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drunk thread again

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Can't wait to hear about infamous, Snuggler. Is the iq really a good as all the screens?


erotic butter maelstrom
Can't wait to hear about infamous, Snuggler. Is the iq really a good as all the screens?
I can't play it until Fri but it looks like it. 1080p and some good AA method. Might be the first real next gen game that's actually fun to play.
right of the pic? that's venezuela!

right from my perspective (ie left) is her also hot cousin

damn bro fist all the way from LA.

EDIT: One of the first things I noticed about Salsa is that he has hot friends because he posted a picture of him on a balcony back in 10 or 11 with two beautiful chicks.
I'm fucking wasted dude. I thought I'd celebrate getting into some schools and it's the week before spring break. I also need to get wasted to make some drunk purchases.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
ITT we recognize stanley donwoods hail to the thief work


blue hair chick said to go to the movies on wednesday last week and we ended up not going cause there was nothing to see

im so bored these days that im just on a nervous countdown till weekends, think i'll hit her up soon even if just to do something fun during the week cause fuckkk

edit: oh I think she was starting some school this monday so im fucked
I can't give you much advice salsa cause you're a weirdo south american who ladies are mad down with even though you're bald as shit I don't get your culture


Did you read that post at all? Obviously you get that SA pussy but from up here it's a whole different world and I ain't knowing where to direct you at.

I kid, but I don't think it's got nothing to do with latin america tbh. Well, maybe you guys do have a stronger thing against balding bros but as far as media consumption and beauty ideals is kinda the same all over the world man

I dunno what to tell you other than I stopped caring and they did as well
I kid, but I don't think it's got nothing to do with latin america tbh. Well, maybe you guys do have a stronger thing against balding bros but as far as media consumption and beauty ideals is kinda the same all over the world man

I dunno what to tell you other than I stopped caring and they did as well

Nah that was a total joke post myself but legit girls with blue hair don't come around often did you get at that?


there might be some truth to it tho in terms of differences and maybe im talking out my butt

fun fact: you know how everyone goes: 'you're balding? shave it!'. nope. every girl i've been with has prefered that I let it grow till I get kind of a buzzcut even with a clear bald patch showing and they legit tell me it looks great

Same shit, my best friend copped early balding but before he died the fucker was great at getting girls to rub his head and take it from there

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I just took some semi-hungover red faced selfies and OMG I look like a homeless person.

Also, Coldvein. I read your story. I liked it quite a bit. Was kinda hard to read on pastebin but I did it over coffee this morning. Were you seeking critiques?


erotic butter maelstrom
One, usually. I might try to do two in a row this week, but that's aiming a little high.

All drunk threaders should get new names/avatars. It's the cool thing to do.
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