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DRIVECLUB |OT| Cloudy with a Chance of Jaw Drops

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I just want to do anything online-:/ when is a good time to start asking them via twitter?- dont want to be that guy haha

after investing 50 bucks in the game I think a timeframe for the servers being up would put me and other early adopters at ease-

I just want to do some in race face off! Those face off are important, it can let you learn the track more.
Me either. I don't think I'm gonna play the game at all til they're up either. I'm already player level 25 and I don't want to keep progressing without helping a club (if that's how it works atleast).

Love DriveClub though. It's amazing. It's definitely a racing game but it feels so good, regardless of 30fps.

Also what's up with the servers not being able to handle the load? Were they expecting like, 50 people to only be playing? I find it hard to believe that the severs were that bombarded at 3am PST on release as well. They've been down since then atleast and only have come on for a minute or two at a time.

It really seems like I'm (and others) are missing out on a lot of what this game has to offer. I definitely understand why the PS+ version isn't out (or is it now?) but I just can't understand why the servers still aren't up well over 24 hours after release of a 1st party exclusive game that's focused on social features.
The game constantly tries to reconnect you.

So even if you're playing in the Tour, 'offline', you're still on PSN, so it is still trying to connect.

If the servers can't cope with that with only paid customers playing, it is only going to make matters worse if they open the PS+ Edition floodgates.

Additionally, as ruthless as it is - if you bought the game they have your dosh. First impressions don't matter as much and you'll want to get value out of your purchase so as annoying as it is right now, you'll come back when it is functional.

For PS+ Edition first impressions are key. They won't want you to play the game and think it is a load of toss due to lack of MP and all the social things because you might not come back to it again, and thus never think about upgrading.


I imagine Sony didn't expect this many people. Too few servers

That is not an acceptable excuse. What the fuck are pre-order numbers for!? I'm getting quite pissed at not being able to connect honestly. I can't even use my club livery since I can't connect.
Seriously. I'll be getting my T80 today too so I'm pumped as fuck. Haven't tried a wheel on a console since the one my mom got for me on PS1.

Haha yeah, it's been a while since I used a wheel as well. I have an older one for pc, but I doubt it works on ps4. As much as I am tempted to buy a wheel for this game, I don't mind using the controller at all. But a racing wheel with this game is probably insane. I would suck so bad with one lol, already getting use to the controller.
The game constantly tries to reconnect you.

So even if you're playing in the Tour, 'offline', you're still on PSN, so it is still trying to connect.

If the servers can't cope with that with only paid customers playing, it is only going to make matters worse if they open the PS+ Edition floodgates.

Additionally, as ruthless as it is - if you bought the game they have your dosh. First impressions don't matter as much and you'll want to get value out of your purchase so as annoying as it is right now, you'll come back when it is functional.

For PS+ Edition first impressions are key. They won't want you to play the game and think it is a load of toss due to lack of MP and all the social things because you might not come back to it again, and thus never think about upgrading.

I have gotten refunds on digital games in the US in the past on PSN (which I hear has a 'no refund' policy')- they dont fix this in a timely fashion I will be getting my money back- I imagine most will as well-
I finally had a good go at this last night mainly playing on my Vita and have to say that I'm impressed with the handling with the smaller analog sticks.

I don't know if the game accounts for the different between the PS4 and the Vita, but the controls felt really great. I was worried that the control might be a oversensitive, but they were tight and very responsive!

The only downside is, of course, the lack of analog triggers, but it's a compromise to not having to watch blah tv.

By default the sticks control, triggers accelerate/brake and the d-pad handles view changes. It doesn't seem like the touch or rear touch are used for anything, but I didn't play around with any remapping.

As can be said with other RP games, it looks freaking gorgeous still on the Vita 2000 screen and sounds great through headphones.


Ok, so initial impressions after 5 races with pad and then wheel.

Can't get online 8).

Aside from that, plays fabulous with the pad but more importantly for me, the T100 wheel i'd just bought. So for anyone on the fence about this particular wheel, don't be! No PS button is the only thing missing, and it feels great, arguably better than my old ForceGT. The FB is really great, and you can adjust the amount via the game itself. I've made a few adjustments to the button mapping so its now perfect for me. Like i say, its plays awesome with the wheel!

Graphically its as good as i was hoping and expected. The image quality IMO is absolutely terrific, there are some things that don't get covered by the AA techniqes used but for me, these are nitpicking hugely. The lighting is gobsmacking, truly gobsmacking, so smooth with the transition from day to night etc etc. Color banding is really smooth which really further add to the believeablity. AF is not the longest in the world but it is a smooth transition and not jarring, and while driving its not something you'll notice. Cars look fabulous, especially cockpit, for me i found the bonnet cam to be my ideal choice (i'll miss out on the swanky windscreen reflection but hey ho). Popup/detail transitions are also very minimal and again its something i just don't or didn't notice.

The sound is lovely! Only tried 2 cars but what i heard was great! I'm on a Sony 5.1 sys with Q Acoustics speakers. The change in audio depending on what camera you use is a really nice touch and add a nice layer of realism. In the end i ended up putting the ingame music at 30% i don't normally race with music in other racers but i just found having something playing underneath just intensified the experience a little bit more.

The A.I i'm finding to be pretty well behaved so far, with no signs of any follow the leader type routines. Yes they can be agressive but nothing ...unfair?

Loading of everything is superb, zero complaints from me, restarts especially.

So there we have it, all this before the weather update lands! SOme of the reviews based on my own thoughts i think have been incredibly harsh but each to their own. My own is the one that counts.

Hopefully the online portion gets going soon so i can get all sorted with my GAF bums from team Cunning Stunts!


aka andydumi
I have gotten refunds on digital games in the US in the past on PSN (which I hear has a 'no refund' policy')- they dont fix this in a timely fashion I will be getting my money back- I imagine most will as well-

Yep. Same here if nothing is fixed by the weekend. If nothing else to "vote with our wallets." Even though I would likely rebuy it a few days later as it's damn fun.

It really is unacceptable that after a year delay to focus on the social aspect, there is no social aspect.

As a separate note, something I have not seen yet, is whether we have a statistics page for each race to show up breakdown of fame. How many penalties did I earn in a race and how many drifts and how many perfect sectors and so forth. A nice graph of up/down for fame would be pretty neat.


So I played around with this for a few races and I can agree that at times it feels a bit bare bones. Then again, the social features aren't working for me yet.

My biggest gripe is the graphics (aside from the AI but we've had the same AI in console racers since forever so that's not going to change), getting blinded by the sun or ambient light might be a little realistic but when I play my racing GAMES I need to see where the heck I'm going (and IRL I'd just put on some shades).

So please patch in some sunglasses or something.


damn, hopefully the servers settle down, would love to try the game today at least.. PS+ Games for this month are available via search. pix the cat is really a fun time fill
Sure, but is this game really that high-profile? Seems like a huge portion of potential players were waiting for the free version. The international release is staggered. They know exactly how many people pre-ordered the download version, and how many discs were being shipped out to stores. I can't imagine it was *that* hard to estimate server demand for launch. And this isn't like Battlefield where the # of people is in the millions.

The server wonkiness really just reinforces that those of us who bought the full version really just paid full price to be in a public beta. All those cool social features? Hopefully they'll be working soon. Replays? Soon-ish, probably. Weather? Also soon-ish.

It's a bummer because I think the game is pretty good. But all these issues make me not want to play it until it's working properly, and are probably scaring away lots of potential buyers. And since we're in the middle of High Release Season, by the time the wrinkles get sorted out everyone will have moved on to the next game. Since this game seems to need a relatively active social community to really shine, I don't think it's going to get a chance to get it's legs underneath it, so to speak. This game couldn't afford to bobble the launch.

Good points, well articulated. Sony really need to sort out their online infrastructure especially in preparation for first party games that rely so much on online for full enjoyment. People who have been looking forward to this game for so long and have been patient with all the delays deserve better after spending money for the full game when they could have so easily just settled for the free version during launch week.
If you want to be wow'd by the graphics, go to Scotland. OMG that is beautiful.

I can't even be mad about the issues when the core gameplay is that good. The sense of speed is amazing and the career challenges are challenging and rewarding but so far always fair. I also like the drifting system a lot, takes a bit of time to master though.


My biggest gripe is the graphics (aside from the AI but we've had the same AI in console racers since forever so that's not going to change), getting blinded by the sun or ambient light might be a little realistic but when I play my racing GAMES I need to see where the heck I'm going (and IRL I'd just put on some shades).

So please patch in some sunglasses or something.

Yo, it's a bit much realism.
Time for:


Watched some of the Giantbomb quick look yesterday and came away disappointed with what it seems some people have come to expect from racing games.

I don't play them much personally but there have been a few that I really got into for a while back in the day (R4, Initial D etc.).

Some of the most intense moments were in trying to maintain my lead till the very end, I'd feel my heart beating like crazy when an intense race was coming to an end. Sometimes though I would mess up and that would screw me over, especially if it was towards the end. But you know what? That disappointment was part of the experience, it made me want to play better (just like in fighting games).

So what does Jeff mention as big negatives against the gameplay for DC yesterday? Penalties for driving bad and no rewind function for when he messes up in a race. Have racing games really become that freaking casual? You should be able to quickly rewind when you screw up and act like it never happened? What?

And then he complains how drifting isn't piss easy instead of taking the time to learn how to play the game. You couldn't really drift in Initial D iirc but there were other methods that helped you achieve similar results (like Machine Gun Shifting), learning and mastering the various techniques was part of the fun.

Will have to take his opinion with a huge grain of salt moving forward.


Cornering feels so right to me.

I do not need a magical line to know when to brake on this game. They got the weight and inertia feel perfect.
This game took me by surprise and am loving it. My sister and I got to talking about how we missed playing Crazy Taxi on Dreamcast with the wheel and pedals.

I want to get the Thrustmaster T80 wheel + pedals but wanted to see if anyone here could give their feedback on how it handles, if its worth it, etc. I would consider myself a casual racing game fan, especially ones on the sim-side (I realize Driveclub has both arcade and sim aspects) so I don't need the fancy $300+ ones.

Does it add another level of immersion that makes the $100 price tag worth it for the Thrustmaster T80?


to those who own the game, how is the cockpit view? i've read some impressions claiming that the view is too narrow and that you lose potentially important hud elements. thougthts?

leng jai

Does the image look somewhat soft to anyone else? It definitely doesn't look as sharp as 1080p does normally. The lighting engine is incredible though.

Only played two races so far but the handling model seems right up my alley. Does anyone know how closely it controls to Horizon 2?


to those who own the game, how is the cockpit view? i've read some impressions claiming that the view is too narrow and that you lose potentially important hud elements. thougthts?

For me, the cockpit view is awesome! (from the hatch backs I've drove)
And I've already lost all the HUD elements because opacity 0%


to those who own the game, how is the cockpit view? i've read some impressions claiming that the view is too narrow and that you lose potentially important hud elements. thougthts?

It looks absolutely awesome! Of course the FOV is mor narrow than in other views, but that is just how it goes. It is modeled well enough to just use the rev counter and speedometer from the car, which makes it very immersive. In cockpit view I just switch off the HUD and let myself get carried away by the driving. Yesterday I even tried to reach for my shades several times like I would in my own car when the sun bilded me. It's awesome!

... This would actually be a great use for the Playststion camera (put shades down/ sunglasses on!!)
What? That's disappointing to hear.

Yes, there are 5 cars which can only be unlocked when the own club reaches a certain level. It`s annoying but ok. Much more annoying is the fact that even if you have unlocked the cars with the clubs you can`t use them if you aren`t connected to the servers, because it somehow has to check online if the clublevel is high enough


Thinking of picking this up in the UK on Friday.

This has no doubt been asked/discussed before, but is there an ETA for the weather patch/DLC yet?


Finally, I was able to connect to the server and played some community challenges. I think this is the first time I enjoyed leaderboard stuff. But couldn't create my challenge and play any multiplayer racel...

Face-off makes the game more fun to me. evo, hurry up to stabilize the server.


Does anyone know - is there any penalties or any sort for switching clubs? And can you transfer the ownership of a club to another member?


Played for some time yersteday, now at level 17.

I love the track design. You have to approach the ai with patience and wait for the opportunity, mayority of tracks and point to point roads are too narrow to be inpatient.

In this regard the ai is behaving really well, i found myself in scary situations often, like being in a group of four / five cars at high speed on full trottle sections without a single problem.

I suspect however that will be really hard to race the narrow tracks online without going destruction derby.

Luckily for us the developers made some wide racetracks too. Some of these are top notch track designs too.

The cars drive well, each one of them has a believable behavior. While not being a sim, i find the driving phisics fun and demanding. It's generally easy to drive the cars but difficult to really go fast in them.

Well made driving views too. ATM i'm sticking to external views mostly because i've yet to memorize the tracks. But i've made some time attacks in cockpit and hood views and had great fun. I will probably switch to cockpit view once i've learned the tracks.

Graphics are really something, object density, lightning, textures are top notch for me.

Must say i'm really satisfied at he moment. And i guess that i'll go on to play driveclub for some months too, if the online part will work well, and considering the addiction of real time weather, and free dlc on the way.


Hope my download is finished before I get home from class later today. Can't wait to try this out even if the servers are still fucked.


Would an open beta have identified server issues?

The Crew had one and it was delayed two months.

I'm not saying DriveClub should have been delayed more, but at least they might have been a bit more prepared than this.


One absurd thing.

The club exclusive cars.
Even if you have club level enough when you are offline you can't use those cars...
User has Club LV 6 and with that server issues...
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