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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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aka Mannny
Jesus Christ I want to cum but I can't. I love you Emma. She is my JL.

Roger that good call, tonight was my last night for a while too. Hopefully I can go a long time. Doubt it.
My record is 25 days which I would've bested if didn't drink with an old friend I met up with back east.


I'm getting so fucking horny
can't stop talking about the women I've seen
like the 3 witches in oz the great and powerful, which, btw, was a very fun movie with beautiful women.
or the chick on fx during the commercials for ghost rider...dem tittays. lawd.
painkillers make it hard to get and keep a boner though.


I'm getting so fucking horny



St. Paddy's Day came one day early this year in NYC. The parade was yesterday morning, and young twenty-somethings huddled together tonight to talk about how Irish they are and drink Irish Car Bombs. Amid all of the fun, there are a few people that are willing to share their secrets to success in business.

Unfortunately, I ran into one of those tonight. A 27 year old slimey businessman continually paid for our drinks throughout the night as he told us how great of a person he was. He was nice, but there's a point where people overwhelm you with stories about business ventures and their fisticuff victories over douchebags as dirty as them.

It seems like my town if full of these types. Young people with money made by their parents who suddenly think they've found the secret to success as their parents fund business opportunities that anyone with a mind can think of.

The thing about these people is they try really hard to win you over by buying drinks and telling stories. It's in-genuine. It's not how people treat other people. However, it's difficult to tell them off.

How do you deal with these fuckers without pissing them off.


RIP Riggs

St. Paddy's Day came one day early this year in NYC. The parade was yesterday morning, and young twenty-somethings huddled together tonight to talk about how Irish they are and drink Irish Car Bombs. Amid all of the fun, there are a few people that are willing to share their secrets to success in business.

Unfortunately, I ran into one of those tonight. A 27 year old slimey businessman continually paid for our drinks throughout the night as he told us how great of a person he was. He was nice, but there's a point where people overwhelm you with stories about business ventures and their fisticuff victories over douchebags as dirty as them.

It seems like my town if full of these types. Young people with money made by their parents who suddenly think they've found the secret to success as their parents fund business opportunities that anyone with a mind can think of.

The thing about these people is they try really hard to win you over by buying drinks and telling stories. It's in-genuine. It's not how people treat other people. However, it's difficult to tell them off.

How do you deal with these fuckers without pissing them off.

Come to Montana, I guarantee that will never happen again. It sort of upsets me that people are all celebrating St. Patrick's day tonight. This isn't fucking Halloween. Would you celebrate Christmas on the nearest Saturday? No. I mean, the man was a Saint. He drove the snakes out of Ireland, and this is how we repay him? I'm drunk right now, but I'm not drunk because it's St. Patrick's Day, I'll do that tomorrow.


erotic butter maelstrom

I'll be meeting with a couple bros shortly and getting off to an early start. I plan on leaving the car behind so I can be no-holds barred with that shit. The goal is to maintain throughout the day but in all likelihood my associates won't be able to keep up and we'll be toast by the early evening.

I'll be meeting with a couple bros shortly and getting off to an early start. I plan on leaving the car behind so I can be no-holds barred with that shit. The goal is to maintain throughout the day but in all likelihood my associates won't be able to keep up and we'll be toast by the early evening.

Get it the Fuck innnnnn


last night this asshole in a kilt popped in the bar and started playing the bagpipe like right when the song I paid 2 bucks to play on the jukebox came on.

then all these chicks bought him drinks

I hate that guy
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