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drunk thread again

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I just got off the phone with my ex, though we've been fucking so "ex" is a very loose term.

She told me she has skin cancer on her lower back, and that she found out on Friday. The surgery is sometime within the next week. The surgery has a 40% chance of working.

I'm really scared. I know we broke up, but I still have feelings for her. I broke up because of my inability to deal with a relationship and all that entails, so it wasn't anything on her. I might even love her, but I'm not sure. I'm 18, and I feel like people my age so often leap to calling a strong feeling "love" because they don't actually know what love is, and they latch on to the first thing that might be love.

I'm rambling a little bit here. I apologize if my prose isn't awesome right now, I'm a little discombobulated.

I'm the only one besides her, her mother, and her father that knows. She doesn't want to tell anyone else. Delio, if you are reading this, I know you talk to Adam. Please, please, please, please don't tell him. I can't handle being the only one with this knowledge so I'm reaching out to you guys, just so I feel like I'm not completely alone here.

Anyways, has any of the drunk bros ever delt with someone like this? What did you do? How did you cope? My immediate reaction was to get drunk, but I'm determined to face this sober.

Sorry if this is too deep for drunk thread, but I need to write this somewhere.
i'm sorry for your friend, but to be honest i've been lucky to not have something like this happen to me, so I really have nothing to draw from. if you really do care for her, maybe not quite romantically but deeply, just be there for her but do so out of care for her, not a 'maybe we can bang' deal; draw a line. not saying you're that kind of dude, but i'd imagine in these circumstances it would be easy to get the wires crossed a bit, you know?


Work finally promoted my ass. Problem is I'm still doing the same shit for more pay. Guess that works for me cause the new shit is more stressful. Still, I wanna feel more useful.

e : fuck I broke a nail at work gimme more money for this shit


Damn Illithid. Sorry to hear. I agree with mac's assessment of things. It sounds like you do care for her. So yeah. Best thing I could tell you is be there for her in an emotionally supportive way if you're into that sorta thing.


Joining you to look at watches or bite each other's nails? Either one would be totally aight.

Edit: dang it Mac

PS ur avatar is cute and kawaii


aw shit yea

/self invite


The word demonstrative came up in my head while I was unlocking the door to work.

I have no idea why. As I broke down the word in my head for pronounciation (either demon strative or de monstrative) baldemon popped into my head because I thought his name was bal de mon, like all french and shit.


In my dream last night Snuggybear and I were roommates. We had a pretty good chat and then I was playing basketball at an old gym I used to go to.


erotic butter maelstrom
So cold out. Gotta hate seein a fine ass bitch that you can't chat up, such a waste. Not that I would in the first place, but still, some quality pussy on the table but I already got reservations.


drank a ton of vodka and watched the BSG minisereies.

Don't really want to do too much else. Kara thrace is a cool character, Lee is kind of a dick. Whoa. I drank a ton of booze. Better cool it.
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