fuck that sounds like an amazing show, damn itGosh darn it, It's starting to get cold. I've got tickets to Kavinsky and James Blake tonight and I can't be bothered to head out.
Fake Edit: Already late for Blake lol./
fuck that sounds like an amazing show, damn it
Why you?dude some guy from the wall street journal wants to talk to me about ps4 and the xbox one.
i'm gonna troll the shit out of this guy if he replies back.
i ripped on someone on twitter as a joke over the xbox release. idk why he want's to talk to me. i'd show you the shit i wrote, but i would get banned here.Why you?
Bulletstorm was one of the first games I played when I built my PC. Its such a good looking game, it just suffers because nothing in the world is interactive.
Bulletstorm was one of the first games I played when I built my PC. Its such a good looking game, it just suffers because nothing in the world is interactive.
I don't know how I was able to upload this. I will probably laugh about it in the morning.
4xaa + 4x regular ass in game aa, x16 af. 4k downsampled into 1080p. bicubic sharpening. tons of configs and wizardy. Looks great huh. Took it earlier tonight.
my shit is 1080p, 60fps and looks good as fuck on my rig.
Oh, I wanted to get T bell, but I'm too lazy. crunchrwrap supreme and gordita sound ballin as hell right about now. but I got assloads of left over pasta in my fridge that I need to plow through.
yeah, that's my screenshot btw.
Pretty ...
Man, think I am gonna order another GTX 680 and just SLI these bitches, since I won't be getting a PS4 till probably February. Fuckin should of pre ordered.
should have....
I hva SLI 560s. People on the gaming side are retarded. SLI works just fine. No microstuttering on my rig at all. People just don't know how to work shit. My games run great. Just takes a bit of tweaking in inspector and in configs. Boob Physics, before he got banned, taught me how to tweak unreal based games. It's really easy
Still getting a PS4. comfy couch gaming. Plus, Killzone looks hot. Fuck the haters.
should have....
I hva SLI 560s. People on the gaming side are retarded. SLI works just fine. No microstuttering on my rig at all. People just don't know how to work shit. My games run great. Just takes a bit of tweaking in inspector and in configs. Boob Physics, before he got banned, taught me how to tweak unreal based games. It's really easy
Still getting a PS4. comfy couch gaming. Plus, Killzone looks hot. Fuck the haters.
I remember hanging out and eating at the same table as Boob physics at the LA GAF Korean BBQ meetup a few years ago. Cool guy.
Might be huge. Taken and posted from phone. Not sure if GAF scales. Sorry in advance
DS4 gurrrrl
Real talk
I am worried about micro stuttering but we'll see what happens, heard that shit got fixed years ago. PS4 is needed for MLB The show , NBA 2k, Killzone, etc ... fuckckckc
I ll probably find one on craigslist and pay like a moron =(
Fuckkk you got a PS4? Or am I a dumb idiot? That a PS4 controller?
Fuck fish man don't let him do your coke dude, blehhh he gets no coke!!!
Good shit man, I laughed.
Yo, my girl and I watched indei game dev morvie or whatever. That shit was great. I loved it. I actually felt bad for Phil Fish. About his dad getting sick and his partner almost dicking him over at PAX. Yeah, he is a dick and doesn't know how to deal with internet drama, but he's still a human being. Fez is awesome. I feel for him. I wish he'd just get over it and continue doing Fez 2. I'd have a drink with him. He seems alright. I take back EVERYTHING bad I've said about him. I truly do.
And yeah, Cliff is aweome in person. I finally met him in 2012. And Mike Capps. Both are awesome. Cliff is really nice, but damn he went full derp mode after he left epic. The fuck happened?
i thought this was the drunk thread but everyone here is having real conversatiosn
i thought this was the drunk thread but everyone here is having real conversatiosn
do i let him in?