That's not the required time.
Sorry, it should be 2:29.000, but still I'm well within the requirement...?
That's not the required time.
I started working on this months ago and never got around to finishing it. I thought I might as well considering the 488 GTB is coming next week.
I started working on this months ago and never got around to finishing it. I thought I might as well considering the 488 GTB is coming next week.
Nice work Ame, you definitely got an eye for it.
That was great!
I really enjoyed this one. Great work!
Making a Hong Kong PSN account should let you download the DLC. HK DLC will work in your regular PSN account with the HK copy of the game. I have the same issue (AUS DriveClub, US PSN).Hey guys I've got a question about region locking:
I bought a physical Hong Kong version of the game but my PSN account is registered for the U.S. So I've accessed all the great goodies that Sony has given away for the game through PSN, but they won't work with my Hong Kong disc. I can't even buy any DLC. So...
1) Is there any quick and easy way around this?
2) Can I borrow a U.S. copy of the game from my friend, access all these DLC extras, and then resume using my Hong Kong copy of the game with these extras activated?
It's a bit of a bummer because I thought region locking was a thing of the past...
I have a time of 2:27.734 on Trotternish with the Aston Martin V12 Vantage S (before I hit level 68), yet the objective for level 69 (req a time of 2:28.000) isn't green. What am I doing wrong? Is it the reverse Trotternish? Do I have to beat the time again?
;-) You know that one's for you. Literally only got to talk to you for 10min one pleasant day and I still giggle about it every now and then.
Thanks Evo.
Thankyou so very very much.
For reminding me how much I've disliked the GTA Spano and RUF CT3.
Seriously, I'm indebted to you.
Whats the safe word Maki?
I can't take this no more.
I agree 100% the GTa Spano is actually 1 the faster super cars, need to be smooth but it's fast driven properly, and I actually don't mind the ruf, yes it's not fast but we can't have every car being fast to make it better to drive, it handles fine so I don't actually mind it.Oh come on, i really like the Spano and CTR3, sure the CTR3 needs the buff its going to get but i still like it for some disgusting self-sadomasochistic reason.
Just saying.
I agree 100% the GTa Spano is actually 1 the faster super cars, need to be smooth but it's fast driven properly, and I actually don't mind the ruf, yes it's not fast but we can't have every car being fast to make it better to drive, it handles fine so I don't actually mind it.
All the times need to be done again, I had a few already but you need to do them as you unlock the requirement![]()
IDK my friend, at times i feel even Super-class cars are faster than the CTR3. :B
Making a Hong Kong PSN account should let you download the DLC. HK DLC will work in your regular PSN account with the HK copy of the game. I have the same issue (AUS DriveClub, US PSN).
Like many of us, I can't wait for the private servers to arrive. I'd like a timed qualifying period before the race start so you can compete to get a good grid slot rather than the randomised grid we have on the public servers at the moment, which is fine for circuits but not for P2P tracks... Which made me think are Evo currently working on this and Sprint mode is how they're going to handle qualifying on those tracks. Think I'm right? Or happy with random grid placement?
Like many of us, I can't wait for the private servers to arrive. I'd like a timed qualifying period before the race start so you can compete to get a good grid slot rather than the randomised grid we have on the public servers at the moment, which is fine for circuits but not for P2P tracks... Which made me think are Evo currently working on this and Sprint mode is how they're going to handle qualifying on those tracks. Think I'm right? Or happy with random grid placement?
I suggested ages ago they add a type qualifying like grid autosport had where you set a time trial up then set the grid to prev race resultsI'm guessing they will follow this way to get a qualifying type grid order. Hopefully it made it in
I suggested ages ago they add a type qualifying like grid autosport had where you set a time trial up then set the grid to prev race resultsI'm guessing they will follow this way to get a qualifying type grid order. Hopefully it made it in
Okay, got no love for this the first time i suggested it, but i think DC multi would lend itself well to different modes and my suggestion is. .......
a handicap race mode. Better racers at the back of the grid, delayed start times, etc. Imagine a 10 lap race where for instance i start 30 sec before the better guys. Slowly but surely they reel me in before a very hectic final few laps.
Its not gonna replace your standard racing but i really think it would be a really fun mode that would suit DC well.
I like the sound if it but how do they determine how quick someone is and how much handicap to give? Can't use qualifying as everyone would just drive slowly, and fame rankings are more like a gauge of how much you play than how good you are.
I like the sound if it but how do they determine how quick someone is and how much handicap to give? Can't use qualifying as everyone would just drive slowly, and fame rankings are more like a gauge of how much you play than how good you are.
Surely just a reverse grid from prev race results? That's what grid etc had option to do.
Reverse grid would work, and the handicap gaps between starts could be based off your finish times... Where does it place a new starter tho? Mid grid?
Being able to place fame bets with other players would be a cool addition too ;-)
Okay, got no love for this the first time i suggested it, but i think DC multi would lend itself well to different modes and my suggestion is. .......
a handicap race mode. Better racers at the back of the grid, delayed start times, etc. Imagine a 10 lap race where for instance i start 30 sec before the better guys. Slowly but surely they reel me in before a very hectic final few laps.
Its not gonna replace your standard racing but i really think it would be a really fun mode that would suit DC well.
Theory: I know licensing for some racing games in the past has put on restrictions such as not being able to have the car flip upside-down or rotate on a certain axis or something, I wonder if that's the case with that McLaren? Would make total sense if so.
I hope the Gran Turismo 7 sound team are at least in contact with Driveclub's sound team.That sound... i wish every racing game had these kind of sounds.
I hope the Gran Turismo 7 sound team are at least in contact with Driveclub's sound team.
Honestly, a huge missed opportunity in the online department.
Online Betting
Club vs Club Races
Lap time Recording
Clan Leaderboard
Evo delivered such a bare bones online mode that pretty much killed the online racing community. Could've grabbed the userbase by the balls and kept them locked in with a more feature rich and engrossing online racing experience. The online experience is way too important in 2014/2015 to pass up, especially with Esports exploding with several different leagues. Hell, look at the ESL championship for Rocket League that just happened! Driveclub could've easily been esports ready with the right regulations in place for online races (accurate and appropriate collision penalties, grid placements, built in championship series, ghosting first corner, etc). Yet, we waited a year just to get the bare minimum for modern racing games (private servers).
Are you serious? As in, Nick Wiswell?Polyphony Digital already picked up Forza's audio lead to improve sound for GT7.
Edit: It was Mike Caviezel (according to LinkedIn). Surprising they go outside of Japan for any of their staff... maybe it's to get all the audio for the US cars. Forza's never had outstanding sound though, but it's almost always been better than GT.
My biggest complain regarding the Online on this game is the waiting time between races. Seriously... It's almost like you could do another race during this waiting time.
So what happens ? Everyone leaves the lobby after a race because it's faster to go into a new race if you register to a new event...