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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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I have to have a conversation this weekend with a girl I care about very much that I don't think is going to end the way I'd like it to. Drinking wine tonight to try and forget this...

edit: and no this is not typical confess your love bullshit. We already sleep together and she knows how I feel


erotic butter maelstrom
Treating myself to some Hoegaarden, which is much nicer than what I usually drink. Also got a fresh sack of herbal remedies. Fridays are good.


Bottle of wine gone. Hammered. Could go meet some bros downtown but I would have to take a cab and don't feel like it so I'm staying in and jamming to tunes very loudly.


oh god, i've done the unthinkable. I said i'd never post in the drunk thread...

bro we're all friends here

went to the bar, had i think 7 beers or so in the 2 hours i was there. managed to not hit on the bartenders, despite the difficulty


not trying to turn this into a pissing contest but I had 3 pints of Sapporo. Then 3 pints of PBR then 3 pints of keith's/strongbow (snakebite). Didn't hit on any waitresses but there sure were some cute ones out tonight.
Drink list so far:

1. Tequila + limeade (shitty margarita)
2. 1 shot Kahlua + drizzle cafe de cacao + 1 shot vanilla vodka + topped off with milk (modified white russian)
3. Lemoncello + club soda
4. Malibu + cran

and right now I'm finishing up a rum and coke. What should I do next? I think there is bourbon, midori, vodka, available as well.
Toss the midori in the trash, that shit is gross. I say you go for straight vodka from here on out.

I know that shit is terrible, I just want to do something different. The peach schnapps is fucking bad too. Ain't touching that shit neither. Nor the SoCo. <^> you soco.


good credit (by proxy)
Do vodka + cran, if only cause you can make that shit super strong. Make a banger, down it, then we'll record some more sex scenes.
Dude I have some gin and some jack dagnols. But it's too late to drink, it's like 3 in the morning, man.

You guys should add each other on g + and we could have a drunk hangout there.
Do vodka + cran, if only cause you can make that shit super strong. Make a banger, down it, then we'll record some more sex scenes.

lmao, okay trying to do this. If i pass out i'll get a pic by the friend. I'm eating turkey and gravy too as I drink these things. My friend and I'm convinced I was a viking beer wench in a previous life due to my genetics being able to out-booze my weight class. Anyway, I'll get at least one pic out of this I promise.


good credit (by proxy)
lmao, okay trying to do this. If i pass out i'll get a pic by the friend. I'm eating turkey and gravy too as I drink these things. My friend and I'm convinced I was a viking beer wench in a previous life due to my genetics being able to out-booze my weight class. Anyway, I'll get at least one pic out of this I promise.

Haha, okay Devo but I'm wondering, do you promise? Do you promise that you promise?


hey guys, i've been drinking all day and night (bowling while drunk is awesome) and now i'm going to try and drink this bottle of sake
Did that vodka and cran like you suggested, man I am so fucked up right now. LAWL, BALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLIN'.


We got a bottle and a table at a club and I invited this hot chick and her friend to our table. Her nip kept slipping and she was hot as shit and I had to keep lifting up her dress to cover her but I failed to get her number. :(

Everything I drank from tonight. FUCK YEAAHRAHRAH.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I got blessed with good genes bro. I'm like 98 lbs. hahaha. Fuck yeah Irish/Scottish heritage.

this is why we will never drink together...a scott/irish drinking with a full blooded mexican...

shit will go down and it will end in mass casualities.


Few bottles of wine down. Fun night. Started with playing Dante's Inferno while my lady crocheted a Doctor Who themed beanie hat thing. Watched movies after. Holiday weekends are cool.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
AWw who cares it won't be us that's for sure.

lets burn down the financial dsitrickt a few bottles of gasoline and dynamaite iwll do the trick.

or we can just go bar hipping in the mission
end our lives with bottles of tequilla


lets burn down the financial dsitrickt a few bottles of gasoline and dynamaite iwll do the trick.

or we can just go bar hipping in the mission
end our lives with bottles of tequilla

lol bar hopping in the mission. Mistakes were made.
lets burn down the financial dsitrickt a few bottles of gasoline and dynamaite iwll do the trick.

or we can just go bar hipping in the mission
end our lives with bottles of tequilla

Next time I'm getting fucked up it's at your place.

::raises glasS::
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