Wax Free Vanilla
Two shit cars, where are the surprise hints?
EDIT: And who else thinks 488 looks worse then its predecessor? Those side intakes look like they're from some cheapo chinese knockoff.
I'm a big fan of the 458. Love it to death, but I personally think the 488 looks superior.
Besides the two free cars, has Rushy mentioned what the surprise is?
Looks too similar to the 50th anniversary Alpine, tbh.
Really, these cars look too similar too you?
Really, these cars look too similar too you?
I thought the same.I'd say the new Renault looks kinda like the Audi R8 GT3 car.
Just one question will this be available to purchase also because I am only at level 53?
‏Yes, a week later. We want to allow time to earn it first & give the exclusivity to Rank 66 players![]()
Yep, that Renault for the elite players is more interesting than the free car which is basically the 458 after a facelifting.
Evo please don't lock cars behind levels in the elite class in the future.
Really, these cars look too similar too you?
Technically I think you can eventually buy it with real cash and skip the grind so its acceptable to lock a car away like that and quite honestly I prefer this. I'm only level 62 and may never see that car in my garage but I like the fact that I have something to work towards so I hope they do lock more cars up like that. Might give me more incentive to try harder on leveling and some of us like a reward for our effort which is why they did this in the first place.
That's a freemium content structure. Bollocks to that. The La Ferrari wasn't that bad as it is easy and quick unlock, the elite levels on the other hand are one hell of a grind essentially pushing for a purchase, the price point will factor in if it is total bullshit or not. If you are going to have locked content then look at games that do it well such as Smash Bros Melee, Resident Evil, Bayonetta, Metal Gear Solid, etc where it isn't just a grind but something either unusual and fun or a reward for being good.
Quick question regarding levels after 60... Specifically level 62. It looks like l need to complete a specific race with a specific car, how do I find that race?
That's a freemium content structure. Bollocks to that. The La Ferrari wasn't that bad as it is easy and quick unlock, the elite levels on the other hand are one hell of a grind essentially pushing for a purchase, the price point will factor in if it is total bullshit or not. If you are going to have locked content then look at games that do it well such as Smash Bros Melee, Resident Evil, Bayonetta, Metal Gear Solid, etc where it isn't just a grind but something either unusual and fun or a reward for being good.
Quick question regarding levels after 60... Specifically level 62. It looks like l need to complete a specific race with a specific car, how do I find that race?
The Renault is the elite car… Ahhhhh for fuck sake! Looks like I have some grinding to do. 63 to 66 that is going to take a while.
Evo please don't lock cars behind levels in the elite class in the future. That is one chore of a grind with the current fame rewards, especially as the preorder bonus doesn't work any more. Put them behind challenges (similar to the elite time trail times) or events, it's a far more enjoyable way of unlocking things if you have to lock them.
I don't mind it too much and there really isn't all that much grinding invovled, the elite level challenges might be harder than the grinding itself. Just play a few challenges you gonna get so much fame. I never really bothered with them in the last 6 months but I somewhat got into them in the last 2 weeks and it's just awesome. I made about ~3-5m fame in the last week alone just buy playing 30-60minutes challenges a day. Pick the challanges with tons of people try to play in the first 1/4 and you wouldn't even have to play all that much, might just take some time to rack up enough events with so many people.
Challenges have become so much fun that I haven been bothering with finishing off getting 45 stars on the tours.
It's only a grind if you don't play the game much. I've been playing DC on and off since late january and didn't need a single fame point to advance since they introduced additional levels past level 50. And the elite levels do require skill, because you need to beat specific times in addition to having enough fame and stars, so the car is a reward for being good. I don't see the problem.
Eh...I look at it this way, its just like Battlefield does with kit shortcuts. You can grind it out or put a few bucks in their pocket. Those strapped for time can take a shortcut and those who want to work on it can to. Price doesn't bother me because I won't be buying it anyway. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more unusual though. Plus I'm already working on 62 so it does give me something to try for. I've already played a shitload I just need the level challenges.
The grinding itself isn't that bad apart from being boring method of unlock compared to potential other options at disposal. The problem is how much grinding involved there is to get to that level. Im currently at 63, I know that is going to take a while especially as I just enjoy doing time trials which is a tiny amount of frame each time. Even with getting some of the manufacturer accolades and perhaps doing challenges instead it is going to be a grind regardless. Now imagine you are either new to the game or aren't as active as you currently are but love playing with the new cars, that is one heck of a grind and I have been playing monthly since launch and I still have a good way to go, if you just want to unlock it the game design is obviously pushing towards a sale. People don't generally mind buying things they enjoy unless they are cheap but when you see glaringly obvious systems aimed at pushing for a sale it can be very off putting especially in a game that has had such a good DLC offering and there are better options at their disposal, such as using custom time trials, unusual challenges such as "clip all line markers with your back wheels on Sinclairs pass and beat a time of xx:xx in the Renault Alpine A110-50", or special manufacturer tours where you can race against it to win it.
Wait.. you have to grind FAME on level 60+ ? I didn't even know this.. i thought it was just the time trials. Oh well, i doubt i'll ever hit that snag D:
You have to grind just as much as you did when you got to level 2. Higher ranks need more fame thats about all. If you're regularly participating in challenges then you rack in more than enough fame that I can't even call that grinding.
Yeah I've wanted that as well.Sometimes, i get full wet roads without any rain in random events, looks absolutely amazing. In 3 of these events the road stayed wet for the whole race (5 laps), it looked even more astonishing at night. I would like to see this as an option for single events or is there any time, time laps, weather combination to replicate that now?
Yeah, i hit 65 as soon as it was possible.. didn't even think i needed FAME points for it. Thats what i mean. Very easy to get them if you do any challenges.
The noobs have enough to unlock so a car at high level won't be missed. Those of us that turn the game on and gain five levels after a patch need something though. I can't imagine how the better racers feel who blow through a tour in a week and smoke the level challenges. Why not offer them something? Besides if your at 63 and played that much XP shouldn't be your level gate. I'm stuck needing like 2 seconds on this 62 challenge. Even if I needed XP I can't see it being that bad with all the new accolades plus the long term ones finally racking up big numbers as they get advanced. Oh and your XP constantly ticks up in the background vs say an RPG that physically stops XP gains until you hit the next level requirements then starts anew. Theoretically if you have enough XP and can hit the level challenges its super quick to get that new car.
you don't want to do challenges , nor to play online , both things that give you plenty of points , yet you complain that getting points is a chore ?
You don't care about accolades yet they give you xp or xp bonuses for any event reguarding to it ..
Don't you think that your approach is not exactly fair to the game ?
Well they are only just one area of the game, there is much more to it than just those. The single events alone combined with the leaderboards have more then enough depth to them to stay pretty well confined within them. I do challenges but not if I have to grind them as I don't find fun in that and preferably with people I know rather than strangers, with accolades I'd rather just race and apart from one trophy I have pretty much ignored them. Multiplayer can be fantastic it can also be shit so I generally just hit random as it gives me what I want the vast majority of the time. This is also a game I have probably around 80 to 100 hours with but do I really want to invest around 16 hours in the way I normally play to get enough fame specifically for the car? Nope. Do I want to spend a few hours playing a way I don't really want to when I haven't even got around to many of the games I have bought but not played yet,? Again no I don't. Time is a premium as far as I am concerned and wiill most likely just buy it as long as the price isn't stupid but that doesn't stop me from disliking the freemium structure of it, especially when there are alternatives that are open to everyone without having to invest a massive amount of time. It is no different than when people went ape when it was originally announced to be like that for all cars.
I want to ask : are you in a club ? do you play with friends on a regular basis ?
From my own experience , i played with friends, ( not for long periods of times but regulary ) and the problem of xp never really happenned to us. Each time one of us was hitting a millestione it was points for the club but also xp bonuses by events meaning that everyone was progressing.
I can understand your complains, but i'm asking again ... are you using the club experience in driveclub ? Because i didn't have those problems yet i'm a very hungry RPg player with limited time and i had the time to play many more games during my time ( and i even got plenty of platinium in other games )
With so many options to gain xp , is the freenium structure really the problem ?
I guess its all relative, because I got to level 60 purely through time trials (my favorite way to play) and the first tour of events, except for drift events which I've successfully managed to completely avoid. Never tried to grind to get anything and have barely touched challenges and multiplayer, and only recently started digging into the additional tours - leveling up and unlocks have just kindof happened from playing the game over time.It doesn't add up unless you specifically aim to increase your frame or play game modes that maximise your fame but for those who don't it is a chore. I personally have primarily focused on time trials and recently random events as for me that is the best way to play the game, I have no interest in playing online or competing against others so challenges are rarely something I care about unless it is somebody I know.
I guess its all relative, because I got to level 60 purely through time trials (my favorite way to play) and the first tour of events, except for drift events which I've successfully managed to completely avoid. Never tried to grind to get anything and have barely touched challenges and multiplayer, and only recently started digging into the additional tours - leveling up and unlocks have just kindof happened from playing the game over time.
Is it a grind because you don't like your current set of cars and really want the high level ones? Or maybe a platinum trophy hunt?
We could introduce him to kie25Has anyone come across bigpapa979?
Just wondering, cos I just come across him online and he couldn't wait to tell us how good he was, how he has won some competition 2 years straight, seriously, told us about 4 times.
And, wow, you should check him out on the time trials too.
So I did, found some top 50 times but no top 10s (haven't checked every leaderboard), so not quite sure what he was on about.
Highly competent, 1035 stars, lvl 65, and some very good times. Better then me, no doubt.
But holy shit, "hey everyone, can you all hear me? Just letting you know you're racing with bigpapa979, one of Driveclubs best racers. I've won the something something 2 times straight. Hit me up on psn, I'll give you some tips." Like 4 times over during the race.
Here's farmerboy's tip for you bigpapa. Stop being SUCH A TOOL.ahem, he won that race though, gotta give him that