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Drake 3: Uncharted's Deception |OT| of awesome Multiplayer gaming


iLLmAtlc said:
Hey guys, I've reached level 75 and I'm kind of intrigued by the legacy thing and I have a question for those who have done it. Do you lose access to the FAL-SS if you legacy? It's my favourite gun and I don't think I'd be willing to give it up at this point. I'm a little confused since I've read conflicting reports about what it is you actually lose and no one has mentioned weapons specifically.
You keep treasures (and related unlocks), outfits/skins, emblem art, and taunts.

You lose boosters, kickbacks, weapon mods, and your level resets.

Specific to your question, yes you lose access. You would need to lvl back up to the requirement for the FAL (60 something?) before you could use it again.

jax (old)

Gotta say I think there's something wrong with the Bluetooth headset integration on this. Just bought a new headset because mate kept saying I sounded garbled. And its still ficked. Fuck me.


Jax said:
Gotta say I think there's something wrong with the Bluetooth headset integration on this. Just bought a new headset because mate kept saying I sounded garbled. And its still ficked. Fuck me.

Disable DTS in the XMB menu.


Jax said:
Gotta say I think there's something wrong with the Bluetooth headset integration on this. Just bought a new headset because mate kept saying I sounded garbled. And its still ficked. Fuck me.

I have to manually connect mine through the bluetooth accessories menu just for it to attempt to work with u3. No issues with other games.

jax (old)


yeah. the DTS thing fixed the sound issues. I bought a fucking new headset because of this "firmware issue".

thanks for the heads up guys. I was getting really annoyed with the ps3/headset.


Leveling up Treasure Hunter the second time through is a lot easier since I have buddies who have TH level 3 and I can just pick up 3 of their treasures to get Acquisition medals. Hopefully I get a bunch of rare drops before I hit 75 again so this is the last time I have to use TH and I can permanently move to deposit for my second booster slot.

jax (old)

anyone else going to go legacy and reset? (only when you hit 75)

Mate did it and lost 500k. I lolled. You'd think it'd let you keep the money.

um, if you guys do it; does all the work you put into levelling 3 boosters go away?

That would be fucking horrorific.


Jax said:
anyone else going to go legacy and reset? (only when you hit 75)

Mate did it and lost 500k. I lolled. You'd think it'd let you keep the money.

um, if you guys do it; does all the work you put into levelling 3 boosters go away?

That would be fucking horrorific.

Since this question comes up a lot on this thread I did some digging in ND's Forum and found this.....

Naughty Dog Multi-player Forum said:
You can obtain Legacy each time you reach level 75. Once you Legacy three times (i.e., level up to 75 four times), you can then start leveling up through ranks 76-100. These are locked for now, but pictures of all ranks and Legacies have been provided to us by lve_msg.

You lose ALL of:

Your money is reset to $10,000 - so if you spend it all before doing Legacy, you actually gain money

You have to rank up and buy them again

You have to rank up, buy them, AND level them up again

ALL Co-op items
Except treasures?

Weapon Mods
You have to rank up and buy them again

You DON'T lose:

You keep all the emblem unlocks that you have already bought

You keep all the medals you've earned

Personal Stats
They are not reset when you legacy

You keep all treasures you've gotten, whether or not you've completed the sets for them (not sure if coop treasures are also kept, but they should be)

All the character weapons you unlock by collecting treasures will be available to you once you reach the level necessary to use the base weapon
For example: to use Marlowe's M9, you must reach level 16 to unlock the base M9 - to use Lazarevic's FAL-SS, you must reach level 50 to unlock the base FAL-SS)
In other words, you do NOT have to re-complete the treasure sets to unlock character weapons again, but you DO need to level up to be able to use them when you Legacy

You keep all the taunts you've bought and can use them at any level

You can use any skin you already own at any level you want when you Legacy
If you Legacy and haven't bought a certain skin, you have to level up to be able to buy it
For example: if you legacy before you buy Marlowe, then you have to level up in order to buy her - if you already bought Marlowe previously, then you can used her even at level 1 when you Legacy

Custom Clothes
You keep all the custom clothes you've bought or unlocked and can use them at any level

You Unlock:

First Legacy:

New rank emblem
4 negative boosters (2 for each slot)

Booster Slot 1:
Out of Breath - sprint recovery time and duration significantly slower - multiplies cash earned from kills 2x
Flat Footed - move significantly slower while aiming - multiplies cash earned from kills 2.5x
Booster Slot 2:
Extra Kickback Costs: medal kickbacks cost 4 more medals to use - multiplies cash earned from kills 2.5x
Small Pockets: you spawn with significantly less ammo - multiplies cash earned from kills 2x

Legacy 1 = 15% increase over base cost

Second Legacy:

New rank emblem
4 more negative boosters (2 more for each slot)

Booster Slot 1:

Slow Healing - health regeneration is significantly slowed - multiplies cash earned from kills 2x
Fewer Grenades - your ability to carry grenades is reduced (eliminated) - multiplies cash earned from kills 3x
Booster Slot 2:
Invalid - you have half health - multiplies cash earned from kills 3.5x
No Power Weapons - you can't pick up power weapons - multiplies cash earned from kills 3x

Legacy 2 = 30% increase over base cost

Third Legacy:

New rank emblem
New skins: clown masks, Doughnut Talbot
Legacy 3 = 45% increase over base cost

Fourth Legacy:

New rank emblem
Possibly more stuff: this is currently locked so we need to wait until ND removes the level cap

Fifth (final) Legacy:

New rank emblem
Possibly more stuff: again, same as above - this is currently locked

Levels 76-100:
These levels have normal rank emblems, essentially continuing from the non-Legacy levels 1-75. Level 100 is a skull emblem. View Them Here

Tips and Tricks:
If you're trying to unlock treasure sets with Treasure Hunter, do it before you go into Legacy (except for Hardcore treasure sets, obviously, because there are no boosters in Hardcore mode)
Spend all your cash on skins, emblems, custom clothes, and taunts before doing Legacy - if you want to buy everything, do it before you Legacy, so you can spend all your Legacy cash on useful things like kickbacks, mods, and of course boosters
Using Sugar Buddy (with a good buddy) and Deposit (leveled up if possible) will get you more cash faster than using Negative boosters - plus you won't have a handicap

I can confirm everything it says about the first Legacy.

Hope it helps.


Not as deep as he thinks
FUCK Plunder in Syria. Piece of fucking shit broken spawns. DERP Let's make the heroes spawn on the fucking villain's treasure chest DERP. Fucking christ.


Not as deep as he thinks
Co-op Hunter is still the worst mode ever made. I decide to try it out after the horrible time I had with it in the beta to see if it'd be enjoyable, but no. Shit still sucks. The buddy matchmaking paired me up with bailed on me within seconds of the match starting so it was 2 vs. 1. I'd figure since it wasn't fair, the match would end at 2 rounds...but no. The stupid match goes for 4 rounds. Yeah ND, like I'm really going to fucking win against two other people who are high level players. No one else joined the match throughout the whole 4 rounds. When you're a villain, it isn't fun. It wasn't fun in the summer beta and it still isn't fun here. Heroes have all their weapon mods attached to their guns...not to mention it takes forever to respawn again. Never again am I touching this shit mode.


Rewrite said:
Co-op Hunter is still the worst mode ever made. I decide to try it out after the horrible time I had with it in the beta to see if it'd be enjoyable, but no. Shit still sucks. The buddy matchmaking paired me up with bailed on me within seconds of the match starting so it was 2 vs. 1. I'd figure since it wasn't fair, the match would end at 2 rounds...but no. The stupid match goes for 4 rounds. Yeah ND, like I'm really going to fucking win against two other people who are high level players. No one else joined the match throughout the whole 4 rounds. When you're a villain, it isn't fun. It wasn't fun in the summer beta and it still isn't fun here. Heroes have all their weapon mods attached to their guns...not to mention it takes forever to respawn again. Never again am I touching this shit mode.

I think it's ok. Not the best but "worst mode ever made" seems a bit hyperbolic.
iLLmAtlc said:
Also, skins are 49 cents dude! I was really happy ND allowed purchasing of individual skins unlike some other companies. Oh yeah, for me, even after buying it from the in-game store I had to quit the game, goto the store from the XMB and activate it in my download list before I could use him.

Oh and if you were disappointed the Flynn was the regular Flynn and not Heist or Winter like me someone at another forum told me you could change the colour of the shirt and pants if you highlight them and press triangle. As a result you can pretty much have Heist Flynn but without the backpack lol.

Ended up getting Flynn thanks to that PSN credit promotion video thing, he was the only classic skin I wanted so now I no longer have to hear Marlowe's quack when she gets healed (the only villain skin I liked).

jax (old)

oh my fucking god. internet retards. played a game with a hameed-99 who wouldn't rescue anybody during co-op arena and didn't pick up the treasure. Kept yelling into the headset "you fucking idiot" because I was getting enraged. rage quit out of the ps3.
Rewrite said:
Co-op Hunter is still the worst mode ever made. I decide to try it out after the horrible time I had with it in the beta to see if it'd be enjoyable, but no. Shit still sucks. The buddy matchmaking paired me up with bailed on me within seconds of the match starting so it was 2 vs. 1. I'd figure since it wasn't fair, the match would end at 2 rounds...but no. The stupid match goes for 4 rounds. Yeah ND, like I'm really going to fucking win against two other people who are high level players. No one else joined the match throughout the whole 4 rounds. When you're a villain, it isn't fun. It wasn't fun in the summer beta and it still isn't fun here. Heroes have all their weapon mods attached to their guns...not to mention it takes forever to respawn again. Never again am I touching this shit mode.

I kinda like hunters on occasion but the Hero's side is just way too powerful. High health, kickbacks and boosters (Regeneration kickback lol) weapon mods and power weapons. Then you have the villains who have more numbers but are extremely weak. Seems kinda one sided.

Also if I'm a villain and have enough medals I should be able to choose automatically if I wanna upgrade my class. I shouldn't have to wait to die.


Not as deep as he thinks
It's just not a very fun mode at all, IMO. Too many problems and disadvantages when you're villains. Plus...4 rounds...really? Why change it from 2 rounds like in the original summer beta? It makes no sense. The worst thing is that I keep getting duplicate treasure drops in co-op arena now, and when I played Hunters yesterday, I managed to get a brand new treasure I hadn't gotten before. :(


Today definitely felt laggier than usual. I was dying in what seemed like 2 FAL shots, had no time to react to grenades, and while it seemed to me I was emptying a full clip into dudes, they were killing me and if someone else killed them, I didn't even get the assist.

Maybe I accidentally had the "shoot marshmallows instead of bullets" booster turned on, but somehow I doubt it.

Very frustrating. Finally went Kal / Quick Boom just to get some kills so I could level up.


Not as deep as he thinks
Anyone else have these frame rate problems when the match begins? The frame rate is always shit when a match begins for me, and it smooths out in about a minute. This is very apparent on maps like London Underground or the Airstrip.

also, gotta love it that I never get to play as heroes when I'm partied up. And when I do play as heroes, it's when I'm not in a party and get matches like this:




I'd be in the dick
Hey guys. I figured I'd ask in here since this is the MP thread. I suck at the MP at this. I really do. Uncharted 2 I could always turn around and take someone down even if they got the drop on me but in 3 that never happens. I also can't seem to get a grip on when to blindfire or melee in CQC. Any tips?


Not as deep as he thinks
RoboPlato said:
Hey guys. I figured I'd ask in here since this is the MP thread. I suck at the MP at this. I really do. Uncharted 2 I could always turn around and take someone down even if they got the drop on me but in 3 that never happens. I also can't seem to get a grip on when to blindfire or melee in CQC. Any tips?
OK, the way you win in CQC is if you hit people with your guns first (a short burst) and melee them afterwards. it's a guarantee kill that way. Toss a grenade at the ground to stun a near by oncoming enemy and shoot them after they're knocked down from the grenade. Rolling is a useful feature too because if you roll and someone melees you, you won't get damaged because you're invulnerable to getting hurt from melee. My suggestion to everyone (including you) is to learn the maps. Learn where everyone will be and anticipate where your enemy will be at. Every map has a centralized fighting zone where the majority of the action takes place. Pay attention to your surroundings by moving your camera around your character...listen to the character's grunts, look where the X's are of your fallen team mates because where there's an X, there's a near by enemy that killed them. Memorize where the power weapons are and take advantage of them. Usually at the start of every match, at least one person will try and go for the power weapon so get the jump on them.

Try the M9. It's the easiest weapon to get kills. Think of it like the M4 of Uncharted 2. You can get kills from far away or at close quarters. The AK47 is good too, but my suggestion to you would be the M9. As far as pistols go, all of them suck so stick with the one you think feels good. Practice throwing back grenades. It's a little tough at first, but once you get the timing, it really comes in handy in certain situations (especially those punks that have the shitty Revenge booster equipped). Be creative with your grenade throws. I can't stress enough how many awesome kills I've gotten with it. for example, try throwing a grenade so that it hits the ceiling and drops down directly at the enemy. As always, don't blindfire the grenade or do the arc throw...that leaves you exposed (arc throw) and your blindfire grenade will almost never kill anyone. Aim your gun and toss a grenade. It's quicker and more effective. For kickbacks, try the RPG. It's a guarantee kill.

Hopefully that helps. Number 1 thing though is knowing the maps!

Dedication Through Light said:
Do we know when more map packs will finally come?
With the release of the Helghast stuff from Killzone 3, Naughty Dog mentioned there will an upcoming map pack from UC2. So far, it's The Fort and The Ice Cave that are returning. We don't know if there's going to be more than those. No mention of dates.



Throughout 6 and a half hours of co-op adventure tonight, I got valuable lion 1 of 3 (which i already had), 1 of the treasures to unlock Doughnut Drake on Monastery, and some invisible treasure that just didnt bother to show up on London Underground...I fucking bet it was the last one I need for the Francis Drake Skin too. :( PLus I got 9 of the ones for normal or easy difficulty. Pretty upset about the lack of treasure drops on hard or crushing. Oh well, still tons of fun.


I'm not very happy with melee in this game-- especially how the other person can eat bullets walking forward for 10 feet and still get a melee kill.
Co-op adventure and Arena are awesome fun. What pisses me off is that I always get stuck on level 70-80 people, who insist on playing everything on hard.
I haven't tried the new maps yet. Are they any good?
(Just had to release the same day as UMvC3!)

So I have the fortune hunters club thing and I don't see any free download on PSN just the charged ones. Where do I download it?

jax (old)

Rewrite said:
FUCK Plunder in Syria. Piece of fucking shit broken spawns. DERP Let's make the heroes spawn on the fucking villain's treasure chest DERP. Fucking christ.

never had a problem to be honest. love plunder in UC3. The only problem if any is randoms who won't teamplay

played with someone called srav98 (?) who added me on PSN. Gaffer?


Not as deep as he thinks
XxSlasherMcGirkxX said:
I haven't tried the new maps yet. Are they any good?
(Just had to release the same day as UMvC3!)

So I have the fortune hunters club thing and I don't see any free download on PSN just the charged ones. Where do I download it?
There's no new maps yet. Only the Killzone 3 skin/accessories.

Jax said:
never had a problem to be honest. love plunder in UC3. The only problem if any is randoms who won't teamplay

played with someone called srav98 (?) who added me on PSN. Gaffer?
If you read my post, I didn't mention I hate Plunder. I just hate Plunder in SYRIA. It's the absolute fucking worst thing ever because of the stupid spawns.
Rewrite said:
There's no new maps yet. Only the Killzone 3 skin/accessories.

If you read my post, I didn't mention I hate Plunder. I just hate Plunder in SYRIA. It's the absolute fucking worst thing ever because of the stupid spawns.

Oh thats good I'm not missing anything then. I think I'm gonna jump back on tommorow. I hate juggling multiple games though, especially multiplayer games.

I really like the cinema feature. I haven't played too many online games with replay features let alone save to the hard drive. I'm collecting my best plays and matches and creating a "plays of the week" style video like the ones on Uncharted TV. It's so fun trying to do cool things and knowing that it is all building to something. I have been collecting since the beta. I have thirty something clips. Can't wait to edit them all together and watch my masterpiece.


It depends on the game mode...but my choice is:

Weapon Expert (Gold/Level 3)
Daredevil (Silver/Level 2...almost at level 3!)
Kickback: Cluster Bomb

Long Range Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Pistols: Raffica
jesus weapon expert level 3 is hard as all to obtain.
btw awesome MP? Nope, good but not awesome. If you wanna add me my id is Jack999888.

jax (old)

gotta say this comment about duplicate treasure drop - are specific treasures tied to specific maps?? I seem to be getting the same via arena - and I never play highrise on it. I must have picked up over 15 treasures today and they were all dupes.
gotta say this comment about duplicate treasure drop - are specific treasures tied to specific maps?? I seem to be getting the same via arena - and I never play highrise on it. I must have picked up over 15 treasures today and they were all dupes.

Yea this is kinda aggravating. It really is 100% random. You can kill 50 guys and not a single drop but at the same time you could kill 10 guys and get two drops. I think killing the brutes increases your chances. Well it seems like it does but who the hell knows.
Anyone else loving dat FAL SS? Been using it since I unlocked it, and I have to say it's the best long gun in the game. Kind of reminds me of the pistol from UC2.


jax (old)

Anyone else loving dat FAL SS? Been using it since I unlocked it, and I have to say it's the best long gun in the game. Kind of reminds me of the pistol from UC2.


Its a peculiar gun. The fact that you're only using it in the MP game (not found anywhere in the SP game) and it has a strange rate of fire - rattattat.. I had it active one game and couldn't use it at all.
Its a peculiar gun. The fact that you're only using it in the MP game (not found anywhere in the SP game) and it has a strange rate of fire - rattattat.. I had it active one game and couldn't use it at all.
Takes a little practice to get use to the rate of fire and recoil, but once you do it's gold. It's a beast gun, yo.
I think the FAL is a good gun. The only problem though is that it isn't very good in close range fights and excells at more of a medium range. I feel like the FAL is kind of like a parallel to the sniper rifle, in the way that it is a little better at close range but not as effective at super long range like the sniper rifle.

If you prefer the sniper rifle as your main I'd recommend the FAL, but if your like me who is always prefers close to medium range fights stick to the AK or M9.

Most importantly though, why the hell is the gun not in Single Player or Co Op? The gun would fit both modes perfectly and IMO more suited for it.


Not as deep as he thinks
Fuck the M9. Weapon is way too easy to get kills. It's not even a challenge. It's the cheap M4 of UC2. They really have to nerf the blindfire of the M9. With the rate of fire attachment, it's almost KAL-7 tier, only worse because you can actually aim with the M9 from short, mid-range and long range.

jax (old)

Fuck the M9. Weapon is way too easy to get kills. It's not even a challenge. It's the cheap M4 of UC2. They really have to nerf the blindfire of the M9. With the rate of fire attachment, it's almost KAL-7 tier, only worse because you can actually aim with the M9 from short, mid-range and long range.

first it was fuck the sprint. can't shoot shit

then it was fuck the kal. fucking melee fest

now its the m9.

I honestly think the AK with accuracy is the best gun. M9 with rate of fire is cool and all but I think it really falls apart when you need to shoot from mid to far range.


Not as deep as he thinks
first it was fuck the sprint. can't shoot shit

then it was fuck the kal. fucking melee fest

now its the m9.


- Sprint is still a problem even if I'm adjusted to it. It's only a problem because there's not enough stopping power yet. I don't like someone sprinting at me while I'm putting a full clip into them and they still get the kill at the last second. It should not happen.

- KAL-7 is still my most hated weapon because it promotes a play style that I do not enjoy seeing. KAL users aren't a problem on Team Deathmatch because I hardly see people with them there that much compared to Team Objective or Plunder (which are the modes I mostly play). In those modes, that gun does cause a major problem because you can just mow down people so easily with it since everything is mostly close quarter combat.

- I don't have that much of a problem with the M9. It's a great gun and I'd recommend it to new people trying to get into the multiplayer. However, it is a not a gun for me because it makes the game so easy. I like being challenged and the M9 doesn't provide one. I can tear people up easily with it and frankly, I don't really feel satisfied when I get a kill from it whether it's short or long range. I much prefer the AK47 instead. The only thing that does need to be toned down is the blindfire because it's ridiculous. With the rate of fire attachment, it's deadly. It's too accurate for a gun that has too many good things going for it.

I honestly think the AK with accuracy is the best gun. M9 with rate of fire is cool and all but I think it really falls apart when you need to shoot from mid to far range.
I have not noticed a difference when I've had the accuracy mod attached. It feels the same to me. :(

Navarro's AK47 is my favorite.


Fuck the M9. Weapon is way too easy to get kills. It's not even a challenge. It's the cheap M4 of UC2. They really have to nerf the blindfire of the M9. With the rate of fire attachment, it's almost KAL-7 tier, only worse because you can actually aim with the M9 from short, mid-range and long range.
the real problem is that the blindfire is too fucking good.
''DO NOT FUCKING AIM''. that's ONE problem.
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