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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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erotic butter maelstrom
Honestly that's like some Buffalo Bill shit. I would be scared to be in that house.

Just bought X-Com for PC. Buying cool stuff while buzzed always feels good. Def gonna veg and play this shit all weekend.


Honestly that's like some Buffalo Bill shit. I would be scared to be in that house.

i think its pretty rad except for the swords. i'm all about the framed gigantic tit pictures though. if i ever own a house, which may well never happen, i'm gonna try to decorate a room like that.

hows that max payne 3 snuggles


erotic butter maelstrom
It has GTAIV/Red Dead physics so it's really fun to shoot people, but there's tons and tons of lame cutscenes. The cool vibe of the first two Max Payne games is totally gone.



Add me on Steam, new computer soon means I can actually buy and play games. Steam name is same as user name and I have an awesome Pikachu profile picture. Jtwo you better do it.


It has GTAIV/Red Dead physics so it's really fun to shoot people, but there's tons and tons of lame cutscenes. The cool vibe of the first two Max Payne games is totally gone.

I would want regular tits.

yeah i played it a bit on ps3.. definitely got to be not fun after a while. no where near as cool as the first one. look at me talking about videogames on gaf its like the old days.

i think the gigantic tits give it a zany wacky artsy vibe that just wouldn't be there with normal tits. i fucking love it


I just couldn't make it though The Cold Vein...this was like 4 years ago. I was really just getting into hip hop in a big way.

i cant believe that record came out 11 years ago. agggghgh.. to be honest it took me a while to get into it, mostly because of the production. those slow abrasive el-p beats.. but then it became probably my favorite rap album ever. some grimy urban sci fi shit. love it.


Hung out witha bro tonight. Burg out, beer, watched the Warriors lose, halo 4. Good night, this Blue Moon winter seasonal is okay.

Look at that beast. Grilled red peppers, lettuce, grilled onions, provolone and a FRIED EGG YES


erotic butter maelstrom
Have you guys ever been in a one on one roommate situation with a person of the opposite sex? Have you ever been in that situation with someone you have had sexual relations with? I've been desperately seeking a new home base, and it turns out my best candidate for a roomie is a particular individual who I have sort of an ambiguous situation with. On one hand she would no doubt be the best potential roommate of all the people I've spoke with, and it could be kinda cool in a 21st century way, but on the other hand there is some potential for things to get complicated. I might go for it just because I need some excitement in my life.

Just some late night thoughts.

Fucking shit, new page post. Awkward.


Have you guys ever been in a one on one roommate situation with a person of the opposite sex? Have you ever been in that situation with someone you have had sexual relations with? I've been desperately seeking a new home base, and it turns out my best candidate for a roomie is a particular individual who I have sort of an ambiguous situation with. On one hand she would no doubt be the best potential roommate of all the people I've spoke with, and it could be kinda cool in a 21st century way, but on the other hand there is some potential for things to get complicated. I might go for it just because I need some excitement in my life.

no, and i'd never want to live in a roommate situation with somebody who i had previously banged. you might have to deal with hearing her getting banged by somebody else. i dont know about you but itd drive me nuts. i prefer to think that after a girl fucks me she is chaste for the rest of her life. 21st century sucks balls.


erotic butter maelstrom
no, and i'd never want to live in a roommate situation with somebody who i had previously banged. you might have to deal with hearing her getting banged by somebody else. i dont know about you but itd drive me nuts. i prefer to think that after a girl fucks me she is chaste for the rest of her life. 21st century sucks balls.

Yeah, that is one potential concern. I wish I was above it, but sometimes you just can't keep those thoughts from sneaking into your monkey brain.

I guess my primary goal would be to suppress the monkey brain and it's petty and possessive thoughts while spending a lot of time outside of the home. I realize it's hopelessly idealistic but it would be pretty amazing to have someone who's a quality roommate, a fun friend and has a vagina. Having a friend with a vagina is what it was like having a friend with a PS2 when I was 13.
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