Probably not if you race with GAF members / teams?Well, i think you can expect a lot of this online.
Probably not if you race with GAF members / teams?Well, i think you can expect a lot of this online.
Anyway what have I missed?
Thanks for the impressions man, sounds great. I wonder if some of the vehicle customization options could be enhanced in future via patches
But the IGN guys said there's no hype for this game, the Crew has more hype...
Just don't leave your window open.
It is, I've not seen much hype for it. I was kinda curious for it, the reveal made it look quite good - but having played the beta, I shall politely decline that game.Isn't the crew a ubi game?
Motorstorm pacific rift is one of my all time fav games on ps3 so this game is in good hands.
Since I'm at work basically doing nothing, I'll post a summary of my thoughts so far:
- Graphics are really good. There is aliasing, however; though it's not much. Lighting effects are simply unmatched. It changes accordingly during the race and changes the whole 'feel' of the race.
- Controls are the best in a racing game for me. I'm not a big fan of sims as it's too complicated for me, but I always enjoyed a lot of arcade racers: Test Drive, NFS, etc. The controls are exactly what they said, somewhere between a sim and an arcade racer.
- I just LOVE the way challenges are presented to the player! Beating other players' score is really awesome and gives more reason to keep trying again and again.
- The UI in general is excellent. As is the menu music.
- The difference between each car is incredible. It really works really well to show the strengths and the weaknesses of each vehicle.
- The sound! Oh my GAWD the sound of the cars and environment is superb.
If I were to complain about something, is the fact that customization is very limited. I wish we could design our own liveries and change wheels, exhaust, etc. like in Forza.
Otherwise the game is 90+ material easily.
Hey guys, a question for those able to play the game already: we know that the tracks load really quickly, but how long does it take to load the game from the PS4?
Niiiiiiiice!Pretty quick. The first loading was like 30s, but now it's just the average load time.
lol, I'm already planning out my late Monday night/early Tuesday. Get home from work at about 530, take a nap until 8 or 9, watch a movie until 11:59 ish, then giggle like a school girl until the game is unlocked at midnight. Yes I am PST so it's midnight for me!
It is, I've not seen much hype for it. I was kinda curious for it, the reveal made it look quite good - but having played the beta, I shall politely decline that game.
Looks like he is racing against a bunch if asshats who don't know how to drive.
DRIVECLUB |OT2| No Hashtag No Shadows
Why is there no release date in the OP?
There is. You just need magnifying glass to see itWhy is there no release date in the OP?
Sadly not, I'll get my review copy sometime next week![]()
lol, I hope you're playing the game right now, and that all your training will be able to make up for my shitty driving
As long as you don't race with me ;pProbably not if you race with GAF members / teams?
Speaking of which, viveks I hope your hype train still has some steam left![]()
cherry blossoms and Mt. Fuji, yes please
Hey guys, a question for those able to play the game already: we know that the tracks load really quickly, but how long does it take to load the game from the PS4 home screen?
I would assume it would! Is this not the case? Why have a pre load if you can't play it at midnight? Does anyone know the answer? I was just assuming lolIt's confirmed that it unlocks at midnight? I only saw the play at midnight message for Alien Isolation when I was on the PSN store last night.
I would assume it would! Is this not the case? Why have a pre load if you can't play it at midnight? Does anyone know the answer? I was just assuming lol
Quickly googlingI sure hope so. I just found it odd that Alien Isolation would have the midnight ET message and not Driveclub. Both have the preload message though...
i don't know how some people play in 3P view for driving games if there's other view options available.
It has some really good points. The map is freaking huge, and I mean huge and there are some really nice winding routes between city locations, as well as a few race tracks that you can go on, but you can't 'race' in the proper sense from what I could see.I'm just sceptical of a lot of ubi soft games as their game design is kinda by the numbers. Not saying driveclub is a revolutionary racing game but I'm liking what I see in these screens and videos a lot.
Yes, and that's SO cool!In the Joystiq stream, they close and relaunch the game here:
Less than 30 seconds to the first menu.
I would assume it would! Is this not the case? Why have a pre load if you can't play it at midnight? Does anyone know the answer? I was just assuming lol
Excuse me, but where do I sign up for this? I have the game pre-ordered.
This is going to suck if this is the case with DC. Why not release a first party title at midnight? DerpIt is ridiculous, yep. But Infamous First Light didn't unlock until the middle of Tuesday - not midnight.
I was blasting "get out of my dreams, get into my car"I listened to "how fast do you want to go" in my car on the way to work this morning. It was a bumper to bumper crawl.
Yes, and that's SO cool!
From cold start to actual racing in less than 2 minutes: THIS is next gen!
1) Add DRIVECLUB-GAF to your PSN friends list*
2) Add everyone who shows up under its friends list
3) Profit!
May be your TV, because it is really smooth for me. I'm used to 144Hz and 120 Hz with Lightboost and this is really really smooth for me. Impressed how smooth 30fps can look.
Aaaand btw: I got it, thank you, random shop in Hamburg. If someone wants it and lives near Hamburg, I can give you the name and address.
Now I have to unlock moar cars, even tho it's almost 3am here.
Yes, and that's SO cool!
From cold start to actual racing in less than 2 minutes: THIS is next gen!