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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Proud of you vein! What are you hoping to study?

thanks buddy. right now i'm just going back for a generic 2 year associate of arts degree. i was in college for a couple years back in the day but never really followed through with it..just decided to go work my ass off in the real world instead, which i've been doing forever. hopefully a fair amount of credits from that university will transfer over to community college here and i'll be able to bust it out relatively quick. after that i dunno. i need to go travel the world and be a crazy vagabond living in a tent for a while or something. then maybe come back into an actual 4 year school and get a degree in something i'm really interested and get a job in that field.. art restoration or archaeology or something. maybe be a teacher. get some woman pregnant. write my book. that's all far down the road tho, who knows wtf will happen!

ps. i sucked dick on the math test. gonna be in retarded child remedial math. oh well.


Yeah dude all the real world working stuff is a dead end unless you have some kind of connections to a legit job. Otherwise education is the only way anyone is going to move up.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Real world working aint to bad, I do warehouse work and get a decent wage every 2 weeks.


Real world working aint to bad, I do warehouse work and get a decent wage every 2 weeks.

i hear that, man. i'm open to the fact that i'll probably be doing something hard or stressful pretty much until i die. ideally, i'll enjoy whatever that is.. i've been working full time for most of the last decade and it has been alright. good times had, good people met. its just kinda grinding on me right now. looking for a different sort of challenge. spice of life and all that.


hey i just enrolled in classes too lol

Comp 2, Ethics, Intro to Psych, Principles of Cell & Molecular Biology, and Religions of the East

is what i'm taking. comp 2 and bio are gonna suck ass


erotic butter maelstrom
I went to a college on and off for like 4 years but not much came out of it. Overall, I just didn't give a shit and my grades were mediocre as a result. I guess I have an associates degree or some shit but it's not really worth anything. Oh well, if I get tired of working I could always just go to prison and let the taxpayers support me for the rest of my life.
So not only did I lose my job this month, our landlord just sold his share in our property and the other guy is kicking us out.



fuck the real world

I'm about to leave work, buy a bag of weed, spend too much money on sashimi, drink a few overpriced beers, buy a bottle of vodka, party, look at my bank account on Monday and wish I made more money.

just livin'


erotic butter maelstrom
So not only did I lose my job this month, our landlord just sold his share in our property and the other guy is kicking us out.


Sounds like now would be the perfect time to take up a hard drug. I hear heroin is coming back in style.


I have a bottle of 195 poof vodka, so drunk-gaf what should I mix with it? Was going to make a batch of apple pie shots, but is there any thing else worth mixing with it?

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Is a Nautica shirt too sporty? These fuckers at the club didn't let me in. About to go get drunk on my own while my gf is inside partying.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I'm back at my girlfriend's place with some beer.

You think she's grinding cock?


I'm back at my girlfriend's place with some beer.

You think she's grinding cock?

definitely, it's the club man....no cocks go ungrinded. it's the rules.

ate some sashimi at my local joint, drank 3 beers, came home and somehow inspired myself to run 3 miles after that..

fresh out of the shower and just made a vodka, club soda, cranberry juice and killing time before I go meet my retarded friends at a retarded bar and maybe see a retarded band.


Drank my usual bottle of wine. On to the beer in my fridge. Partying with like 12 bros tomorrow so staying in tonight.

Oh, and my friend who lurks reads this so Logan, if you are reading this, I left my sunglasses in your apartment.


I have a few hours to write something for the 100th challenge thread, and I'm about two beers in.

What do I do drunk gaf?
I worked till 1AM tonight. Started drinking some White Russians as soon as I came home. Feeling goood now and I have work again tomorrow at 4PM. I love drinking, I love the taste, the feeling.. everything. Y'all the same? :/


shame the aftermath can be so fucking awful. i guess it has to be that way or the whole world would be shitfaced all the TIME. which i guess would be fine with me. science needs to advance this field.



Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
This was probably the worst week of my life. But it's over. Drinking some really expensive beer that's kinda only just ok. Gonna roll a *cough* fatty *cough* and watch the girl with the dragon tattoo. Next week will be cool. My boss is gone all week, and I have Wednesday off.


jtwo are you coming to the next meet up in joo-lie?

i'm drinking and reading battle royale, i love the movie but the book is so much better


good to see you in here though jtwo. cheers!

omg too much d3. but. today was a great day. enrolledin the classes. called my lawyer. he said hes getting me off probation on tuesday. aka getajobday. fuck yea

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
lol what are you on probation for baldy?
I'm there acrid... If its a weekend.. I can't take too many days off and I'm thinking I'm gonna get aug 2nd off so we can see squarepusher.
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