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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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okay, so, if you've been following the story

there's this woman who i've been heavily in to for a while. has every quality that i think is great. she's smart, she's beautiful, she's modest, she's wise, she has big boobs, she's fucking EVERYTHING. but she has a boyfriend.

we've been hanging out for a while, just casually, like hey we're friends, let's drink hot chocolate together. so we were gonna go out to a movie tonight. pals. this whole time my heart is throbbing to death because i feel like ive been friend zoned. i ask her if she wants to GET A DRINK before the movie, she says sure. we drink a couple whiskeys. she says lets not go to this movie, lets just walk around and talk. so i'm like "okay". she admits that she's been having some feelings for me, and she feels really bad about her boyfriend, and so lets do something else. so we meet some of my dudes at the skeezy bar, do some shots, drink some beers.

we walk out of there, go sit on a bench and START MAKING OUT LIKE FUCK



if my excitement is tearing a hole in space/time i dont give a fuck

some people were born to rock and roll


Been on the bad end of that stick two times. Should have taken note but the heart wants with it wants. Anyway, in the end just enjoy yourselves.


I wish terraria had good multiplayer so I could invite you guys to join me :(

I am gonna be starting a new character on path of exile if anyone is interested though.


Software engineers are ugly.

no doubt.

but up until now, everything with this girl has worked the way it has because i've fucking PLAYED IT COOL. i just smiled and was my charming self. i never came out and said "we can't be friends like this cuz i LOVE YOU GARL" i was just there. and then she came around. she's going to break up with her boyfriend. i don't know when, and i dont know what she's going to tell him, but i know that its going to happen. and i imagine myself being on the other end of that. im not sure what the terms will be.


there's a girl i hooked up with for a few weeks then we ended it and agreed to act normal about it. but every time i see her around at parties she acts fucking weird and leaves the room when i walk in. :[ i want to talk to her about it but i feel like she won't give me the opportunity


we're pretty privileged. like "i will choose not to consume carbohydrate filled alcoholic beverages all fucking day"

in leningrad in the winter of 1942 they didnt have that choice

they ate people when they could
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