Proud of you vein! What are you hoping to study?
thanks buddy. right now i'm just going back for a generic 2 year associate of arts degree. i was in college for a couple years back in the day but never really followed through with it..just decided to go work my ass off in the real world instead, which i've been doing forever. hopefully a fair amount of credits from that university will transfer over to community college here and i'll be able to bust it out relatively quick. after that i dunno. i need to go travel the world and be a crazy vagabond living in a tent for a while or something. then maybe come back into an actual 4 year school and get a degree in something i'm really interested and get a job in that field.. art restoration or archaeology or something. maybe be a teacher. get some woman pregnant. write my book. that's all far down the road tho, who knows wtf will happen!
ps. i sucked dick on the math test. gonna be in retarded child remedial math. oh well.