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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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I only rape animals in the woods, y'all are safe

Tho I guess the potential burning man drunk gaf meet is pretty close to camping and drugs

If one of buddies told me he only raped woodland creatures and I believed that no rape would come to me, I'd be like lol yolo buddy
Yo if that doe in heat imma smang nahmeen?
If one of buddies told me he only raped woodland creatures and I believed that no rape would come to me, I'd be like lol yolo buddy


It's Monday fuck Monday



Vein you should check out the Man With The Iron Fists soundtrack. Best Wu shit in a long time.

To everyone, Titus Andronicus' new album Local Business is some real shit. Love it.



Vein you should check out the Man With The Iron Fists soundtrack. Best Wu shit in a long time.

To everyone, Titus Andronicus' new album Local Business is some real shit. Love it.

its out today right? along with POS ;_;

im sick as fuck, not gonna make it to the record store. yes i buy stuff at record stores.


debate drinking tonight

doing some santa fe freestyle pilsner

god I love drinking in october...basically it should be october every month.


erotic butter maelstrom
higher then a motherfucker

this chicks house is Ike a mansion. how did I get here.

do you ever feel like a fraud?


erotic butter maelstrom
I never check my data usage because I know I'm way over and I'll get depressed thinking about the bill.
i wish i could feel confident like i do when drinking all the time but without drinking

"It's like the fuckin' regularness of life is too hard for me"


erotic butter maelstrom
when I think of Montana I think of vast, empty plains of land

i wish i could feel confident like i do when drinking all the time but without drinking

"It's like the fuckin' regularness of life is too hard for me"

I would be so much more successful
probably, I have no idea. I live a block away from a deaf/blind school fwiw.

montana is nice, some large metro-ish areas, but nothing too big. plenty of outdoor shit to do, which is nice, cuz ND was wack as fuck in that dept. some weird burned out hippie types, old art lady types, and weirdo gunloving redneck types. I could live here but I'm 99.9% sure i'm going back to WA in a couple of years.


if you move to montana you have to move to missoula, its the only option. getting a teaching gig there might be tough though. relatively limited amount of positions and lots of people wanting them. i've got friends who teach there though, its doable.
Guys can I be real here and ask you if being a teacher is a dumb idea because I feel like it's the only thing I could be good at
real talk: you probably wont be making $$$, but i think being a teacher is super legit and honorable. what grade level? little kids, not so little kids, teenage assholes, or stoned college kids?
up to 6th grade to start. I'm an English major in the process of switching to education. Yeah, people say the money is bad but at least I'll be getting some money as opposed to a nebulous english degree that would have me back at my parents house with nothing to show for it when I graduate. Plus, idk I always wanted to do something important and making kids into something resembling human beings feels like a good outlet for that.
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