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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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coldvein publish that shit on kindle

no fucking way. fuck that. i dont believe in electronics. there will be two copies of it and you will have to travel to see it like the constitution in the smithsonian or wtf ever

voice: i know everybody that was banned in drunk thread 1. they've signed their rights over to me.


don't know what to say save keep yo chin up. i think you're in a transitional space in your life, fwiw, and i've felt that way too at times. maybe not quite to that degree (or possibly, it's hard to self-analyze sometimes).

i should make this clear. this wasn't me dumping my feelings out on neogaf because i feel terrible. i feel fucking amazing right now. i feel like everything i've been through and worked for has come to be .. right now. i feel great.

i made that post because i have a friend who runs that depression-thread thing and he asked me talk about my life. that's it. i decided that i could tell some honesty. wasn't trying to get some attention from you guys or anything

im like


my chin will stay up. it was bent once. never again. blink 182 pax 2013


The only thing that needs to be saved from Drunk Thread 1 is this chain of desks:



Oh and RIP Deathbyvolcano. Somebody ought to erect a shrine.

What episode is your avatar from? Its bothering me, but I only consider seasons 3-7 relevant.

Season 5 - The episode where Burns hires a woman and Homer falls in love in with her.


for those of you who werent present. drunk thread one was like


and then


and then


and then


and then

if you weren't there then you can go fuck yourselves.

and not be in my scroll.

(so basically fuck you wool)


All this coming from the man that turned drunk thread 2 into dating-age. Gimme a break! I'll bet DeathbyVolcano is rolling in his neoGAF account's grave.


i can turn drunk thread 2 into whatever i want, asshole. death by volcano loves me and so does everybody else who is worth anything
i fucking love blame space. he remains one of the most constent entities i have ever seen online. HE NEVER breaks character. he is always one with himself. his small avatar. i tried rocking it for a while but the pressure got to me.

i even pm'ed with him for a while, but it was to intense. the man operates on a higher level. it's not trolling, it's not playing a character or persona.

Blame Space is something more refined. Something more nuanced. You can't categorize him. You can't.. put him in the periodic system. he is neither a cynic or an optimist. Blame Space doesn't play by those rules. He can't be a fanboy, and he shows no real interest for something. One can only assume that he is a Ninja Turtle fan, but I have a theory that he might be a design major and thus indirectly referencing that his favorite color is blue and/or that he once did a paper on Leonardo da Vinci. (Leonardo the blue NT is named after him).

I appreciate Blame Space as much as I scare him. He reminds me of my own sense of inadequette'ness. I know I should not compare myself, but it is impossible not to. It's a kick in the balls to know that I will never get to those levels.

Maybe I will write something at one point in my life that will warrant something more than a slow clap. But not 50 million years of twitter tweets will teach me to make such perfectly sentenced no-capital-letter posts that Blame Space does.

And then there is his name. OH MY FUCKING GOD. I have a few essays somewhere on my old computer ALONE about the true meaning of his name, but I will spare you that for now. holy fuck.
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