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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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Kentpaul said:
Buckfast flowing down my canister..!

Won't be long now till the buckfast and stella inside my stomach digests and i will start to feel the effecto's, i'ts starting to digest..

good fucking times, i'l post more when i'm drunk guys i maybe even have a conversation on gaf
Kentpaul. Where the fuck are you?
Drunk yet?


Checking in!

To be fair, I've only had one White Russian so far, but it's been a while since I've had a drink, and I'm as drunk as a 14 year old!
anyone get terrible hang overs after barely getting drunk?

last night I was just chilling with a friend and had maybe 5 shots worth of vodka (one mixed in a bloody mary, one mixed in carbonated water, 3 on the rocks.) Smoked about a half a pack of cigs too. This is below average for my rare "drinking to get drunk" nights, which usually involve around a quarter bottle of whiskey or more.

Woke up this morning chucking like a freshman. Couldn't hold down anything! thankfully, a few more hours of sleep and some hash browns put an end to it.

really weird, never had that happen before.
dude, having an awesome night. Just got my power back on (north georgia/chattanooga area), already wasting time like a motherfucker. Started getting drunk earlier since all I could do was go to bed, but now everything's back and I'm drunk for no real reason.

had a kinda weird night the day of the storms, thought i'd drink a whole bottle of wine and a 6 pack so my body would be relaxed in the event of a tornado dashing it into some rocks, passed out super early, woke up to this amazing flickering lightning later that night, continued drinking. probably one of the weirder evenings of my life, started singing Portal songs and peeing out the window.

Life, eh.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
nearly passed away, a doorman of the club dragged me out for having my feet up on a chair, i did tell the guy to fuck off for telling me to put my foot down.

anyway goodtimes, nothing beats a near death experence by being dragged out a nightclub by the throte... goddam over agressive doormen



he's Virgin Tight™
Sup GAF I am drunk. Sent horny texts to my ex. She replied. Drank some more. pissed. Suddenly got the runs to take an epic dump. Nice night. Fuck yeah


he's Virgin Tight™
So my Ex is coming over and my balls are hairy... what the fuck do I do if I am drunk and can't shave them well?


he's Virgin Tight™
Cowie said:
just go with it dude
you got this

Fuck yeah she's 5 minutes away. She's a great fuck, hopefully she keeps htose skills intact =D!
ShortBus said:
Not just the booze,but my passive attitude towards her.

Life goes on.
Just drink more


Markster said:
Checking in!

To be fair, I've only had one White Russian so far, but it's been a while since I've had a drink, and I'm as drunk as a 14 year old!
I really need to get around to trying a white russian.. If the dude likes it then I owe it to him to give it a go


Gold Member
Before I got too drunk, a friend invited me to a bonfire. We ended up burning part of a table set. Back to PBR.


drinking a maredsous tripel. fucking DELICIOUS

here's a fun story - i met this really hot girl with a really sexy name at a show last night, we talked about music and shit, hit it off pretty well. iwas hammered, she was sober. we were both heading back to the same area so she said she'd give me a ride home. i was fucked up and decided not to be a wank and be like YOU SHOULD COME INSIDE MMMM, so i was a gentleman.. but i didn't even get her fucking number. FUCK!!!
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