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drunk thread again

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I was at this frat event for some nearby school last night and it sucked because I didn't know anyone there and it was a bunch of freshman. I'm also worried I did coke without remembering because I woke up this morning and my nose was bleeding pretty bad.

Needless to say this is not the new direction I've been wanting for my life but I feel like I'm trapped.

It's not the end of the world, man. Firstly, as someone in a fraternity, fraternity events tend to suck. Also doing coke once isn't the end of the world. Thirdly, you're not trapped. I felt this immense weight of depression and anxiety for months last year until I had an epiphany one day that I just had to tell myself I was going to do good things and get where I wanted to go. Tell yourself you're going to until you believe it and at that point it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Don't let negativity overwhelm you.

It was actually weird, I smoked a lot that year and often it would make me anxious. That time though, as soon as I got done smoking I just had that epiphany and it solved a ton of my issues. It was a really strange day.
Not the first time I've done it that's why it pissed me off because it feels like I can't break the grip of these drugs/alcohol. But yeah I'm just taking it a day at a time trying to do some soul searching see if an answer comes.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
What if you filled a humidifier with ranch dressing and filled your house with the warm, pungent, oily aroma of ranch dressing. You could collect the condensation and distill it into a sort of perfume.


I want this lady to be my grandma


J. Bravo

Wow. Talk about awkward. I asked this girl from work if she wanted to go party tonight. She asked me how old I thought she was...i said 18. She starts cracking up and so I ask her how old she is...shes 16. She got super red and thought it was super weird to go to someones house you don't know for a party lol. Anyways that was strange.


I fucking despise my condo association. Our emergency fund is 1/10th of what they said it was at the first meeting. I'm trying to usurp the position of treasure and I better win.


Yeah, fuck condo associations.

Been paying an assessment for two years now and they have the gall to say I didn't pay them on certain months when the bank records said I did. Now I have to get them photocopied and signed if I want accountability.


so Im pretty drunk right now, cant feel most of my body.

I was thinking...... If I flip off the sky and aliens see it like 1000 years from now will I blow their mind since I'll already be dead but they see it 1000 years from now?

Shit is craaazy.


A couple of people don't like that I bring 5+ bottles of booze to pool parties and that I chain smoke around their kids. Poor form.


I'm glad some people defended me about the booze. Its a pool party, I bring alcohol and if people wanna partake I'm not forcing them to. I'm totally playing that song next summer.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
lol @ guitars posthumans won't even have fingers to blister real posthumans won't even have skin

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I can tell just by that photo that guy is a dope as heck freestyle rapper.


Acrid doesnt know about that livingoutsideofyourmeansandspendingyourrentmoneyonabottleofbooze life.

I'm getting into my sentimental drunk phase.

can we mention people we miss?

i miss happiness
i miss jtwo
i miss sobriety
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