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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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Unibroue is held in very high regards here. Loved visiting the brewery. They have a resto that serves traditional Quebec colonial foods and some are made with the beer. SO delicious.

Mac, they make a beer that's like 12 percent and its godly but it gets you some drunk.
Unibroue is held in very high regards here. Loved visiting the brewery. They have a resto that serves traditional Quebec colonial foods and some are made with the beer. SO delicious.

Mac, they make a beer that's like 12 percent and its godly but it gets you some drunk.
I love me some strong ales.


aka Mannny
Haven't since the winter. Got a child jogger stroller thing so the wife and I can drag him along when it warms up. Otherwise I do about 5 miles every couple days or so, on top of other stuff.

i'm getting into it. its rough, as a smoker. feels good tho. i only run like 1.5 miles at a time.. 3-4 days a week.

I used to jog till I picked up smoking. Miss the hell out of it.

The last timed I jogged was in Japan. that was ten years ago.
You guys are all great


Running is mind-numbingly boring for me. And I've got wide, flat feet so it makes it hard to find good shoes.

If I'm gonna do cardio, I prefer riding a bike or using an elliptical machine at the gym.


Unibroue is held in very high regards here. Loved visiting the brewery. They have a resto that serves traditional Quebec colonial foods and some are made with the beer. SO delicious.

Mac, they make a beer that's like 12 percent and its godly but it gets you some drunk.

place by my house used to have trois pistoles on tap .. eventually it got replaced by something lamer. sighe

its never too late midnights. get your calves poppin


They have Trois Pistole on tap at the campus bar for our two main anglo universities, and the best part was they cost 3.50 a pint.


I think it's a good plan. Run was good btw. For someone who isn't overweight I'm so out of shape cardio wise.
Cardio is less about weight and more about conditioning. Obviously it helps to not have a bunch of extra weight to move around, but its not the main factor.


I like the bottle Mississippi Mud comes in, but the beer isn't anything special.

I've never been a fan of black & tans, other than the fact that they look cool.

I'd rather have the two beers individually, because it tastes better that way and 2 beers > 1.


I've never been a fan of black & tans, other than the fact that they look cool.

I'd rather have the two beers individually, because it tastes better that way and 2 beers > 1.
I agree lucky. But the black and tan I had with a double chocolate stout and Lagunitas IPA was properly good and will get you buzzed right quick.


I like the bottle Mississippi Mud comes in, but the beer isn't anything special.

That beer is one of the better beers out there.

Fun Fact: Some asshole at the bottling plant broke...yes broke the master mold for the bottle, and the beer was unavailable for like 6 months until they made/found another master mold.


rum has tasted like shit lately. actually, come to think of it, most alcohol has sucked. can only really stomach beer and certain girly shots these days for whatever reason :(

also, I told my parents aaand here's what they had for me:
1. do shit they tell me to, when they tell me to;
2. limit computer time, no computer after midnight;
3. getting up and going to bed as if i have to be at work at 830am;
4. making a list of jobs I apply for each day;
5. do not be rude;
6. keep room clean;
7. no illicit substances (better smoke dat weed when I find a new job);
8. pay gparents back

all in all, pretty easy, just gotta find jobs to apply for. and that means updating my resume :(


eloquent, I would say we very well could, except you're black and I'm white. I guess we still could, technically. haha.

acrid, 21. and it's more like I need to write one up. I haven't updated since I was um like 18? had several jobs and done some schooling since then.

just bought kotor2, installing now. hope it's good.


I hear ya. Need to add professor of pimptonomy as well.

Never played kotor 2, I got about an hour away from finishing the first. Having a purple and yellow light saber kept me going.
Bald, I think that whole getting up early/going to bed like you have a job thing is actually a pretty good way of maximizing productivity. Otherwise, if you're like me, you wouldn't be out the door till like 2PM and that only gives you a few hours to go around and talk to potential employers. Can't say I agree with some of those other rules but hey, hopefully this lets you find a job faster than you would normally.

Find a job, then get the fuck out.


I don't like all this boring advice everyone has for Balddemon. I say kill people, burn shit, fuck school, OFWGKTA.

You don't still play D3 do you? I went on there recently and that guy that used to play with us was all geared up with legendarys and everything. Can't keep up.
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