the first few hours, but right now, not so much. The game doesn't seem to do a good job of showing you the way to anything you can use as a toe-hold to get into the game.
Ah. I'm not the only one.
So how big is this game? Just played the demo and loved the atmosphere. Felt a lot like Demons/Dark Souls in how things are encountered. Combat effects also look really impressive.
If you expect the game to hold your hand then you might want to stick with Final Fantasy.
they stopped showing up for me, that's why i entered post game. but i couldn't solve some in my journal. new quests might show up if you finish your current quests.
somebody help with this!
I'm a few hours in. Are there ANY quests I can do that won't crucify me to the wall? I mean... Come ON. Surely there must be SOMETHING I can do that won't get me annihilated?
I was super-impressed with the game for the first few hours, but right now, not so much. The game doesn't seem to do a good job of showing you the way to anything you can use as a toe-hold to get into the game.
Ah. I'm not the only one.
played through my first hour today. made it to the first town outside of the village, beat they cyclops and made my first pawn. i like her better than the main char i made. i want to play as her!
can you change your characters/pawns appearance, or once you create, its pretty mych set?
is the pawn i created my main pawn for life? can they die permanantly?
any quicky tips or things that i should be mindful of in my first playthrough?
Oh, also, do you get any more than just the one Portcrystal in your first game? I'm standing right next to mine right now, and I'm wondering if I should pick it up in anticipation of post-game, so I can put it at, or just leave it at Bluemoon Tower.Cassardis
You get one per playthrough and you can have Black Cat make forgeries for 300k each. You can make as many forgeries as you want and place them all around Gransys.
Nice troll attempt.![]()
I'm serious.
Nope. Forged Portcrystals don't work. This is pretty well-known by now.
1. yeah, there's an item you can purchase later on to edit your appearance.
2. for life, and they can't permanently die. They just go back to the rift so you can resummon them.
cool thanks. so can you change your apperance fully? body type, sex, and everything? what about your pawns appearance, same deal?
pretty sure it's always letterboxed and i don't even own the game
I've played the game for 15+ hours, I don't need your screenshots.
I don't see how you can defend the game when for one, it's letterboxed. What games are letterboxed these days. Screams unpolished (again, in terms of the graphics, technically) to me.
Digital Foundry summed up their technical analysis of the game with the following:
"Capcom has managed to put together a competent enough cross-platform conversion which hits the right notes in most areas, but struggles to reach complete parity, and suffers from some severe performance issues on both systems."
I don't think anyone is trying to write the game off, still a very fun game with heaps of depth and a tonne of content.
smhsome trolls in the weekend confirmed thread tried to pass this game off as a tech failure because the game is "letterboxed". Because capcom slaps on the letterbox + copyright + logo when you do a screenshot.
I'm serious. Granted I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard from multiple people and I'm not sure why they would just lie to my faceI can go test it out now I guess lol
played through my first hour today. made it to the first town outside of the village, beat they cyclops and made my first pawn. i like her better than the main char i made. i want to play as her!
[1] can you change your characters/pawns appearance, or once you create, its pretty mych set?
[2] is the pawn i created my main pawn for life? can they die permanantly?
[3] any quicky tips or things that i should be mindful of in my first playthrough?
Status effects in this game are great. They're not just annoyances to shrug off--most will actually endanger you.It's actually quite interesting to play an RPG where when someone casts Blind on you, the entire screen goes black. That was fun haha.
the forged Portcrystals don't work. not sure why ninjajesus is posting it like it does. I know. someone else ITT said you could do it and I wasted 300k.
not even that. He's played it for 15 hours!
I'll tell you this now before you end up asking, it's a little confusing how this works. First purchase the item with RC, then exit your game and go to the main menu and one of the options is to Edit your character.
Yeah I didn't bother with forging them cause I got myself fucked with forged Ferrystone lol I forged one, took it with me and left the other one in the storage and when the quest was over and I was ready to go back to Gran Soren I threw the stone and you should have seen my face when it hit the ground lol
lol ... oh man. Best spell ever.
Just finished the missions leading up to "the Final battle" - spoilers for the previous missions/sIt's kind of crazy at this point to know I can kill a Chimera in under a minute without much trouble. Make my way to the western gate and as you walk into the first courtyard and those 2 armored trolls and a double handful of harpies come bowling at you ... i stood there and thought "welp... shit. I'm not positive I can man handle ALL this at once... " had to run more than normal. Revived one of my pawns for the first time in a long time. Managed to drop everything in still good shape heading into the actual hold but was down to 4 or 5 bottles of curative. The Lich's took one or two more but were CRAZY easy to kill for me. All that not moving doesn't really help them out much.
To those that have finished the game proper - I'm creepin up on 60 right now.. strider and assassin 100% with a stamina focused augment list with the heavy hitters (except night time only enhancements) like preemption hanging out for damage increases. Can I tackle this last mission and will that put me at post-game if i do?? I'm itching to get at that Ur-Dragon...
Does that ferrystone animation still play out btw?
lol ... oh man. Best spell ever.
To those that have finished the game proper - I'm creepin up on 60 right now.. strider and assassin 100% with a stamina focused augment list with the heavy hitters (except night time only enhancements) like preemption hanging out for damage increases. Can I tackle this last mission and will that put me at post-game if i do?? I'm itching to get at that Ur-Dragon...