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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Hey, duders. Do any of you drink and somehow not smoke? How is this possible.

I used to smoke weed, just stopped caring about it one day. Even when I smoked a lot I always thought it was sort of overrated, it was just something I did because I couldn't buy booze. I think it's been about 2 years since I last smoked...

As for tobacco, I like an occasional cigar but have no desire to start smoking cigarettes. I think I'd get addicted, and I wouldn't be able to afford it with a pack being nearly 8 bucks now


i've been a smoker for a long time. i quit for a year once and somehow managed to keep drinking and not smoke. again...that was a long time ago.


just out the shower guys, i love the spark i get in my eyes after a few drinks

I know you're not homeless. So why are you wearing a burlap sack for clothing? C'mon dude. I'll send you some money if you need it.

Hey, duders. Do any of you drink and somehow not smoke? How is this possible.
I've been pretty bad about this lately. I dont smoke normally and I hate cigarettes, but if I'm drunk, I crave one. I'm not worried in the least about getting addicted, though. I really hate smoking normally.


guys this girl makes me want to be good and decent for like 3 whole days after i talk to her

edit holy shit atramental where did you find that
wayt i dont wanna know


she makes you want to do something? do it then, son.

well i want to fuckher but thats not happening cuz she is a good mormon girl. so if i ever want to i have to marry her....can still make out and get blowies though (at least, some mormon girls do that)

she just makes me feel really good inside. gay as that sounds its true. she makes me realize/think that i need to make better . choices. midlife crisis i guess

edit good night drunk gaf i have another interview tomorrow
I made that audio clip because of this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=461458

Trust me. Recording myself reading erotic fanfiction is not one of my past times.

well i want to fuckher but thats not happening cuz she is a good mormon girl. so if i ever want to i have to marry her....can still make out and get blowies though (at least, some mormon girls do that)

she just makes me feel really good inside. gay as that sounds its true. she makes me realize/think that i need to make better . choices. midlife crisis i guess

edit good night drunk gaf i have another interview tomorrow
Is there a possibility that she could be "de-mormonized"?

I'm not familiar with mormonism so I can't use my "doubt your faith" powers on her.


good credit (by proxy)
I haven't been drunk while at home in like 3 weeks now. I'm going on a drinking strike until blame space goes into tinychat with me.


Is there a possibility that she could be "de-mormonized"?

I'm not familiar with mormonism so I can't use my "doubt your faith" powers on her.

Maybe I could but she's obviously happy as is, and I don't want to ruin her life. I've done it before lol, and the girls always dislike me afterwards.

Also, something happened to coldvein?! I like dat dude, hope he's ok

Edit: ahhhh fuck, he's banned :(


Thank god this topic showed up. I was looking for it earlier but lost interest. Sooo random random Wednesdays right??

Finishing this bottle of jager, tired from work, and playing league of legends. How about yall?


erotic butter maelstrom
Thank god this topic showed up. I was looking for it earlier but lost interest. Sooo random random Wednesdays right??

Finishing this bottle of jager, tired from work, and playing league of legends. How about yall?

After work drinking as well. Replaying some Mass Effect at the moment, but I'll probably switch to Bejeweled when I'm suitably buzzed.


It's pretty crazy how drowsy I get when I drink. All I want to do is just lay down in my bed and watch tv.

What a waste. You might as well not drink if you're just gonna fall asleep.

At your age, drinking alone every night, you're developing a serious case of alcholism. Just sayin. I dont like to judge people, but you're developing issues now that are going to be very hard to correct later.
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