I watch westerns sometimes when I'm drunk.
makes me feel like a cowboy. a drunk cowboy.
Dude! you get it! One time I bought a bottle of jack daniels and watched the good bad and ugly cuz I felt like a cowboy lol.
I watch westerns sometimes when I'm drunk.
makes me feel like a cowboy. a drunk cowboy.
I watch westerns sometimes when I'm drunk.
makes me feel like a cowboy. a drunk cowboy.
Headbutt cute girls?
That's a damn shame.
This is awesome.
Time to invest some capital into getting a pet wolf. It'll take care of your sheep problem.No, I mean I start dancing and then get attacked by sheep.
Amirox is gay.
HowardSave1 48 minutes ago
Lol. What kind of person does this.
Howard, find a chemical under your kitchen sink and drink it. It's for the best. You weren't meant for this world.
I drank a couple cartons of merlot now I'm drinking a tall can of labatt. Very much wishing I wasn't out of pot for the first time in a long time. It hurts so bad. But I'm trying to stay up as late as possible since I have to work several 12am to 8am shifts over the next couple weeks for training stuff that my new job requires.
Why is Maeby from arrested development so hotttttttttttt? She is probably under aged in the filming of the show and I feel guilt for thinking she is so hot. Tell me it's o.k gaf.
According to IMDB she was about 15-17 during the recording of AD. You're going to jail. SHould hear the sirens coming your way any moment now.
guess what im doin right now
Good thing is that she is NOT that good looking anymore:
been really digging Kimbra lately, she's pretty fucking rad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHV04eSGzAA
According to IMDB she was about 15-17 during the recording of AD. You're going to jail. SHould hear the sirens coming your way any moment now.
Are those police boats?
It's a Swat Team about to kick down your door, pervert.
On a similar note, here is an awesome song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ahU-x-4Gxw
The Maltese are so civilized.Age of consent is 17 in my country and was 16 in 2003. So, no. I'm no pervert.
Being a graphic designer for the upper echelons of society.Atramental what's your dream job (besides being an artist like you said)
I wouldn't mind doing something like this either.Being a graphic designer for the upper echelons of society.
I would be able to live a very comfortable life if I ended up doing design work for wealthy clients such as corporations, politicians, mainstream musicians, and so on.