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drunk thread again

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Man I don't know how but I pulled off an A in math, an A in computer systems, and a B in Econ.

My GPA is now higher than ever before at 3.66, hope the UC's appreciate it.
Solid job man. To keep you optimistic I was accepted as a transfer to UCB with a GPA lower than that.


im drunk!



I just made a smoothie in my vitamix and decided to dump some whiskey in it. This... is a different kind of buzz :|


You'll get into most place with a 3.0.
Automatic acceptance is at most UCs for 3.0 that's true. UCB isn't one of them.
Damn bro how'd you pull that off?
To this day I'm asking the same thing. After I graduated I went back to my old transfer application essay and read through it. It was awful. It was like it was my first time writing something in my life. Whether that's a testament to the education at the school or if they took pity on me, we'll never know.

With all that said I don't have much to show for it as of yet.


Automatic acceptance is for thr top 9% of California high school graduates.

I don't know if a 3.0 is going to do it nowadays. If it does it'll be something like Merced or Riverside.


Unashamedly reserving my spot in what will be my home for the next two weeks.

Thinking of picking up a nice bottle of scotch on the way home from the fookin' office christmas party tonight.
i don't think i've been as drunk as last night since pax. i woke up at like six am passed out on my floor feeling like ass, took a shower, vomited everywhere and passed out again in my bed.

so all in all, went pretty good.


I like a good hangover, it's a perfect opportunity to do nothing but munch on food that says down and watch shitty television programmes. My favourites are poor natural history programmes, world's deadliest animals and such.
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