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DRIVECLUB |OT| Cloudy with a Chance of Jaw Drops

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It'll pick up again when the UK crew finally get to play. It's overwhelmingly positive though, even some doubters have been swayed when they've finally played the game.

OT: The review thread continues to be awful though, regret going in there everytime I do. It will be interesting to see how the Sunset Overdrive review thread fares. No matter how well it does, it's going to be gloves-off, with criticism up the wazoo, and I expect a lot of that is going to be reverse-schadenfreude and poster revenge wars.

Why is it down to the sunset overdrive thread? shouldnt it be in the forza horizon 2 thread? or are you just saying people feuding in general? over any negative? I am confused a little sorry dude?

Why would people want to attack a completely different genre of game? just becuase it's an exclusive?
I'm a bit concerned about playing the tour if the servers are still down tomorrow when it comes out in the UK. In that a lot of the replayability might come from seeing scores to beat, and sections in races. If that is missing will it impact the stickiness of the game?

It was up for me for a short time on Tuesday. When I was completing a time trial event in Scotland I kept going after I'd collected 3 stars from the event because the damn challenges kept popping up. It's more addictive with those pop-ups, there's not even leaderboards after a race at the moment which is annoying.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not 100% sure about the season pass pic, how much is the season pass when I own the full version, and where would I buy that? How much would I pay without the pass each month?
Wow this thread went downhill fast. Hope OT2 does better.

It'll go better once all the PS+ users get the free version in their hands to play. Until then there is a lot of pissed people who want to try the game before they buy it so they will come in with a negative attitude.


Just had a couple of hours last night. First Indian track didn't exactly wow me and I also had to get a feeling of the handling.

The Canadian track really opened up the game. The sense of speed is phenomenal and blasting across the bridge with rumble and fantastic sound effects really got me going.

Then came Scotland - oh wow! At times it just felt so real. It's an overcast track and when the sun suddenly breaks through it almost sends shivers down my spine. At times the lightning makes it hard to see what comes up ahead which intensified the game quite a bit and makes it feel pretty realistic. Night time can be scary at times. And I find the handling really tight and simply love how the cars react to asphalt, dirt etc.

Trying to get below 1:46:00 in the Scotland track proved to be quite a challenge for me. Luckily the game really nails the one-more-time feeling for me, so I finally managed. If you like a racer where you constantly need to perfect your corners, mind the road, bumps, dirt etc. this game really delivers. For me, at least.

Btw, screens don't do it justice - in motion I find it absolutely breathtaking at times. And without HUD it sometimes approaches photorealism. Scotland btw reminded me of the Jerry Bruckheimer intro logo.

Same for me ! Was happy to finally beat 1:46 in Scotland after trying 6-7 times. Sincerely this game really delivers and some reviewers should be ashamed of their reviews.


Managed to get online before, but it only lasted 30 mins before. It was worth it just to race without that red ticker at the start!


I disagree. The lighting in PCars makes it look a bit cartoony in motion. At least less realistic than DC.

Opinions then, i dont find the lightning in PCars cartoony. For me i dont have any doubt, Pcars on PC is superior, let alone talking about IQ,AF, texture quality, etc.


Yup. Spot on.
So you feel engine sounds are bad in DC because they've not been amped up with effects and sounds - like lion roars and human screams, à la Turn10 - that don't really have anything to do with the way the engine sounds IRL?


And it should be.

But comparing high-end PC graphics vs consolegraphics isn't fair.

I know, we can´t compare both machines horsepower, but i can´t agree when people say that DriveClub is the prettiest car game on any platform


OK so I managed to get online. Don't suppose there's anyway for me to log into my other account on the same console to get online to accept a club request without disconnecting my main account?
This game is fucking magical. Cockpit view + no HUD is fantastic. I'm glad there is a PS+ edition for people to try, though I wish it had included a selection of tracks from a few different locations instead of just India. Just to get people to see how amazing these tracks look in person.

Now that is no online challenges to share currently, do you guys have any favorite combination of tracks + settings?


for anyone that thinks drifting is badly implemented or not possible.


It's more than good enough for the 3 medals but could be much better - for example not sliding off the track!

Engine sounds good to me, as well, does it sound like a Spyker? why yes:
( real ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oV1K-sg5Xs )


Hey, pretty helpful this video, I left yesterday that track because I can't reach the score.


Comparing behind the car with driver view is not very helpful. EDIT: Okay, it cycles to behind the car for a second or so at the start.

For reference Check around the 1:10 mark or so. Sounds good enough for me. But hey, I'm used to GT1-6, so my standards may be off.

as "reference", I cannot accept a video segment of what is in my opinion definitely taken with an early gopro hd cam.

early gopro's were notorious for their bad sound quality. you can witness that in your own link :D only a tight range of the sound spectrum is captured, and this along with tremendous amount of distortion and other noises.
if 458 really sounded like this in the drivers seat, I bet that the entire ferrari acoustics dept. would be fired in a single day :)

on your video, check the in-car sound as its recorded by another camera that simply is not a gopro to hear the difference (and still, very very far from audio equipment used to capture high performing engines). example around 20 seconds in. not the 1:10 you choose.
and right before that 20 sec. spot, you can hear again the early gopro poor audio at 17 sec to attest the sound quality difference yourself. and right above the exhausts too.

So you feel engine sounds are bad in DC because they've not been amped up with effects and sounds - like lion roars and human screams, à la Turn10 - that don't really have anything to do with the way the engine sounds IRL?
actually the videos that he comments on, they are all playstation 4 videos.
I guess you didnt even bother to see what they were about before writing your ...thing?
and a friendly tip: dont mix t10 and authenticity in your arguments, when defending dc ;)
I know, we can´t compare both machines horsepower, but i can´t agree when people say that DriveClub is the prettiest car game on any platform

Pcars has better IQ and such but DC lighting and backgrounds can give it the edge for some people.
IMO DC lighting just better than Pcars of course if you have hardware everything else look better in Pcars expect maybe backgrounds.
Still some tracks are rather boring in real life so there is not much Pcars can do about that .
Sorry, but this is not true, having played both i can say that Project Cars maxed out on PC is overal prettier than DriveClub.

I don't know, I watched the whole games com 2014 presentation as pumped by IGN, and man if you think people can make ugly screenshots of Driveclub, you can have a field day with project cars :)


So you feel engine sounds are bad in DC because they've not been amped up with effects and sounds - like lion roars and human screams, à la Turn10 - that don't really have anything to do with the way the engine sounds IRL?

LOOL Wow..everyone calm tha f down le-seb got this..this cat works for T10 and Evo, recorded engine sounds so he knows..we got schooled can't argue with that. move along everyone nothin to see, case closed.

Again, pop in FH2 and Holla at me then.


I finished the Rookie section of the Tour last night, but I think I'll hold off on playing more until they sort out the servers. Can't help but feel like I'm missing out on a big chunk of the fun with the social aspect of the game, especially seeing a bunch of people on my friends list playing the game.


I don't know, I watched the whole games com 2014 presentation as pumped by IGN, and man if you think people can make ugly screenshots of Driveclub, you can have a field day with project cars :)



Good video compression. Anyway i have both games, so my opinion still stands.


actually the videos that he comments on, they are all playstation 4 videos.
I guess you didnt even bother to see what they were about before writing your ...thing?
and a friendly tip: dont mix t10 and authenticity in your arguments, when defending dc ;)
What if I've watched the vids and simply make the point that people may have been spoiled with the way engines sound are enhanced with all kind of effects and sounds that don't belong to the world of mechanics, just giving a notorious example?

Preferences are a nice thing, but telling the sounds are bad in DC is pushing the hyperbole a bit far.

LOOL Wow..everyone calm tha f down le-seb got this..this cat works for T10 and Evo, recorded engine sounds so he knows..we got schooled can't argue with that. move along everyone nothin to see, case closed.
That's not what I'm telling, learn to read.
OT: The review thread continues to be awful though, regret going in there everytime I do. It will be interesting to see how the Sunset Overdrive review thread fares. No matter how well it does, it's going to be gloves-off, with criticism up the wazoo, and I expect a lot of that is going to be reverse-schadenfreude and poster revenge wars.

What does Sunset Overdrive have to do with anything? The fact you even think like that is really sad.

Just ignore the criticism and get on with enjoying the game!


What if I've watched the vids and simply make the point that people may have been spoiled with the way engines sound are enhanced with all kind of effects and sounds that don't belong to the world of mechanics, just giving a notorious example?

well, if you did watch the videos, saw that they were all about playstation 4 games, and yet you chose to reply to that with a flame comment about t10 and forza,
I guess that speaks of your intentions..


Good video compression. Anyway i have both games, so my opinion still stands.

looks like you keep coming to this thread to say bad things about the game, and/or making comparisons to other games.

At least remove you avatar, it's embarrassing for my club :(


well, if you did watch the videos, saw that they were all about playstation 4 games, and yet you chose to reply to that with a flame comment about t10 and forza,
I guess that speaks of your intentions..
I'm sorry T10 is the only example coming to my mind, bro.
It's just that they've been marketing this point quite heavily last year.

Anyway, point is taken, sound in DC is bad.


I bought the PS+ upgrade yesterday as the free version wasn't available, and I'm glad I listened to Gaf users over reviewers. Played the game for hours, and it really is a joy to drive, the sense of speed is awesome, and there's a variety of tracks. It's a bit hard to adjust to controlling the cars coming from years of playing WipEout HD, where losing the control of the vehicle never occurred even at top speeds, but they're a different kind of racers. The only minuses are the timer when you go off-road, and the penalty for collision, which doesn't seem to apply to the AI drivers when they crash into your car.

I can imagine, that the game isn't for everyone as it's pretty challenging, just like WipEout was. I only hope it, and the reviews dismissing the game for the lack of open world, won't result with similarly low sales, as it could probably be a final death sentence to the arcade racing genre.


Just tried a couple of races, and instantly fell in love with it. So awesome to control and amazing cockpit view. Will be played alot over the weekend.

Connected online and created thr gaf club Powerrrr, but deleted it because I had only 3 r's instead of 4. Lol

Anybody else in the club that wants to create the club or should I?
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