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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Recap from last night: Lost my phone and keys, woke up at 8 to go to work running on 4-5 hrs of sleep. Had no idea where my stuff was so I had to wake up my friend to give me a ride. Turns out my keys and phone were about 20 miles away in my other friend's car and on top of that I'm hungover. Rough day so far. I need a beer.



it was my friend's 21st so i got pretty drunk

macked on some girls that i would never mack on normally

about to drink some vodka and watch

i know iv heard not so good things about this movie but i have to see it for myself


I try to avoid this thread 'cause I'd almost assuredly be a bummer, but tonight eh

trying to finish God of War 3. I've been putting this off for way too long. Just about finished the Labyrinth

Oh and it's OMI


it's 4th of July in my asshole

Here's a good story for ya from the weekend.

So anyways on the weekend I was out drinking with a friend, had A LOT of drinks and just having a good fuckin time. While doing this I was sitting with my friend at a table just talking and watching people dance, out of nowhere some chick throws her glass on the table, it spills over and goes on me, I look up at her and she gives me the finger.... so right now I'm about to fuckin snap, I wave a bouncer over who seen what happened and say "what the fuck?" he says? "I didn’t see anything.".... so I look at my friend and say "drink your fucking drink." he says "why?" and again I say "fuckin drink it".

Friends drink done I walk up to this girl who is surrounded by her friends and boy friends and hold my hand out to her to see if she will apologise, she looks away. I, holding my drink half drunk since the incident, then proceed to throw the contents into the cunt's face and walk off LIKE A BAWSSSSS. Boyfriends start following and my friend goes the fuck off at them (I thought he had already walked out of the club) and he calls them out. I turn back and see him standing around surrounded by 3 bouncers with the other dudes standing inside.

I start walking back fuckin fuming just pointing at the bouncer who says he didn’t see anything, the bouncers seen me coming and stood back from my friend and I flip the fuck out pointing fingers going off at cunt’s telling them what the fuck is up. The boyfriends go back inside and the bouncers are like "ok, ok" and shake hands, so I'm done with that shit and drag my friend away and start walking to a new club............ then out of nowhere I got some chick hanging off my arm and the same with my friend.

So for some reason being a bit of a dick gets you chicks. I ended up shaking her off cause she had 4 kids and I was fuckin to charged up to think straight. Drunk a lot more and friend got arrested for drunk and disorderly and resisting arrest.



he's Virgin Tight™
At a bar, with a lady. With my laptop because of work reasons. Well...... Tequila, some Keystones, some gold rum. nice so far


he's Virgin Tight™
In less than a month I've burnt over $1500 partying. Hell yeah life's good. Here's for another $1500 in the next weeks. :D!
reKon said:
i didn't know whether to post this here (since i'm a little drunk) or the planking thread, but w/e. I just witnessed planking for the first time in a chicago subway (he did it twice!). I don't get this... please someone make sense of this...

i know this is old and possibly be the wrong thread, but ive been drinkning for the past several hours so i figure this is a fine place to respond. i witnessed my first planking last night and had to explain to my girlfriend what we were witnessing (which i only know becuase of gaf). we were at the late night at the guggenheim, which i feel is a pretty big coup for a dedicated planker.


i think im an alcoholic, i was supposed to quit drinking but im drunk right now. i really want to stop, really really do. i think i need help, advice, guidence...please
Im drunk and want my gf to go away.

I suspect she hasnt taken a shower in 3 weeks.

We havent had sex in 8 months because she doesnt want to do it.

With that, I am free to nail other chicks, just with her permission but I cant do anything without her because she doesnt have any of her own friends.


gamerecks said:
Im drunk and want my gf to go away.

I suspect she hasnt taken a shower in 3 weeks.

We havent had sex in 8 months because she doesnt want to do it.

With that, I am free to nail other chicks, just with her permission but I cant do anything without her because she doesnt have any of her own friends.

3 weeks...

my problems are nothing compared to that.


Was sippin with friends and then I was going to try and stick my penus inside this chick but I failed so now I'm laying on the floor in the dark watching American Pie on comedy central. Blue Moon on tap.


lush said:
Was sippin with friends and then I was going to try and stick my penus inside this chick but I failed so now I'm laying on the floor in the dark watching American Pie on comedy central. Blue Moon on tap.

Mod request to rename thread: Whiskey Dick Appreciation Thread.

goodnight drunks.
Soda said:
i think im an alcoholic, i was supposed to quit drinking but im drunk right now. i really want to stop, really really do. i think i need help, advice, guidence...please

I'm no expert but I suspect the first step is identifying why you want/need to drink in the first place. If it's just a matter of being bored/nothing better to do, I wouldn't fight it too much - just don't drink and drive. If it's a matter of hiding from/muting out reality, something other than your drinking is the bigger issue. If you've just got a serious drinking problem in the traditional sense, just go to fucking rehab, man, I dunno.

Best of luck.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Soda said:
i think im an alcoholic, i was supposed to quit drinking but im drunk right now. i really want to stop, really really do. i think i need help, advice, guidence...please

Drink once a week, or twice..

Find another drug to replace booze diazepam or someshit

I've no idea really but diazepam is used by UK doctors to treat alcohol abusers


shooting blanks
im drunk as fuck and I want to go outside and have a smoke. I fear cats tho and theres bout 4 strays around here and they may attack me. I live in atlanta and its too hot to put on pants and boots...smh


Soda said:
i think im an alcoholic, i was supposed to quit drinking but im drunk right now. i really want to stop, really really do. i think i need help, advice, guidence...please

If you drink a lot at home, limit your purchases so you have enough to only get drunk once per week at most, anything more you'd just abuse it.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Cosmic Dreams said:
So... DeathbyVolcano got banned again?

What happened this time? :lol
Liam Neeson is not in Steven Spielbergs mini-series Taken so stop mentioning it or you will get banned.
Plywood said:
Liam Neeson is not in Steven Spielbergs mini-series Taken so stop mentioning it or you will get banned.

haha, I must admit, his bans are pretty funny.

I remember when he got banned once and then everyone started making scarf jokes about him. :lol


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Cosmic Dreams said:
haha, I must admit, his bans are pretty funny.

I remember when he got banned once and then everyone started making scarf jokes about him. :lol
Got a link to any specific thread?

Well let me fully explain what I was talking about, Meus made a thread about Steven Spielberg's Taken apparently someone sent harsh PM messages to him about the thread and everyone in the thread kept saying "Liam Neeson." cause he starred in the movie Taken, so duckroll slaughtered everyone for derailing I'm assuming. Upwards of 20 people were banned.
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