Canis lupus
^You're not the only one, I can drink 1/4 a bottle of Absolut Vodka and don't feel anything.
I'll be back to my public drinking tomorrow, beach again. Made some extra money this paycheck because I fixed a toilet.
Was a one-off thing at fix terlets?
Was a one-off thing at work.
*Pours a fourty out*
Snuggler wanna steamchat?
_Eggmanwhats your Steam bro
What kind of dipping sauce is being used?
I thought it was best to save my member points and keep it in the drunk thread. Been on a three day festival and godamn to people fucking suck at concerts these days, stop taking pictures and instagraming shit you worthless fucking cunts, you are worthless people that should all fucking die. At one point I sat waiting for over one hour to get a good seat at show that was playing in a church, got the best possible seat, everything was perfect and when my most anticipated band showed up some fucking douchebag sat down on his knees and started taking pictures and facebooking I hope you get aids and die you boring fucking pice of shit humanin beeing fuck.
I thought it was best to save my member points and keep it in the drunk thread. Been on a three day festival and godamn to people fucking suck at concerts these days, stop taking pictures and instagraming shit you worthless fucking cunts, you are worthless people that should all fucking die. At one point I sat waiting for over one hour to get a good seat at show that was playing in a church, got the best possible seat, everything was perfect and when my most anticipated band showed up some fucking douchebag sat down on his knees and started taking pictures and facebooking I hope you get aids and die you boring fucking pice of shit humanin beeing fuck.
why copernicus banned