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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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aka Mannny
I don't know, Snuggler is having a kid. Do simps have kids? Simp-sons?
I know I was kinda reevaluating my post as I was typing it but eh. Snugs is who we all aspire to be. I don't simp often but if there's one girl I've simped for years and it's my best friend which is not at all an uncommon practice.

With that being said, I gets it in with everyone else. I still want to settle down though. No girls my age are into that. Sigh.


erotic butter maelstrom
Breaking bitches' hearts doesn't feel much better. Well, it's slightly better than being a reject, but still, I'm the worst. Now I'm starting to feel like I'm either gonna inevitably want to distance myself from all bitches I get down with and hurt them or find one that rocks my world and get fucked over by her because of karma and shit. Oh well.



erotic butter maelstrom
Of course, I was saying that breaking hearts is nothing to brag about. It doesn't make you cool or anything, just a jerk. Hurting people sucks. :(


aka Mannny
I never broke a heart.
Sometimes it's necessary. Last year I was with a woman I knew was a rebound and she legitimately loved me. Would have my child and everything (almost happened =/). Anyways I had to break up with her because I didn't want to hurt her any longer when I didn't care that much about her. It was the right thing to do. It wasn't cool. It was necessary.

I sang that out of nowhere at Bonnaroo a couple years ago and I thought I had like 8 people singing with me.

The next morning I was talking to my friend who was with me, and he told me it was more like one hundred people.

God I was drunk.


erotic butter maelstrom

basically just shit to vibe to when I go out at night


erotic butter maelstrom
gym tomorrow. finally. I've gotten so fat while losing ~20 pounds it's not even funny.

My goal is to lose 20lbs this summer, starting now. The best would be to do it by early summer which could def happen if I can rock shit. Then I'll starting liftin and building some muskalls.


good luck man. my problem is that I didn't want to lose that 20 pounds lmao. I'll probably gain it back in like a week and be shredded again...although I'm not doing legs, which is where a lot of my weight was.


erotic butter maelstrom
Dude you should have seen my calves at the end of last summer. After all the insane bike riding. They could feed a small village.

Def need to burn some winter weight off my thighs and buns though.


I wish I had nice calves.

speaking of bikes, I'm gonna get on one tomorrow in the gym and see how my leg feels. probably gonna hurt like a bitch.

anyways, night homies.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I am on my eighth beer and playing Dragon Quest. Ask me anything.
RIP Voiceman, better luck next time.

Add me on Steam bitches, same username.

Oh and my goal is to gain 20lbs. #BULKMODE
My #BULKMODE brother. I've gained 23lbs since December and I'm shooting for another 10. Really wasn't too hard once you get the ball rolling.


aka Mannny
Dude you should have seen my calves at the end of last summer. After all the insane bike riding. They could feed a small village.

Def need to burn some winter weight off my thighs and butt though.
I never thought you the working out type. You're just all around amazing it seems.


Maybe we all have a little eggman inside of us all. Eww....

My #BULKMODE brother. I've gained 23lbs since December and I'm shooting for another 10. Really wasn't too hard once you get the ball rolling.

Yep. Adjusting my current diet has been the hardest part. Been eating oats and lean turkey meat the last few months. Gotta get dirtier than that if I want dem gainz.


erotic butter maelstrom
I never thought you the working out type.
Oh yeah. I haven't always been this way..but lately, I want to push it to the limit. But I don't really like to fuck with gyms, I'm an outdoorsman.

We should all find major goals for this summer and hold each other accountable.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Are you going to be OK?
I don't know actually. Sometimes I lay in bed for like three hours after I wake up, I'm thirsty and need to pee but I just lay there. Other times I bring myself to the brink of euphoria by having imaginary conversations and interactions in my head. I imagine myself as a sort of white hot flash of wit and intrigue. Lots of times I flirt with the whole foods girls and then fall in love at the salad bar even though I'm only there to buy beer. I congratulate myself when I notice myself producing warmth in others by my cheery demeanor but then I sit at the kitchen sink genuinely distraught over how much work it takes to make a cup of coffee. I count my pills at least twice a week. I never forget to take them, but then I get really anxious that maybe I forgot to take them so I count backwards to when I filled my prescription and count out the pills accordingly. I started texting my ex-ex-ex girlfriend whom I haven't seen in 5 years and she invited me to get a beer but all I wanted was the invite, I don't actually want to see her and hear about how fulfilling it was doing aid work in Korea. My cat is shedding and I can't eat in the morning, I freak out when I eat anything other than fruit and I worry about my teeth. I see everyone smile at me and I look around at my possessions and creations and am content but when I look in the mirror all I see are my blemishes and what I consider to be boring hair. I ignore texts and phonecalls and get jealous when people have fun without me. I'm not as close as I should be with my friends daughter and feel acute anxiety when merging on the freeway. I want to be in love but nobody is worth it.
Which Dragon Quest?
DQ9 on my DSi XL.
What kind of beer? What version of Dragon Quest?

I drank a heinekin, a Lagunitas sucks, a six pack of corona and now I'm drinking a talboy PBR.
Jtwo at this level of inebriation will you suck wool's dick?
I find the idea of sucking a dick in appealing so no level.


I don't know actually. Sometimes I lay in bed for like three hours after I wake up, I'm thirsty and need to pee but I just lay there. Other times I bring myself to the brink of euphoria by having imaginary conversations and interactions in my head. I imagine myself as a sort of white hot flash of wit and intrigue. Lots of times I flirt with the whole foods girls and then fall in love at the salad bar even though I'm only there to buy beer. I congratulate myself when I notice myself producing warmth in others by my cheery demeanor but then I sit at the kitchen sink genuinely distraught over how much work it takes to make a cup of coffee. I count my pills at least twice a week. I never forget to take them, but then I get really anxious that maybe I forgot to take them so I count backwards to when I filled my prescription and count out the pills accordingly. I started texting my ex-ex-ex girlfriend whom I haven't seen in 5 years and she invited me to get a beer but all I wanted was the invite, I don't actually want to see her and hear about how fulfilling it was doing aid work in Korea. My cat is shedding and I can't eat in the morning, I freak out when I eat anything other than fruit and I worry about my teeth. I see everyone smile at me and I look around at my possessions and creations and am content but when I look in the mirror all I see are my blemishes and what I consider to be boring hair. I ignore texts and phonecalls and get jealous when people have fun without me. I'm not as close as I should be with my friends daughter and feel acute anxiety when merging on the freeway. I want to be in love but nobody is worth it.

We have an absurd number of neuroticisms in common

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I'm ok you guys, I've garnered the love of the people.

I also just volunteered to be the safety ambassador on my shift at work, I figure it should help the promotion I'm up for and also I want to get everyone to wear ear plugs in the production part.

I'm functional and beautiful.
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