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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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I just found out my sister is having her baby. So I'm drinking rum!

Probably going to be a Sep.11 baby. :\
TOM f'N CRUISE said:
going to get some vodka and hopefully going to go rent the new DRIVER game for me and my buddies

this shit is OUT? man i heard it was goooood

i wish games weren't so expensive. how many OT bros don't buy games until they're cheap? i.e. ignoring the bullshit gaming side..

sixty dollars for a fucking game fuck you


TOM f'N CRUISE said:
going to get some vodka and hopefully going to go rent the new DRIVER game for me and my buddies

That sounds like a totally crazy night. I was about to go out but now I've decided to get drunk and play video games as well! You crazy son of a bitch!!!
PortTwo said:
What, you only drink when something bad happens to you? I'm celebrating, man!
Be a good Uncle. Don't forget to send that kid a gift for birthdays and Christmas. He'll probably come to you for money every once in a while, for sexual advice, and to bail him out of jail so always be prepared with cash. And help him through college. Congrats!
SyNapSe said:
That sounds like a totally crazy night. I was about to go out but now I've decided to get drunk and play video games as well! You crazy son of a bitch!!!
lol YOU KNOW IT, i went out yesterday..... today i play games with my chums :)
Oh my god I'm so friking drunk right now... i think this is the drunkenmost I've ever fucking been I paye dk ings cup with some friends and I had to drink the cup at the end so I got funking drunk I'm embarrassed about how drunk I got I'm such a lightweight I didn't even have that much alcohol to drink I shouldn't re this drink but I am fuck you


cooljeanius said:
Oh my god I'm so friking drunk right now... i think this is the drunkenmost I've ever fucking been I paye dk ings cup with some friends and I had to drink the cup at the end so I got funking drunk I'm embarrassed about how drunk I got I'm such a lightweight I didn't even have that much alcohol to drink I shouldn't re this drink but I am fuck you

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I'm downing 5 out of 6 of Stella Atrois. Just finish my left over pizza and had a rage session over Homefront multi. I want to go to the bar but nobody that I know of is interested and havent been to the bar since July. FML.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
so last weekend, for J'Ouvert/Laborday Parade i experimented, like a scientist
- 4Loco + Vodka + Tropicana Lemonade + bit of 5 Hour Energy. I have nothing to say....

as for now, doing art with Barcardi Gold rum + fruity ass juice.
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