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drunk thread again

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Repo Man

Jesus H. Tapdancingchrist! On the same weird cider tonight again and I'm getting fairly wasted, I managed my 9 hour shift but I got another one tomorrow... oh well, PARTY ON WAYNE!.. PARTY ON GARTH!...



aka Mannny
Back in my day, 6 bucks could get the movie ticket box sales people to tell you that movie tickets are 15 dollars and popcorn is 10.
Last week I saw this man spend 60 dollars on movie snacks. He got a medium popcorn, two medium drinks, nachos, and some candy. I truly almost slapped him for wasting his money and my time.


I paid 4.75 for a bottle of fucking orange juice last time I was at the movies.

I could buy a whole bag of fucking oranges for that much.


Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Last week I saw this man spend 60 dollars on movie snacks. He got a medium popcorn, two medium drinks, nachos, and some candy. I truly almost slapped him for wasting his money and my time.

You should have slapped him a second time for wasting your time slapping him the first time.


Balddemon may get creepy, but I love the whole balddemon/MidNIGhts dynamic. Bald is the 100% overconfident bro, MiDNItes is the self-pitying loser. It's like Rocky vs Apollo Creed. I can't look away.

Edit: That sounds kind of harsh. I didn't mean to say MidNItes is a loser, he just posts about how no one likes him fairly often and gives off the vibe. No judging here.



As for the theater in I mentioned, idk where it is exactly. Went there a few times with my bro's family a couple of times. I think it's in Hialeah or some shit. There's one in Ives Dairy that's just as good, $6 movie tickets and can sneak in a bottle of vodka with relative ease.

yelp review said:
1 word...DISGUSTING! this theater should have been closed down years ago! i could not believe the dirty place, horrific food and old popcorn. seats were hard as a rock, ghetto people talking and just 'hanging out' in the theater while the movie was playing! the thugs outside were ready to mug someone at any moment! it does not even seem safe there, neither does the food seem safe. sorry but you get what you pay for!!! NEVER AGAIN...I will pay top dollar at Aventura or Oakwood or even Intercoastal in NMB than to ever step foot in there again. YUCK!!!!
Balddemon may get creepy, but I love the whole balddemon/MidNIGhts dynamic. Bald is the 100% overconfident bro, MiDNItes is the self-pitying loser. It's like Rocky vs Apollo Creed. I can't look away.

Edit: That sounds kind of harsh. I didn't mean to say MidNItes is a loser, he just posts about how no one likes him fairly often and gives off the vibe. No judging here.

Is it possible you're just seeing what you want to see and ignoring everything else?
Went to sleep around 7 pm woke up at 12 am. Now I'm craving Jack in the Box...


edit: screw that. I'm going back to sleep. I'm getting more hours added to my work week so I can't be diddling around late at night like I used to.



As for the theater in I mentioned, idk where it is exactly. Went there a few times with my bro's family a couple of times. I think it's in Hialeah or some shit. There's one in Ives Dairy that's just as good, $6 movie tickets and can sneak in a bottle of vodka with relative ease.

It's probably the muvico on 103rd. lol That used to a $1 movie theater like ten years ago. All they did was change the sign when it turned into a muvico.


erotic butter maelstrom
It's probably bad that I get like, one real hangover a year. My body doesn't give a shit anymore.

Work has me stressing. I need some weed and some drank and to get the fuck outside. I might not even go back home tonight.


erotic butter maelstrom
The big drunk thread twist will be that Mannny secretedly fathered all of us and pulled some elaborate strings to bring us all here together.
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