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DrDisrespect permanently banned from Twitch [Now Streaming on YouTube]


Gold Member

@Mod of War
The GAF Power Rangers
@Lawrence ‘Chunk’ Cohen
Maybe some others, I can't remember

Ah I see I am now the avatar that Xaero Gravity Xaero Gravity pressured me into using. Don't give into peer pressure folks!


Is there anything plausible that has come out?

I'll put my guess in the ring, just in case I'm right....

Someone told twitch that DrDrisrespect sexually abused her and demanded they get rid of him or she'll go to twitter. Could be she wanted them to dismiss her claims and go to twitter with more material, but instead, they quickly acquiesced.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
HoegLaw HoegLaw seems to be leaning toward the idea that, with Ninja and Shroud freed up from Mixer, Twitch is simply interested in playing the field.

Ehhh.. dude rambles a ton and isn't really conclusive on what direction he is leaning lol

Just thinks it likely has nothing to do with Dr. D leaving for a 3rd party service (the "Brime" theory.)

But in the end he thinks it:

- Could be something involving law enforcement, but doesn't think so due to the wording of the Twitch statement
- Could be sexual harassment related, but not something Twitch wants to discuss publicly yet, hence the vague statement
- Could be them finding an excuse to fire him as they regret giving him the exclusivity deal, partly because of Mixer ending

That last one makes no sense to me at all personally especially with Facebook Gaming (whose market share was already much larger than mixer's) being willing to throw even larger contracts around allegedly.


I don't watch Twitch streamers or really know anything, only that they let chicks do whatever. Well if Dr.Disrespect got kicked out because of that clip Vlaud showed, I'll follow him to anywhere. We are all allowed our own fucking opinions. So dumb.


We'd have gotten an announcement by now if there was going to be one (today) no? The mystery continues I guess...
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Ehhh.. dude rambles a ton and isn't really conclusive on what direction he is leaning lol

Just thinks it likely has nothing to do with Dr. D leaving for a 3rd party service (the "Brime" theory.)

But in the end he thinks it:

- Could be something involving law enforcement, but doesn't think so due to the wording of the Twitch statement
- Could be sexual harassment related, but not something Twitch wants to discuss publicly yet, hence the vague statement
- Could be them finding an excuse to fire him as they regret giving him the exclusivity deal, partly because of Mixer ending

That last one makes no sense to me at all personally especially with Facebook Gaming (whose market share was already much larger than mixer's) being willing to throw even larger contracts around allegedly.

Rambles a ton? That hurts. :)

I do think that the world post Mixer (and with the associated evidence that high priced exclusive streamer contracts probably aren't worth what they appeared to be), is a world in which corporations generally work to "re-evaluate" their existing contractual commitments. That can be for a host of reasons, but you are correct that I don't claim to know what I don't know as to the exact nature of what Twitch's claim might be here. Just that it sounds to me of contract dispute rather than imminent legal trouble. We'll see.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Rambles a ton? That hurts. :)

Hey I get it, gotta pad those video lengths lol

I do think that the world post Mixer (and with the associated evidence that high priced exclusive streamer contracts probably aren't worth what they appeared to be), is a world in which corporations generally work to "re-evaluate" their existing contractual commitments. That can be for a host of reasons, but you are correct that I don't claim to know what I don't know as to the exact nature of what Twitch's claim might be here. Just that it sounds to me of contract dispute rather than imminent legal trouble. We'll see.

Yeah it's certainly interesting timing; but the recent rash of #metoo resurfacing and specifically Twitch commenting on that recently seems way more suspect to me.

And Facebook Gaming allegedly offered Ninja a massive contract, as well as big offers to other former Mixer exclusive streamers. I don't think the age of big exclusive streamer contracts is over because Mixer is gone.

Mixer was small beans compared to YouTube/Facebook who actually have decent marketshare now, likely due to them already having 1 billion + accounts:

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Hey I get it, gotta pad those video lengths lol

Yeah it's certainly interesting timing; but the recent rash of #metoo resurfacing and specifically Twitch commenting on that recently seems way more suspect to me.

And Facebook Gaming allegedly offered Ninja a massive contract, as well as big offers to other former Mixer exclusive streamers. I don't think the age of big exclusive streamer contracts is over because Mixer is gone.

Believe me, YouTube is not generally a fan of 20+ minute videos, but I do feel the need to be as thorough as possible. With respect to Facebook, it's possible that they made those offers (I know the leaks said they did), but we don't know how they were structured (how much royalty/earn out was in play). It would surprise me if you wind up seeing deals like we saw being entered into in the past 12 months again in the recent future.

In any event, thanks for checking out the video, I can definitely always improve. :)


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Believe me, YouTube is not generally a fan of 20+ minute videos, but I do feel the need to be as thorough as possible. With respect to Facebook, it's possible that they made those offers (I know the leaks said they did), but we don't know how they were structured (how much royalty/earn out was in play). It would surprise me if you wind up seeing deals like we saw being entered into in the past 12 months again in the recent future.

In any event, thanks for checking out the video, I can definitely always improve. :)
It's good content, I've done video presentations before and it took me like a week to produce a 1 hour training session.. I know how hard it is and your channel is pretty great.

But yeah we "know" little about what Facebook Gaming offered; just rumors. But this market is still hot and despite Mixer's failure I doubt they will be the last to try to throw some cash around.


Its likely to be legal troubles in some way...

is it financial or violence / assault?

its interesting how he reacted so quickly to the message .. which must have been short and something like you will be charged...

he must know he is at least partially guilty else he wouldnt be so worried and would be spending more time trying to drum up public support rather than react like he is so sure he is going down ... he knows its going to be hugely embarrassing...Yet his partner is sticking up for him...

it must be something she can ( for the moment) see past or believe his account... im going to go with multiple people alleging sexual assult...


fair enough if this was the reason

Alright.... I don't believe in this 5G toxin garbage either... but give me a break. Let the guy speak. Don't you think this stuff is better debunked out in the open then censored ? Censoring it gives it weight. Twitch has the right to ban him if they want but if they chose to die on this particular hill they are IDIOTS.

The article he read before that video was perfectly fine. NY residents think the whole world is on fire.... and from their perspective maybe it is. Meanwhile I was out shopping at a mall in Canada that was HALF CLOSED DOWN where I live... in a city with over A MILLION people in it and THIRTY FOUR people are in the hospital for COVID !! Less than 10 in the ICU! The overblown seriousness of this is just as moronic and based on nonsense as this 5G theory is - the only difference is that it has the benefit of a big shiny government stamp on it.

My wife was laid off for months... meanwhile we PERSONALLY know more people without jobs today than there ARE people in our city's hospital with COVID. And I'm not saying ICU... ( that's LESS THAN 10 TODAY !) ... I mean hospital.

I do believe this was about saving lives for about 3 weeks... then it was 100% about politics and fear mongering in the media.... and if you disagree with me about it - that's great! I'm not going to get angry at you or try to get you de-platformed (although of course I've probably got the officially wrong opinion here so it wouldn't work anyway). I hope you don't get banned and I hope I don't either.


Alright.... I don't believe in this 5G toxin garbage either... but give me a break. Let the guy speak. Don't you think this stuff is better debunked out in the open then censored ? Censoring it gives it weight. Twitch has the right to ban him if they want but if they chose to die on this particular hill they are IDIOTS.

The article he read before that video was perfectly fine. NY residents think the whole world is on fire.... and from their perspective maybe it is. Meanwhile I was out shopping at a mall in Canada that was HALF CLOSED DOWN where I live... in a city with over A MILLION people in it and THIRTY FOUR people are in the hospital for COVID !! Less than 10 in the ICU! The overblown seriousness of this is just as moronic and based on nonsense as this 5G theory is - the only difference is that it has the benefit of a big shiny government stamp on it.

My wife was laid off for months... meanwhile we PERSONALLY know more people without jobs today than there ARE people in our city's hospital with COVID. And I'm not saying ICU... ( that's LESS THAN 10 TODAY !) ... I mean hospital.

I do believe this was about saving lives for about 3 weeks... then it was 100% about politics and fear mongering in the media.... and if you disagree with me about it - that's great! I'm not going to get angry at you or try to get you de-platformed (although of course I've probably got the officially wrong opinion here so it wouldn't work anyway). I hope you don't get banned and I hope I don't either.


Pretty much.


Alright.... I don't believe in this 5G toxin garbage either... but give me a break. Let the guy speak. Don't you think this stuff is better debunked out in the open then censored ? Censoring it gives it weight. Twitch has the right to ban him if they want but if they chose to die on this particular hill they are IDIOTS.

The article he read before that video was perfectly fine. NY residents think the whole world is on fire.... and from their perspective maybe it is. Meanwhile I was out shopping at a mall in Canada that was HALF CLOSED DOWN where I live... in a city with over A MILLION people in it and THIRTY FOUR people are in the hospital for COVID !! Less than 10 in the ICU! The overblown seriousness of this is just as moronic and based on nonsense as this 5G theory is - the only difference is that it has the benefit of a big shiny government stamp on it.

My wife was laid off for months... meanwhile we PERSONALLY know more people without jobs today than there ARE people in our city's hospital with COVID. And I'm not saying ICU... ( that's LESS THAN 10 TODAY !) ... I mean hospital.

I do believe this was about saving lives for about 3 weeks... then it was 100% about politics and fear mongering in the media.... and if you disagree with me about it - that's great! I'm not going to get angry at you or try to get you de-platformed (although of course I've probably got the officially wrong opinion here so it wouldn't work anyway). I hope you don't get banned and I hope I don't either.
i would say the reason there isnt many hospitalised is thanks to things like the lockdown, the goal of lockdowns was to flatten the curve and it worked

i am in a fortunate situation in that my job (software developer for clinical trials) was not effected at all by the lockdowns so it is easy for me to choose public safety by staying in lockdown, i would think i would be more frustrated by lockdowns if i had no income with very little option to change it

this part i don't get "I do believe this was about saving lives for about 3 weeks... then it was 100% about politics and fear mongering in the media"... what do they gain by this? media doesnt make the rules, govs do and lockdown is a terrible thing for the govs (economy) but they realize it is a necessity through the advice of scientists (not media lol)

at the end of the day, if we come out of this with low enough death numbers and all people have to complain about is that people "overreacted" then that would be the best outcome
Alright.... I don't believe in this 5G toxin garbage either... but give me a break. Let the guy speak. Don't you think this stuff is better debunked out in the open then censored ? Censoring it gives it weight. Twitch has the right to ban him if they want but if they chose to die on this particular hill they are IDIOTS.

Devil's Advocate here...

"Don't you think this stuff is better debunked out in the open then censored?"
- Ideally, yes. However, many that are gullible enough to believe that are also NOT going to believe the debunking.

"Censoring gives it weight."
- True. As does the choice to not censor it. The fact that an idea is being spread by a media personality that someone trusts is likely what gives it the most weight.

"Twitch has the right to ban him if they want but if they chose to die on this particular hill they are IDIOTS."
- Well, maybe they just don't want their brand to be associated with conspiracy theories. It seems as good a hill to die on as any.

It seems like the winds are changing when it comes to social media platforms. Before, one of the basic guiding premises was that the platforms were not responsible for the views and expressions of the people using said platforms. This was good for a time, but it's starting to become the case that platforms are being seen as culpable because they are offering a medium with which certain negative ideas (negative depending on your point of views obviously) are afforded amplification by said platforms. It's one thing for these companies to claim that they have no responsibility for what is said, but that claim would be disingenuous. They have a large burden to carry. Ultimately, they must balance things like freedom of expression for their users, the spreading of hateful ideas, the negative stigma of censorship, the profitability of their service, the types audiences that they wish to serve, and the now commonplace issue of the misinformation of the public.

Not sure if this sea change is right, but it's certainly the way things are heading.


... what do they gain by this? media doesnt make the rules, govs do and lockdown is a terrible thing for the govs (economy) but they realize it is a necessity through the advice of scientists (not media lol)

at the end of the day, if we come out of this with low enough death numbers and all people have to complain about is that people "overreacted" then that would be the best outcome

We see the world differently on a fundamental level - and that's alright.

I just want both of our rights to an opinion protected - you arrived at your way of thinking because of who you were around and where you were around... and so did I. There isn't always a 'one solution fits all' answer to everything. This is the principal reason people like me don't like too much power in a centralized government. "Scientists" should be well aware that the best solution to Coronavirus for NY is not the same as the best solution for where I live - and yet they'd prefer to blanket us all with the same policy - livelihoods be damned.

I have a right not to support the platform ( twitch ) once they tell us why the Doctor was banned. And I'll choose to stop using the account if the doc expressing his opinions was the reason.


If anyone wants a bit more insight into the personality....

Some points...

He won 2 major video game competitions as a kid
He was a map designer on COD Advanced Warfare

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fair enough if this was the reason

YES, thank you. My gosh, finally someone who can actually think and reason instead of just spouting off what they read of freaking facebook or twitter.

If someone goes against the majority and media's narrative they need to be instantly silenced and canceled.


If anyone wants a bit more insight into the personality....

Some points...

He won 2 major video game competitions as a kid
He was a map designer on COD Advanced Warfare

he did not win 2 major game competitions as a kid. the whole thing is a fake story.
not even the years line up. he always says 1993/1994 Blockbuster champion, but there was no Blockbuster tournament in 94... they were 92 and 93, and we know who won those and it wasn't him

it's all just part of the fake Doc character's back story
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he did not win 2 major game competitions as a kid. the whole thing is a fake story.
not even the years line up. he always says 1993/1994 Blockbuster champion, but there was no Blockbuster tournament in 94... they were 92 and 93, and we know who won those and it wasn't him

it's all just part of the fake Doc character's back story
Oh, yeah? Had no idea. But this is an independent doco no?

Xaero Gravity

YES, thank you. My gosh, finally someone who can actually think and reason instead of just spouting off what they read of freaking facebook or twitter.

If someone goes against the majority and media's narrative they need to be instantly silenced and canceled.
I like the way you think
i would say the reason there isnt many hospitalised is thanks to things like the lockdown, the goal of lockdowns was to flatten the curve and it worked

i am in a fortunate situation in that my job (software developer for clinical trials) was not effected at all by the lockdowns so it is easy for me to choose public safety by staying in lockdown, i would think i would be more frustrated by lockdowns if i had no income with very little option to change it

this part i don't get "I do believe this was about saving lives for about 3 weeks... then it was 100% about politics and fear mongering in the media"... what do they gain by this? media doesnt make the rules, govs do and lockdown is a terrible thing for the govs (economy) but they realize it is a necessity through the advice of scientists (not media lol)

at the end of the day, if we come out of this with low enough death numbers and all people have to complain about is that people "overreacted" then that would be the best outcome

which is still inaccurate. hospitalizations and deaths are still declining despite the “spike” in cases since reopening and mass protests.

you are also ignoring the fact that there were countries and states who didnt lock down and saw zero issues with hospitals.

what does the media get out of it? Dude you either live under a rock or are being obliviously ignorant by keeping yourself in an echo chamber.

The media is one, essentially an arm of the democratic party, and two a hate and vindictful force against Trump. This is not conspiracy territory when all you have to do is look at their Russia coverage and Podesta leaked emails.

So what do they gain by fear mongering? Well the media gets higher ratings, hence why they ALWAYS fear monger, and they also get a chance to damage trump/republicans. Never heard of the old democrat adage “never let a good crisis go to waste”?

Lucky more and more people have awoken to this fact of the media.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
which is still inaccurate. hospitalizations and deaths are still declining despite the “spike” in cases since reopening and mass protests.

The entire country is not created equally; some places ARE in fact seeing hospitalization spikes. The data comes in waves because of the nature of the disease and deaths/hospitalizations can fall at the same time as cases spiking because it's a new wave of people getting it.. and they aren't yet sick enough to.. be hospitalized.. then, later, die.

So some states that right now are seeing things fall, may rise... and visa versa.

It's not a damn conspiracy; we fucked up in numerous states in this country and are on the verge of ICUs coming to capacity again. Deaths will HOPEFULLY never be as high as they were at their peak because we at least figured out to be really careful with retirement homes (after wiping out literally 10s of thousands of people in these homes partly due to negligence in places like NY.)
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Unironically one of my top 10 movies of all time.

And the music is epic AF too.

The dude that did the soundtrack is Paul Hertzog and he also composed the music for Kickboxer which is also epic af. He did one more movie after Kickboxer and that was it; couldn't get any more jobs and went off to teach high school until retirement. It's criminal that he never got to compose any more soundtracks, his work was so epic and unique.



which is still inaccurate. hospitalizations and deaths are still declining despite the “spike” in cases since reopening and mass protests.

you are also ignoring the fact that there were countries and states who didnt lock down and saw zero issues with hospitals.

what does the media get out of it? Dude you either live under a rock or are being obliviously ignorant by keeping yourself in an echo chamber.

The media is one, essentially an arm of the democratic party, and two a hate and vindictful force against Trump. This is not conspiracy territory when all you have to do is look at their Russia coverage and Podesta leaked emails.

So what do they gain by fear mongering? Well the media gets higher ratings, hence why they ALWAYS fear monger, and they also get a chance to damage trump/republicans. Never heard of the old democrat adage “never let a good crisis go to waste”?

Lucky more and more people have awoken to this fact of the media.

i would agree one solution does not fit all, every country should be trying to find the right balance

regarding your nedia hate... this problem isnt just in america... yet news all over the world have coverage on the problems of COVID. To me you come off as someone who is following trump, whose whole campaign has been about decrediting news so that people will ignore the terrible shit that gets repirted about him lol. I dont live in USA though so cant comment fully

to me you are injecting politics into something that isnt political
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Gold Member

The entire country is not created equally; some places ARE in fact seeing hospitalization spikes. The data comes in waves because of the nature of the disease and deaths/hospitalizations can fall at the same time as cases spiking because it's a new wave of people getting it.. and they aren't yet sick enough to.. be hospitalized.. then, later, die.

So some states that right now are seeing things fall, may rise... and visa versa.

It's not a damn conspiracy; we fucked up in numerous states in this country and are on the verge of ICUs coming to capacity again. Deaths will HOPEFULLY never be as high as they were at their peak because we at least figured out to be really careful with retirement homes (after wiping out literally 10s of thousands of people in these homes partly due to negligence in places like NY.)

Sorry for continuing going off topic but I just had to say that one of the best examples out there is neighboring countries Sweden and Norway.
Norway had a relatively strict lock-down versus Sweden which had more relaxed restrictions.

Sweden has more than 20x more deaths than Norway.. Even with 2x the number of citizens the difference is staggering!

Norway has been opening up for a quite some time now, and reproduction rate is still very low.
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Covid thread is this way lads.

Back on topic, is there still no news on what happened to Doc? I was hoping to wake up to some new information today but not seeing shit here.
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